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Pics from TCW Packaged Fury

Sergeant D after getting pedigreed into a box of nails

Rob Van Ham making his debut entrance

RVH about to hit Little Bitch with a record (Do the Hustle)

Makos going for a leg drop with his cast on while Little Bitch does...something

Soy Sauce brutally attacking/raping Me and My Cookie Sheet

I don't even know what's happening here. Soy Sauce traumatizing the ref or something

The Geek making his long awaited return

Morgan the Stagehand flying off the stage onto The Geek in a trash can

A roadsign with tacks on it resting on two shopping carts

Morgan pumphandle slamming The Geek through the tack sign

Close up of the Geek after his match

Spaz going for a senton bomb on Tito

Spaz beating Tito with an ironing board

Flipo doing a backflip off of Bongo

Flipo busting a big light bulb on Bongo's back with a chair

Bongo after the match

ADD Dave hitting the Stagehand with a chair.

Orion dancing a jig and Morgan running into the ring post.

ADD Dave and Orion with a double chokeslam on Morgan through a table.

Bongo with a german suplex on Tito.

Makos hobbling to the ring.

Monkey man wallowing in the dirt.

Flipo after a moonsault on Spaz.

Flipo doing a DDT on Spaz on the beast!

Flipo setting up for a move through the really high table off the roof.

Our beautiful TCW dirt.

Flipo pinning Spaz after the move through the table off the roof.

Orion walking to the ring.

Makos on crutches.