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Friday, August 15, 2003

Cloudy and a little rainy.

One of my student's had an "Ah-hah!" moment today! It was wonderful. I was explaining about prefixes and suffixes and I used the word "uncountable". I asked him if he knew what the word meant, and he did, so I covered all but the base word. He knew count too, and then I added in "able" and explained that it meant something like "can be". At that point he got a big grin on his face and I could tell that he'd made the leap to understanding. Hurray! We went through the rest of the lesson and he seemed to find it really interesting. I'm glad because I love prefixes and suffixes, but not everyone does!

In other news, my husband took the day off work, so we slept in a bit and then he drove me to the apartment. While I was there I did laundry and cooked my own breakfast. I didn't cook Fumihiko's but I did offer too...admittedly not very graciously. He drove me to school after I ate.

At the school I put on my yukata, a heck of a lot looser than I did yesterday. It's much longer when I do it that way and today I didn't have the need to undo it all around 6 o'clock in order to start breathing! My students that came today were all surprised to see us in yukatas, but I think they were all pleased about it!

I had a pretty good day class wise. Students showed up when they said they did and as I mentioned above, one had that all important ah-hah moment, so not bad at all.

After work, Aya and I took pictures of each other and then we changed out of our lovely garments. Fumihiko came and got me and we went to M's Dining again. It was okay. It's been very busy this week and very noisy. That makes it hard to hear anything, including the oldies rock and roll that they play!

After dinner we came home and that was that. We spent a bit of time together and now we're both doing our computer things. Tomorrow, I'll be busy at work, so I need some sleep tonight!

And with that, I'll bid you all bon nuit!

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