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Some Commentaries on
Social Justice


Courtesy of
Google Books
From:  The Civic Action Free University
The Old Scouts



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Children's Book of Moral Lessons:  Justice; The Common Weal; Our Country; Social Responsibilities; Political and Industrial Progress, etc.

A Church Year-Book of Social Justice

Combining Social Justice and
Sustainability for Food Security


The Conflict of Oligarchy and
Democracy:  Six Lectures


Co-Operative Finance:  An American
Method for the American People


The Cry for Justice:  An Anthology of the Literature of Social Protest; the Writings of Philosophers, Poets, Novelists, Social Reformers, and Others Who Have Voiced the Struggle against Social Injustice, by Upton Sinclair

The Culture of Justice:  A Mode of
Moral Education and of
Social Reform


Duties Sans Frontiers:  Human
Rights and Global Social Justice


Essays in Social Justice

Everybody's Business:  A Business Man's Interpretation of Social Responsibility

Industrial and Social Justice:  Trial
Outline and Bibliography


King Mammon and the
Heir Apparent


Looking Forward:  A Study in Social Justice Looking to Co-operation as Offering the Solution of Difficulties

Mind, Heart, and Soul in the
Fight against Poverty


Operative Ownership:  A System of Industrial Production Based upon Social Justice and the Rights of Private Property

Parasitic Wealth:  or, Money
Reform.  A Manifesto to the
People of the United States


Principles of Christian Service

Social Justice:  A Critical Essay

Social Justice:  A Message to
Suffering Humanity


Social Justice:  Both Ways

Social Justice and Legal Justice

Social Justice Without Socialism

Social Work in the Churches:  A Study
in the Practice of Fellowship


The Unsolved Riddle of
Social Justice

Commentaries by Bertrand Russell

Why Men Fight:  A Method of
Abolishing the International Duel


Justice in War Time

Free Thought and
Official Propaganda

Commentaries by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Power of
Letter From the Birmingham
City Jail  (Excerpts)
The Principles of
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War Is a Racket, by Smedley Butler,
Major General (Retired), USMC

>>  LibriVox Audio
The Moral Equivalent of War,
by William James

>>  LibriVox Audio
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience,
by Henry David Thoreau

>>  LibriVox Audio

The United States Declaration of Independence, 1776 -- Google Books
>>  LibriVox Audio


The United States Constitution - U.S. Constitution Online  >>  Librivox Audio  (In U.S. Historical Documents)

The United States Bill of
Rights -- Gutenberg Text

>>  LibriVox Audio

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
United Nations UDHR Site

>>  LibriVox Audio -- Multilingual Group 1
>>  UDHR -- Video Filmclip Collection
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
United Nations UDHR Site

>>  LibriVox Audio -- Multilingual Group 2
>>  UDHR -- Video Filmclip Collection
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"Instead of building the peace by attacking injustices like starvation,
disease, illiteracy, political and economic servitude, we have spent
a trillion dollars on war since 1946, until hatred and conflict
have become the international preoccupation."
Daniel Berrigan

The Civic Action Free University
The Old Scouts
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