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High Fidelity

I really wanted to see the latest John Cusack movie, so much so that I flew all the way to Guam to see it. Well, not really, but going to a theatre to see a movie in Guam was a high point for me.

Having popcorn, with "Golden Topping" on it was wonderful. In Japan, they don't always have popcorn at the theatres and they never put butter on it.

Okay, enough about the popcorn, how was the movie?

High Fidelity tells the story of a failed relationship. John Cusack plays Rob Gordon, a record shop owner. He tells the story of his romance with Laura. The story is told in flashbacks, complete with top five lists. The film starts with the break-up of the relationship and shows how Rob and Laura came to the point of the break-up and how Rob tries to deal with the aftermath.

At the record store Rob has two employees. They are fanatical about music, and show up at the store whenever they want. They also refuse to sell records on occasion and can be quite rude when they feel that their music isn't respected.
The two employees provide comic relief throughout the film.

Is this a movie to see? Yes. I really enjoyed it. It isn't laugh out loud funny, but it is very perceptive and like most John Cusack films, intelligent. The cast is terrific, and the film has a soundtrack that I'd like to own.

On the Stella Starstruck scale, I give this film **** out of 5.

Director-Stephen Frears
Actors-John Cusack, Iben Hjejle, Joan Cusack, Jack Black, Tim Robbins, Lili Taylor, and Catherine Zeta Jones.

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