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Tobishima Island Photos

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In July Fumihiko and I headed off to Tobishima Island with 3 other people. These are the photos from our trip. The island is beautiful and very peaceful, except for the mosquitos.

This picture is in Miho's Father's Guest House. This is where Lynden, Fumihiko and I stayed.

Mariko, Lynden, Helen

On Sunday morning we all took a bike ride around the mountain. I wasn't a happy camper as I don't like riding bikes up hills, but the view from this point was worth it. I told Fumihiko that he looked Mexican in this hat. Ole!

Tobishima Two

Another image of Tobishima Island. If you want peace and relaxation, this is the place. No shops, very few cars, lots of birds, fish and great seafood. Only an hour and a half from Sakata.

Tobishima Island

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