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End of Days

Arnie is back after a break of a couple of years. He's back, he's buff, he's ...desperate for money? If he isn't, then I've no idea why he decided to do this film.

What's it about? About 20 years ago a girl was born and the stars said it was her destiny to be the bride of Satan. If Satan can impregnate her in the last hour of the millennium then the gates of Hell will open and who knows what will happen? For 20 years she had Satanists protecting her, and some Catholics trying to kill her.

Just before the end of the millennium Jericho (Arnold Schwarzeneggar ) is hired to protect a businessman played swaggeringly well by Gabriel Byrne. There is an assassination attempt on The Man's life and Jericho and his partner try to track down the man who did it. It turns out that he is a tongueless priest who wants to save the world by killing The Man (Byrne). The Man had been possessed by Satan so if he and the girl get together, all Hell will break loose! (Sorry, couldn't resist)

Anyway, it starts to get even weirder from here. Arnie meets up with the girl (Robin Tunney), Arnie rescues girl, Arnie gets crucified, Arnie rescues the girl, Arnie .....

The plot is convoluted and not that great. The special effects are only okay. It's not really a date movie, or even a movie to see if you like horror movies.

Bottom line, should you see this movie? Only if you are a diehard Arnold fan, or perhaps a Gabriel Byrne fan. Otherwise, give it a miss. I had a free coupon to see a movie and I'm almost sorry I wasted it on this mess.

Out of 5 stars, I give End of Days **

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