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The Blair Witch Project

I've heard the hype for months....The Blair Witch Project is supposedly one of the scariest films in recent times. But, does the film live up to the hype?

The film is ostensibly the only remains found of three young film makers who set off to the woods to make a documentary about the Blair Witch. What's the Blair Witch? Well, we don't ever find out. It could be a man who killed 7 children in the 40's, or a hairy woman thing in the woods, or it could be something evil that lives in the woods.

The three film makers set out. There is Heather, the Films Director and photographer of most of the footage, Josh and Mike. They interview a few people to get some background info for their film, and then set off into the woods.

What happens to them there is the point of the film. At first it is little things like crossing the stream with a huge pack, then it becomes more serious, as when they find a clearing with seven piles of stones. Hmm. Then the film makers begin bickering amongst themselves, they lose their map and they start hearing things at night. What is going on?

Josh disappears and Mike and Heather try to find their way out of the forest...They try, but every night the noises get closer and closer.....and that's all that I can say on the matter!

Is it worth seeing? Well, if you like horror films that are high on splatter and big special effects...don't see this movie. If you prefer creepy things that you can't identify and not knowing what is out there....then this is a good film for you! I enjoyed it, although I didn't find it very scary.

On the Stella rating system, I give it *** 1/2 stars out of 5.

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