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May 1998

May 11, 1998

I misplaced my book so I didn't write for a bit! Oops.

So today was not so good. My VCR died on me. I'm not a happy camper - especially since I rented 2 videos and couldn't watch them.

But, I did go to the bank and I got my hair cut :-) AND- I went out for supper. So, even though my VCR is toast other things are okay.


May 16, 1998

So far this week has been okay. I'm managing without watching BBC news.

Last night I went out with Mina & Megumi to Jacasse. It was great.

I've been reading another month's worth of journals. Its so fascinating to read what other people write. The people who enjoy writing really go to town and write incredible things. The people who aren't sure about writing are a little more restrained but they are always interesting too.

I'm learning about tea ceremonies, Kendo, financial matters, philosophy, computers, the internet, cooking - all kinds of things from my students. Most importantly, I'm learning about my students.

May 20, 1998

I'm doing counselling this week. So far, its going well. One of my student's gave me good news yesterday, but I'm sworn to secrecy. Don't ask! (She told me that she was going to marry one of her classmates!)

My VCR is fixed - thanks to Shimi. She brought the repairman to my apartment & then was my translator. As a result - my house is now quite clean & tidy. :-)

I got a letter from Yoshiko yesterday. She has a job in Ibaraki somewhere - Tsukuba I think.

I'm on the train right now - the view is wonderful, but it's very foggy/smoggy so the mountains are hard to see from here. It's sunny and lush and green outside.

Have a busy day of planning ahead!

May 21, 1998

Yesterday was a mixed bag. I prepared like crazy but I always feel like I didn't do enough.

Today I got a letter from Canada but the back of the envelope was postmarked Tehran! What on earth my letter was doing in Iran I have NO IDEA! Weird huh?

It's another glorious day outside.

May 22, 1998

I think yesterday's classes went well. I did more counselling. At first I didn't like it much, but, I'm beginning to appreciate it.

I got a box of videos from Canada yesterday so I watched a bit last night. Yay! I love Corrie St! The ads are funny - they are all congratulating Canadian athletes at the Olympics-some of them I never heard of because the Japanese Press didn't cover them.

It's another lovely day.

I think Sakata needs a full time foreign teacher! Then s/he could take some pressure off R****. But what do I know?

May 28, 1998

Sakata's classes went well last night. I missed N**** though!

In F-2 we did adverbs of frequency and I had them running all over the room! I didn't notice at first, but there was a big spider on the ceiling over one of the cards! I kept looking at it all through class! After class I knocked it down but just as I was going to kill it, it ran off & hid under the chairs in the corner. It's still in my room somewhere - argh!

I did a "bell" type game with rearranging sentences and N**** kicked butt! She was really good at it.

F-1 went well too - It was changing orders to direct and indirect requests! I had K***** doing the drunk test - close eyes, extend arms and touch your nose and M***** gave me ¥10,000! (Yes, I did give it back!) It was fun. I hate "grammar" lessons, but this one was okay.

Today I just did a level check, went well. Now I'd better prepare some more!


May 29, 1998

Tsuruoka's lessons went well yesterday. I think if I take it a little easier on my students it works very well.

It was a good day where I could just enjoy teaching.


May 30, 1998

Yesterday also went well.

I saw I***** on TV this morning--didn't understand what he was talking about of course, but it was nice to see him there!

Today so far I checked that my lessons were ready then I went through my videos so I could prepare a lesson for the advanced class. They asked for a non-book lesson.

Now, I should start to prepare for next week. I'm actually quite busy in Sakata next week - 4 lessons on Wednesday and 5 on Friday. Wow! I used to do all my prep in Sakata. I won't be able to soon!


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