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Flick Picks 2006

Updated December 17, 2006

As I never have time for a writing a full length review, I'll list and make a quick review of the films I see in 2006. Movies take a long time to reach Japan, so for people outside Japan, these might make good rental choices.....or not!

After 30 seconds of careful thought, here are my favourite movies of 2006, in no particular order. Enjoy!

  1. Syriana- This fascinating movie takes on oil, terrorism, US-Arab politics, and the US government. Brilliant. I was never bored, confused maybe, but not bored!
  2. X-Men: The Last Stand--A personal favourite as I love Wolverine! Seriously, a very good way to wrap up the series, it really the end? I hope not.
  3. Children of Men - Dark, brooding, departing quite a bit from the novel, but very atmospheric. Had a definite message about world politics.
  4. The Lake House - Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves together again, only they aren't together for most of this lovely little romance. Adapted from a Korean film. The time differences may not quite work, but I found myself hoping for a miracle at the end.
  5. Casino Royale - The new Bond, and the best one that I've seen. I enjoyed this thoroughly. I felt that Daniel Craig may just be the definitive Bond...if he keeps up the good work.
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