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Stephen's Bio



Stephen Dorff was born on July 29, 1973 in Atlanta, Georga. He moved to Los Angeles when he was just a youngster and immediately began his film career. He was in his first film, The Gate, when he was only 14 years old, though he looked younger. His career got a huge boost after he made The Power of One. Now you can see him in such films as Blood & Wine (with Jack Nicholson) and Blade (with Wesley Snipes).


Stephen is not into major Hollywood action movies. He has been quoted as saying, "There's no real substance in the characters." However, he thought Blade might be different. There was a deeper story to it then just some daywalker killing the vampires.


As for the characters he plays, they're nothing like him. In fact, Stephen can't stand the sight of blood (so much for that vampiric side of him). He says that playing characters that are not like him bring out the missing elements in him.



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