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Moving Day to Day

Moving from day to day

Wondering where I fit
Not knowing quite which direction
to take my next step.
Clouded by do's and don'ts
from different sources
Wanting to please, and to be happy
Trying to stay on the thin line
Like a type rope walker without balance
Caring what people think
Hiding a piece of myself
Letting little of the true me show.

Show all of me

no walls
Being known as
Caring to much
for the sake of a friend
Loosing both Faith and Heart
Giving anything just to be me
and not be judged
To show my ups and downs

We all hide some part of ourselves

Keeping our guard up to calm our soul
Wanting to love and be loved for the
person behind the mask.
But like Zombies
We move day to day
Giving in to society's view and hiding our own.
We keep the same cookie cutter image in our heads
Our insecurities painted on our face's,
like a permeant reminder of our weaknesses
Giving heart and soul, just to make us look better
Stepping on others to be king of the mountain
But whats the point?
We are all being judged by the worse person all,
