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September 9, 2001 - Sunday

I woke up today a little like Bridget Jones. I thought to myself, "This is my last Sunday as a singleton. Next week I'll become one of the Smug Married people." It was a scary thought!

I slept in late. I woke up after 11 the first time, then finally got up after 2. It was nice to just veg in bed. It rained a lot during the day and I had nothing pressing to get up for.

When I finally did get up I watched TV and did my laundry (of course). I watched Basic Instinct, which was on TV.

I watched the start of The Shawshank Redemption, and I taped it too. That's one of those classic movies that everyone loves. It's just so good. I ran out to the grocery store during the movie to get, well, groceries, and then came home, and watched the end of the movie. There was nowt much on TV so I popped in my tape of Jumpin' Jack Flash that I bought a few weeks ago. It was great. I really love that movie!

I also watched Survivor tonight. On this one they had to eat all kinds of yucky stuff. Bleck.

Oh, hey, I did a bit of cleaning up too. With me leaving this week on my little trip, I hate to leave a big mess to come back to. I'll have to take out my garbage soon.

I just popped in one of my other all time favourite movies, so I've got to go. Strictly Ballroom....Scott Hastings(Paul Mercurio) is so darn cute. It's such a hoot of a movie and it's been about 5 years since I watched it last.

Night night!

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