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September 2, 2001 - Sunday

Kind of a slow, unproductive day, but a bit restful, so it was nice.

I got up late, because I went to bed late. I unplugged my phone this morning when I went to bed so that I wouldn't have a repeat of last week.

I finally dragged myself out of bed in the early afternoon and then I got to work doing my laundry. I didn't really do much else besides watch some videos and write email. I should have done more, I know I should have, but I was too tired?

I got ready to go out starting around 6:30. I even ended up ironing a shirt, can you believe it?

I got there in time, in fact, I was a touch early and I had to wait. I met up with some students and went to an izakaya. We had a really nice time. One of my ex-students was there so it was great to see her.

After the izakaya we went to Columbia for ice cream. That was nice too. I had a chocolate parfait. It was pretty darn good.

The party broke up around 11:20 and I went home via the convenience store.

I came home, watched the first episode of the new Survivor show and then a bit of Irma LaDuce with Shirley Maclaine and Jack Lemmon.

I'll likely go to bed soon. I'm a bit sad because I didn't get a phone call tonight and last night I was out too, so I feel a bit lonely. Oh well. I'm tired so it's time to go to sleep. Night.

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