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March 11, 1998 - Wednesday

As I've asked all of my group students to keep a journal, it's only fair that I ask myself to keep one too.

What did I do today?

Well, I planned lessons for today and for today and for Saturday in Tsuruoka. I also read The Japan Times, in case I could use anything in my classes.

Today was very sunny - the train ride to Sakata was beautiful. Too bad I was writing a letter and didn't notice it too much. I hope my classes go well tonight-when there are people of different levels in the class it's hard for me to balance it correctly.


March 12, 1998

I think classes went well yesterday. We'll just have to see about today.

I got up early today to phone Donna to wish her a Happy Birthday, so I'm a bit tired.

Rainy today. Blech!

March 14, 1998

Yesterday in Sakata I tried Hangman again with a student who didn't understand it. It was the warm-up & then there were a few minutes left over so I tried it again. She guessed it. The Expression on her face was wonderful. She was so happy!

We had a meeting in Sakata that lasted 2 hours long! Argh.

Classes went well, I think. I even finished the Prep lesson that sometimes takes more than one class.

It rained on and off. Bit dismal out. M***** says today will be bad too.

Today went okay, but I'm really tired now. Tomorrow is the Spelling Bee. That should be fun! I hope.

Gotta go home now!

March 18, 1998

The Spelling Bee & Karaoke after was fun!

My students did very well. In Karaoke I sang 3 songs - 2 sad ones and Copacabana. I thought "What the heck - I haven't sung it in a while."

Classes yesterday were okay. I was quite tired and I think it showed. Also, all my groups were privates - I enjoyed it, but its tough on me! (& them?)

Today went well. M***'s lesson was fun as always, my two groups went well too. Except, Na-O-mi wasn't there!

On Friday before I go on holiday I have to go to Sakata to the immigration office so I don't get thrown out of the country! Could be interesting.

Et cetera......

March 19, 1998

Classes went okay today - none of my groups were privates - I'm happy to say.

Six classes though. Argh! Could be worse. In one class we talked about adventure stories and the students got into it! It was fun listening to their stories.

I'm off until Tuesday :-)

March 24, 1998

I'm back. My holiday was great. I didn't really want to come back, but I did anyway.

Bought a few textbooks. I look forward to using them!

Today, my entire E class didn't show! I can't believe it! 2 people called. Where were the others?

J class was super genki! It was fun.


March 31, 1998

Today will be busy so I'll make it quick!

On Sunday we had H***'s goodbye party. He's going to Canada for about 10 months. I'll really miss him. He left me his journal and said some really nice things in it.

Today I have 6 classes scheduled. Eek!

Gotta go....

Teaching Journal of 1998

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