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October 16, 2001 - Tuesday

A different kind of day.

I had a day off from moving day. I slept in, and then got up and had breakfast. It was quite yummy.

I played with my computer a bit and uploaded some new pictures today. They come courtesy Michelle, from the party in Canada. Take a look here.

I also went into the office. I wanted to time myself riding to work and it took about 20 minutes which is not bad at all. It's still a heck of a way though. The road wasn't too busy and it wasn't rainy or anything so it was nice to ride again. However, my poor butt hurts from the bike seat! I haven't ridden a bike in over a year. I had been dreading a hill that I'd have to climb to get to my school, but I was 3/4 of the way up it when I realized that it was nothing compared to the hills I'd been walking up in Otaru. Ha ha!

I kept intending to leave the office and get some lunch, but I never did. I went to see my apartment with Gabrielle and the manager. Gabrielle was in a rush because she wanted to catch a bus, but the gas man just took his time. I hope she made the bus.

I worked for a bit longer then Fumihiko called and asked me to come home for supper. He didn't really, but I thought that was what he wanted so, I left everything and rode home.

The way home was a bit more difficult as it was 6:30 ish...rush hour in Tsuruoka. It was also dark and not all the other bike riders use their lights. What a pain. I did get home safely though and had supper. Yum. Fried Chicken, rice, miso soup, and some pinkish flowers that I'd never eaten before.

After supper Fumihiko and I went to buy some furniture, but the shop was closed. We went to an electronic shop and I bought an extension cord with a surge protector and Fumihiko bought some phone cord so he could extend a line upstairs for my modem. Whattaguy!

Now he just brought me some Sogenbicha, so I think I'd better sign off and pay some attention to my hubby!

Tomorrow is my first day of work back in Tsuruoka. Wish me luck!

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