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Charlie's Angels

I had heard that Charlie's Angels was both incredibly stupid and a lot of fun. Well, I don't think it was a lot of fun, but it was a bit of fun. I was a bit surprised that there were no cameos from the original cast of the Angels. It would have been fun to see them. The only original cast member was John Forsythe, the voice of Charlie.

I lived a deprived life when I was a teenager. On our farm we could only get 2 TV channels and neither of them carried Charlie's Angels. My only exposure to the Angels was through posters and magazines. I don't know the character names back then, but first there was Kate Jackson, the smart Angel, Jaclyn Smith, the beautiful angel and Farrah Fawcett-Majors as the California Angel? Other angels came and went, including Shelley Hack and Tanya Roberts, but I was never able to see the so called jiggle TV. If it was anything like this movie I don't think I missed too much.

This movie starts with an opening gambit, like James Bond films or MacGyver episodes. It's cute, but doesn't make a lot of sense, kind of like the whole movie.

These angels are Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz. Their link to Charlie is Bosley played by Bill Murray, in a role that any one could have played. The acting...well, did they act? This isn't Shakespeare, by a long chalk. There was a lot of action, a bit of dancing and a lot of jiggling going on here, but not a lot of action. Cameron Diaz was her usual sunny self, Lucy Liu was a kung fu queen and Drew Barrymore was zaftig and a redhead.

The plot is some Mission Impossible like thing about a kidnapped computer genius, tracking software and blowing things up. There's also a lot of scenes of the Angels fighting and flying through the air making impossible leaps and kicks. It looks interesting, but the director's thing of freezing the action for a second becomes old very soon.

There are some interesting performances in this was nice to see Crispin Glover again, even though he doesn't say much. Kelly Lynch was cool as a villain and it's always nice to see Tim Curry in anything. However, we didn't get to see enough of Tim Curry to satisfy me.

Should you see this film? Well, if you are a fan of any of the three leads, it's worth a look, but if you aren't I'd put it in the rental category. It's not worth paying full price for this film.

On the Stella Starstruck scale, I give this film ** out of 5. It's a mindless night out at the movies.

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