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Right now you are probably thinking, "This is the best site ever, how could i possibly enjoy it any more than I already am. This site is better than twinkies, sex, and penguins all combined." Well it is better than sex, in prison. But as far as twinkies and penguins I don't know. But anyway, now that i'm done lying to all of you, I will tell you the story of TCW. It all started back in 1932, and the Great Deppression was taking its toll on TCW. We were living off the fat of the land and The Eggroll was fading, and fast. Remember earlier when I said I was done lying to you, well apparently that wasn't true. So here is the real history. TCW started sometime in early 1997, we don't really remember anymore. For reasons we still don't know, Super Flipo created TCW. The first members were Super Flipo, his brother A.D.D. Dave, and The Eggroll. It actually started as RDW, Really Dorky Wrestling, and the name was perfect. But we got more serious and started having matches, and then we decided we needed more people and a new name so it wouldn't be really dorky. We changed our name to TCW, Trampoline Championship Wrestling. Then Flipo asked his cousin Monkey Man Kawolski and his two friends Chris Cold and The Cow to join. The Cow started as our announcer. We had our first ppv with only six people, and compared to other people's first ppv it was pretty good. Then one day in art class, some freak named TJ came and sat down next to Flipo. After Flipo learned that TJ wasn't a complete psycho he found that TJ liked wrestling too. So TJ, aka Spaz, and his friend Travis "Little Bitch" Kelley joined TCW. The next guy to join was El Diablo De Los Penguinos, also known as Brian Kelley, Travis's brother. He became our second announcer. We stayed with this group of people for quite a while. Then Flipo decided to build a ring. With the help of Dave, Chris Cold, The Cow, Grande Mills, and his dad they completed it and it kicks ass.Then we got a big ass group of people joining around the same time. Sergeant D, Makos, Mung (Jizz), Special K, Bongo, Morgan the Stagehand, Tito Lopez, Grande Mills, and The Wuss. So that's about how far we've got up until today. Now that we have a ring the name TCW doesn't really make sense anymore. But we don't really care because everyone already knows and loves TCW. And if they don't know and love TCW then they suck balls and we hate them.

Super Flipo