PLANET V---cool world

me on the hillSpring 1998. After having surfed the web for quite some time, and finding out that pretty much every Tom, Dick, and Harry, and their brother had a website, I decided to give it a whirl myself. Heck, if that freakazoid weirdo Charlie Manson can have a web site, why not lil' ol' moi, hmmm?

So here it is. I present to you PLANET V ( the website formerly known as THE V FILES), my own little gaseous anomaly in cyberspace. Why not stand down from Red alert and take some shore leave on my planet of pleasure? Come explore the many interesting facets of the big ball of wax that is my semi-charmed kind of life! You'll find some very interesting stuff about me in here and perhaps along the way learn something new about yourselves.

If, for some odd reason, you feel the need to communicate with me, you may either sign my butt kicking, celebrity-laden Guestbook, or you may simply e-mail me, it's your choice.

Oh, by the way, if Netscape is your browser, these web pages might look a little different from what I intended them to look like. Come to think of it, these web pages might not look exactly like the way I wanted it to be no matter what browser you use. That's because this whole HTML thing sometimes confuses the crap outta me! It's a total compromise of my artistic integrity I know, but what can I do? I'm just another struggling artist subject to the whims and limitations of modern technology, which by it's very nature is bereft of Passion, Creativity and Imagination! Alas, woe is me!

Okay, enough of my incessant blabbering; plop that record on the turntable, play that funky music and let's get this party started! Are YOU ready?...Let's get it on!!

Updated April 2000

Updated May 9, 2001

Updated March 2000

Updated April 2000

Updated November 16, 2000

Updated Dec. 14, 2007

Updated Jan. 27, 2006

Updated Jan. 27, 2006

Updated July 1999

updated January 16, 2003!

updated December 11, 2001
updated February 19, 2010

