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I like Brendan Fraser. He's an actor that can play anything. He can be cool and intellectual, brawny and uncomplicated, or goofy and dumb. In Bedazzled he starts out nerdy and turns into a myriad of different characters in his quest for love.

Elizabeth Hurley is very good as the temptress who offers Elliot (Fraser) 7 wishes in exchange for his soul. He wants a co-worker of his to love him and he is given many different personas to try to win her love.

Elizabeth Hurley plays The Devil with joy and a careless abandon. She is quite good, almost surprisingly so. It's quite a funny movie, mostly due to her performance.

This would be a fun date movie, or a interesting video choice. I enjoyed this movie. It isn't among the best films I've seen this year, but it is enjoyable. Definitely worth a look if you are interested in any of the actors of the movie.

On the Stella Starstruck scale, Bedazzled gets *** out of 5

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