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May 4, 2001- Friday

I had to get up very early today to catch a bus. Although the bus didn't leave until 7:45, I had to be at the station at 7:05. Poor Van and I had to be on the road by 6:30 or so.

I got a seat to myself on the bus and I read my book for a while, then I slept until Red Deer. At Red Deer I had to change buses so I got off and stood around the station. When I got on my new bus there was only 3 other passengers. I didn't know where Olds was so I had to stay awake.

At Olds I got off and my friend Loreen met me. We went grocery shopping first and then had lunch. Yum! Then we went to her house. It was really nice...she showed me her husband's collection of cowboy show memorabilia. I was really surprised that he had that much stuff.

We decided to rent videos that night so we got Billy Elliot...super, Frequency....interesting and fun, and Stir of Echoes...with Kevin Bacon baby...really neat. I enjoyed them all.

We did a lot of talking too, and catching up on old times. It's been ages since we've seen each other, so there was a lot of news. Last time I saw her she wasn't married.

We had an early for me night...midnight! Night night!