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The Civic Action Free University
The Old Scouts
Best Online Classic
Children's Books and Stories
Courtesy of:
1.  The Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project

"Bringing Yesterday's Classics to Today's Children"
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Best Online Classic Children's Books
522 Books in All Genres -- By Title


Best Online Classic Children's Books
522 Books in All Genres -- Authors List


Best Online Classic Children's Books
By Genre


Best Online Classic Children's Books
By Subgenre


Best Online Classic Children's Stories
10397 Stories in All Genres -- By Story Title

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2.  Google Books
Other Worthwhile Sources
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The Children's Story Garden

Birds Every Child
Should Know


Essays Every Child
Should Know


Fairy Tales Every Child
Should Know


Famous Stories Every Child
Should Know


Heroes Every Child
Should Know


Heroines Every Child
Should Know


Kipling Stories and Poems Every
Child Should Know


Myths Every Child
Should Know


Operas Every Child
Should Know


Pictures Every Child
Should Know


Poems Every Child
Should Know


Songs Every Child
Should Know


Trees Every Child
Should Know


Water Wonders Every Child
Should Know


Wild Flowers Every Child
Should Know


50 Multicultural Books Every
Child Should Know


14 Table Manners Every
Child Should Know


6 Communication Skills Every
Child Should Know


What Every Child Should Know
Before Kindergarten


What Every Child Should Know:
Essential Safety Skills for Kids


What Every Child Should Know
Before Leaving Home

When Mother Lets Us Cook:  A Book of Simple
Receipts for Little Folk - Google Books

>>  LibriVox Audio
>>>   Top   <<<

3.  More Treasures from Google Books
Were These the Books Read by the Parents, Teachers, and
Members of America's "Greatest Generation" ??
>>>   Top   <<<

Earliest Volumes of the Outstanding "My Book House" Series

My Book House:
In the Nursery


My Book House:
From the Tower Window


My Book House:
The Latch Key


My Book House:
The Treasure Chest

A First Book in American History:
With Special Reference to the Lives
and Deeds of Great Americans
Stories of Great Americans
for Little Americans
Stories of American Life and
Adventure:  Third Reader Grade

Adventures of Pioneer Children
-- or --
Life in the Wilderness


American Hero Stories

American Leaders and Heroes

An American Book of Golden Deeds

Baden-Powell's Games

The Children's Book:  A Collection of the Best and Most Famous Stories and Poems in the English Language

Children's Book of Patriotic Stories:
The Spirit of '76


Children's Second Book of
Patriotic Stories


Children's Singing Games

Famous Cavalry Leaders

Games and Songs of American Children

Games for Boys

Helping Your Child Learn Responsible Behavior

Historical Tales, the Romance of Reality

Hero Tales from History

Heroes of the Army in America

Historic Poems and Ballads

The Library of Historic Characters and Famous Events of All Nations and All Ages

The Makers of America

Manual of Play

My Country:  A Textbook in Civics and Patriotism for Young Americans

Our Patriots

Outdoor Sports and Games

Patriotic Plays and Pageants for
Young People


Every Boy's Book:  A Complete
Encyclopedia of Sports
and Amusements



Cassell's Complete Book of
Sports and Pastimes


Patriotic Songs for School and Home

The Right Reading for Children in the School, Home and Library

Young America's Manual:
The Child's Guide to


The Story of a Bad Boy

Paddle-to-the-Sea  >>  NightTrainFilms  (WMV Format)  or  YouTube

The Playground and the Parlour, a
Handbook of Boys' Games


The Boy Craftsman:  Practical
and Profitable Ideas for a
Boy's Leisure Hours


Woodland Tales

A Boy's Workshop:  With Plans
and Designs for In-Door and
Out-Door Work

The Book of Bravery:  Being True
Stories in an Ascending
Scale of Courage,
Volume 1

The Sports and Pastimes of
American Boys

The Book of Bravery:  Being True
Stories in an Ascending
Scale of Courage,
Volume 3
>>>   Top   <<<

The Fascinating "Handy Books" and
Related Works by Daniel C. Beard


The American Boy's Handy Book:
What To Do and How To Do It


The Boy Pioneers:  Sons of
Daniel Boone


For Playground, Field and Forest:
The Outdoor Handy Book


The Jack of All Trades:
Fair Weather Ideas


New Ideas for Out of Doors:  The
Field and Forest Handy Book


Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties

More on American History for
Young People


The Story of Liberty

The Rights and Duties of
American Citizenship


Essentials of United States History

History of the United States
for Schools


The Making of the American Nation:  A History for Elementary Schools

A New Nation

Our Heritage from the
Old World


The Pictorial History of the United States of America from the Discovery by the Northmen in the Tenth Century to the Present Time

School History of the
United States


School History of the
United States of America

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Would you like to share your thoughts and comments
about any of the above books  (or additional ones
that should be included) -- and/or their authors,
plots characters, etc. -- with your co-readers
and book lovers ??  If so, try visiting
Kilroy's Fireside Library Forum

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join and participate !!


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"Good children's literature appeals
not only to the child in the adult,
but to the adult in the child."
~ Anonymous ~

The Civic Action Free University
The Old Scouts
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