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September 6, 2001 - Thursday

A pretty good day. Classes went well. I started a new book in one class and a student who almost never comes, came today. Wow. It was cool.

I was quite busy, but I did manage to get out of the office a little earlier than usual because they changed some of our paperwork rules. It doesn't take very long now. It's nice, but I think that it might be a mistake. Still, what do I know?

The weather was okay today, not too hot, not too cold.

I came home tonight and watched Lost World, which was quite cool tonight. Then, So Weird. That's not a bad little show. Now it's Ally McBeal time. I should go to bed fairly soon. But I probably won't.

Not much to say again today. Mentally I'm doing better, but I'm still not happy. Many problems. It's just one of those things. At least that's what people keep telling me. Sigh.

Gotta go to bed...soon.

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