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March 22, 2001 - Thursday

Oh, late breaking news left over from yesterday! Sapporo is going to get its own Starbucks! Hurray!! I'm so happy. Smoke free, great coffee, pita sandwiches. Yum.

It was a bit warm today, but it was raining tonight. I was glad that I'd put my umbrella in my bag as an afterthought this morning. The temperature was around 5 degrees tonight.

I was quite busy at work. I had five classes out of a possible 6 and they were all one person classes. Sigh. That can be stressful although they did go quite well.

For lunch I went to KFC and ordered their new special The Twister with Tiramisu for dessert. I was upset to find that they didn't give me my dessert. I took it as take out and I didn't feel like walking all the way back to the store to get it. Sigh. Poor me.

After work tonight I did a bit of working for tomorrow's classes. I had to read a presentation for a class so that I could discuss it with my student.

After that I had a chat with the manager about what I was going to do in my Golden Week holiday. Then, she had finished her work so we walked out together to be confronted by the rain.

And that was about it. I came home, wrote some e-mail and then I wrote this entry. Next...bed.

Good night!

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