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September 16, 2002 - Monday

Rainy and a bit cold today.

It's hard to believe that last year at this time I was very hot and incredibly nervous! Today it rained all day and was a bit chilly. It didn't seem like the same time of year as our wedding last year.

Well, Fumihiko and I had a fabulous weekend. We drove to Zao and he showed me a volcanic lake in the mountains. It looked very interesting, except for the 2000 other people looking at it. He wanted to climb further up the mountain, but I hadn't worn my jacket and I was a bit cold, so I said no.

Then we drove into Yamagata city and went to the hotel. It was a bit cheaper than the one in Sendai, and the room wasn't as nice. It was a lot smaller. The view was great at night though. We got dressed up for supper and went to the Teppan Yaki restaurant in the hotel. We had their steak dinner. I had Yonezawa Filet Mignon, and Fumihiko had their Yamagata steak. Mine was much better, although his was bigger. It was nice, but not too romantic as the chef kept talking to Fumihiko during the meal.

After we changed our clothes and went for a walk. We ended up in a building that had a theatre and there was one movie that I wanted to see playing, so we went. We saw "About A Boy" and it was darn good. We both enjoyed it. After that it was back to the hotel room, where I'm afraid I fell asleep on Fumihiko!

This morning we overslept so we couldn't have the hotel's breakfast. We just had a lazy morning instead. Then we checked out and went shopping. We went to the Station's department store where we looked around. I bought some stationary and a DVD of Tremors, my favourite Kevin Bacon movie.

Then we drove out of Yamagata, making a couple of stops along the way. We went to a computer store where I picked up a lot of brochures and a grocery mall for a quick bite. Then, we drove home.

I'm afraid I can't tell you much about the way home as I fell asleep in the car. I often do that.

When we got home, we took a nap for a couple of hours and I was surprised when I was woken up . It was time for supper. The moral of this story is next year I'm going to make sure Fumihiko takes me out for an Anniversary dinner on the day. His Mum's cooking is not what I want to eat on my anniversary.

After dinner she was a bit cranky so we came upstairs. I asked him if he'd like to go to the mall so we did! We had some coffee, and went to the amusement center. It was fun. We're home now and we're getting ready for sleep, again!

It was a nice way to celebrate ourselves! I know that sounds a bit cuckoo, but it's true. We made it through a year. Hurray! It wasn't all easy, or all difficult. I've had to adjust to a lot of things. The chief things for me are the lack of me time, and living with his mother. I can't say I like it. I definitely wouldn't do that again, if I had a say in it. I don't though. I think Fumihiko has had to adjust to the fact that his room will never be neat and tidy again, and that I spend a lot of time on my computer. I'm sure there're other things too, but I don't want to get into that!

And that's it. Tomorrow, we're off to work again. Night.

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