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March 14, 2001 - Wednesday

Happy White Day to all my Japanese readers! I hope something sweet was in your day.

Today started strangely. My telephone rang a couple of times at 8:10 this morning. I thought that it was my alarm so I didn't answer it. I just hit my clock a few times until I realized that it wasn't the alarm! I went back to sleep, muttering rude things as I did.

When my alarm did go off a scant 20 minutes later, I wasn't a happy camper. I did get up though at my usual 9:30 and I took a shower and did all the morning stuff that I often do. I even ate breakfast as I had bought it at the convenience store the night before!

Work was fine today, I am relieved to say, except my first student didn't show up. I don't know why she didn't, as no one was available to answer the phones.

My children's classes went well. Even the class where the child misbehaves a lot seemed to behave itself. I did plan a special lesson for it though, so I had a lot at stake. It went well and I think we both enjoyed it.

I even got doughnuts from a student for White Day. I saw him with a box from Mr Donuts and I jokingly asked if they were for me. I was really surprised when he said yes! I shared them with my co-workers so I promise that I didn't eat them all myself. Thanks a bunch!

I walked home and it was nice out! It was a balmy 4 degrees and the ice had melted on the roads so walking wasn't a problem. Hurray!

Tomorrow I'm a little busy at work...just a bit. I have four classes in a row and then a big break. That will be nice. I'll have to get some things ready for my Saturday classes and my Friday classes and the classes for when I come back on Thursday from my little holiday.

And that's my day. I watched the space show on TV...From the Earth to the Moon and it was interesting, but not terribly gripping.

I'll let you know what happens tomorrow! Later eh!

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