
Kit Carson Collection

Courtesy of
Google Books
From:  The Civic Action Free University
The Old Scouts




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Video Presentations
Kit Carson:  Hero Or Villain?
CBS News
Kit Carson
The Boys' Book of Scouts
Christopher Carson:  Familiarly Known as Kit Carson
The Daring Adventures of Kit Carson and Fremont among Buffaloes, Grizzlies, and Indians
Echoes from the Rocky Mountains:  Reminiscences and Thrilling Incidents of the Romantic and Golden Age of the Great West
Famous Scouts, Including Trappers, Pioneers, and Soldiers of the Frontier
Four American Pioneers:  Daniel Boone, George Rogers Clark, David Crockett, Kit Carson
Heroes of the Plains, or, Lives and Wonderful Adventures of Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Kit Carson, Captain Payne, Etc.
Kit Carson Days
Kit Carson in California:  With Extracts from His Own Story
Kit Carson, the Scout:  or, The Knight of the Prairie
Kit Carson's Life and Adventures:  From Facts Narrated by Himself
The Life and Adventures of Kit Carson:  The Nestor of the Rocky Mountains
The Life of Kit Carson:  Hunter, Trapper, Guide, Indian Agent, and Colonel U.S.A.
The Life of Kit Carson:  The Great Western Hunter and Guide
Our Pioneer Heroes and Daring Deeds:  The Lives and Famous Exploits of Boone ... and Other Hero Explorers, Renowned Frontier Fighters, and Early Settlers of America, from the Earliest Times to the Present
Pioneer Life and Frontier Adventures:  An Authentic Record of the Romantic Life and Daring Exploits of Kit Carson and His Companions
Prairie and Rocky Mountain Adventures:  or, Life in the West
Story of the Wild West and Camp-Fire Chats
Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains:  or, The Last Voice from the Plains
The Way to the West, and the Lives of Three Early Americans:  Boone -- Crockett -- Carson
Wild Life in the Far West:  Personal Adventures of a Border Mountain Man -- Comprising Hunting and Trapping Adventures with Kit Carson and Others, Captivity and Life among the Comanches, Services under Doniphan in the War with Mexico, and in the Mexican War against the French, Desperate Combats with Apaches, Grizzly Bears, Etc., Etc.
Winning the Southwest:
A Story of Conquest
With Carson and Fremont:  Being the Adventures in the Years 1842 - '43 - '44, on Trail over Mountains and through Deserts from East of the Rockies to West of the Sierras
With Kit Carson in the Rockies:
A Tale of the Beaver Country
More Video Documentaries of Adventurers,
Cowboys, Soldiers, Lawmen, and
Skalawags of the Old West

The Real West:
Legendary Cowboys
The Real West:
Ten Most Wanted Outlaws
The Real West:
Law From Behind The Tin Star
The Real West:
Buffalo Bill
The Real West:
Wild Bill Hickok
The Mountain Men
Remember The Alamo
The Real West:
The James Gang
American Experience:
Wyatt Earp
Tales of the Gun:
The Gunslingers
American Experience:
Billy the Kid
The Real West:
The Guns That Tamed The West
American Experience:
Annie Oakley
American Experience:
Pancho Villa
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"Wish I had time for just one more bowl of chili."
(Believed to be Kit Carson's last words.)

The Civic Action Free University
The Old Scouts
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