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March 19, 2002 - Tuesday

Did you miss me? I'm back. Today was rainy and a bit cold, although the morning was fine.

I slept in to 9 am this morning and had a leisurely breakfast of bagels while I did some laundry and watched some TV. It was a good way to start the day.

Work was fine and my lessons went quite well, except that I was still a bit tired from the weekend.

The teachers conference was fine. My presentation was okay, although I was nervous and it was at the end of the day so people weren't as attentive as I would have liked. Still, I'm glad that I did it. Yeah!

The bad thing was being away from my husband. It was nice to be back in Sapporo though. It was amazing to see that there is still snow in Hokkaido, and there isn't any here. In Sapporo Hitomi and I went to a ramen shop and had dessert in a really nice place on Susukino. Our hotel was also nice. We got bumped up from a regular twin to a deluxe twin. Our room was so comfortable and it had a great view too. The couch was so comfy, both of us wanted to sit in it all of the time!

Yesterday I went shopping in Niigata and shopped up a storm. I got 5 cds, but some of them were quite cheap and a lot of magazines and stuff for school. I also treated myself to a movie and a quick stop at Starbucks. I may have to run off to Niigata more often!

So, that's it. I'm done. Talk to you later....

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