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April 1998

April 2, 1998

Today is another 6 lesson day. A few more and I'll get used to them!

It's rainy & miserable now, but at least the snow from this morning has gone.

Sakata classes went well yesterday & I got tons of work done. Yay!

Gotta go....another lesson to plan.

PS I'm halfway done- 3 lessons taught, 3 to go!

April 7, 1998

Today was strange! I had two classes cancel and a bunch of my Thursday classes will probably cancel too. I did get some planning done, so that's good.

Classes went okay, except in one class everybody was late so I only got about half done and in another we ran out of time. Funny how that happens.

Today's weather was gorgeous. I look forward to Spring. It's my second favourite season.

I'm off home now.

April 10, 1998

Yesterday, two classes cancelled. I knew about it ahead of time...or I would have felt really upset.

Head office offered to move me to another school if I wasn't happy with the split teaching. I said no! I've made a commitment to a lot of my students that I will be here for them.

Yesterday's classes were fine. Now, I have to plan todays!


April 14, 1998

Today's lessons went really well. I got a ton of work done too. Yeah!

Megumi and I redid the board in Tsuruoka. We still have to finish it.

Friday nights party was a blast. I had such a great time! We talked in English all night. Good practice for my students, fun for me!

April 16, 1998

Sakata's classes went well. I had 100% attendance which is terrific.

In F-2 we started talking about describing cities...I think it will be a fun unit.

F-1 we finished up the animal unit. It was quite interesting.

I planned Friday's lessons too, so that I could teach R*** and we could have a panic free meeting!

Today I have five classes, but I think they'll be fun.

Weather is nice today...first time in a couple of days.

Called the Canadian Embassy yesterday about my tax forms. Bleck! I thought doing taxes in Canada was complicated - try doing it outside of Canada!

April 22, 1998

I left my diary/journal in Sakata, so haven't written in a bit.

Taxes were not fun. Sigh. I'm now broke. Double sigh.

Still haven't decided what to do for Golden Week. I keep changing my mind.

Things to do-

April 23, 1998

I redecorated my room in Sakata - put up city pictures & took down the art ones.

Classes went well, except I forgot to photocopy something for the Atlas C class. Silly me.

Today I put up the Art pics in Tsuruoka. Soon we'll be doing Art in some of the classes. I really enjoy this Art Unit. :-)


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