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Meme-January 23, 2006

Thanks Christine! I've never been tagged before. This meme had some interesting questions. I hope I can give interesting answers to them.

Four Jobs you have had in your life

  1. Hotel Desk Clerk
  2. Residence Assistant at University
  3. Bank Teller
  4. English Instructor in Japan

Four Movies you could watch over and over

  1. Strictly Ballroom...competitive ballroom dancing in Australia. Paul Mercurio is so hot.
  2. Dead Again....Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh in a delicious love story where past and present meet.
  3. A Fish Called Wanda....One of the funniest movies ever, with a glowing Jaime Lee Curtis and a sad, sweet John Cleese.
  4. The Quick And the Dead...The movie that introduced me to Russell Crowe. If that wasn't enough, there was also the painted on clothes that Sharon Stone gets to wear.

Four Places you have lived

    Only Four? Not fair!
  1. Port Elizabeth, South Africa
  2. Stavanger, Norway
  3. Kirriemuir, Scotland
  4. Tsuruoka, Japan (present)

Four Television Shows you love to watch

  1. ER
  2. The West Wing
  3. Desperate Housewives
  4. Friends

Four Places you have been on vacation

  1. Disneyland, California
  2. Sydney, Australia
  3. Bangkok, Thailand
  4. Singapore

Four Websites you visit daily

  1. Dooce
  2. The Big White Guy (An Edmontonian living in Hong Kong)
  3. Kirsten in Japan
  4. CBC News(Canada Broadcasting Corporation)
Of course I visit many many others!

Four of your favourite foods

  1. Popcorn
  2. Tandori Chicken
  3. Shimi's miso soup (My friend runs a restaurant in Tsuruoka)
  4. Michelle's Mulligatawny Soup (My friend always makes this the day after Christmas. Sooooo good)

Four Places you'd rather be right now

  1. Edmonton, Alberta Canada....home
  2. Edinburgh
  3. On the couch with my husband
  4. New York

That was fun! Now, who should I tag? I don't know that many bloggers personally so I'm picking on Susan!'re it!


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