
What Would Teddy Roosevelt Do ??

Courtesy of
Google BooksThe History ChannelYou Tube,
The Hauenstein Center  & C-SPAN

From:  The Civic Action Free University
The Old Scouts


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Theodore Roosevelt's
Winning of the West -- Highlights and
Four Volume Series

(Although Mr. Roosevelt's commentaries on The Winning of the West are extremely informative and
historically valuable, they must be read with full consideration of modern insights concerning the
devastating impact of westward expansion upon Native American peoples, cultures and tribes.)

Stories from The Winning of the West, 1769 - 1807

The Winning of the West, Volume I

The Winning of the West, Volume II

The Winning of the West, Volume III

The Winning of the West, Volume IV
Stories of the Great West
Social and Political Perspectives
(Despite any lack of sensitivity to the intense hardships and suffering of Native Americans, there can
be no doubt that Mr. Roosevelt consistently expressed -- and acted in accordance with -- a strong
commitment to social, political, and economic justice on behalf of average American citizens.)

American Ideals

American Problems

Americanism and Preparedness:  Speeches from July to November 1916

Average Americans

Fear God and
Take Your Own Part


The Foes of
Our Own Household


The Great Adventure:  Present-Day Studies in American Nationalism

History as Literature,
and Other Essays


National Strength and
International Duty


The New Nationalism

The Real Roosevelt:  His Forceful and Fearless Utterances on Various Subjects

The Roosevelt Book:  Selections from the Writings of Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt and his Times:  A Chronicle of the Progressive Movement

A Square Deal

The Strenuous Life

Theodore Roosevelt's
Letters to His Children


Hunting and Ranching in the
American West


Hunting Trips of a Ranchman:  Sketches of Sport on the Northern Cattle Plains

Hunting the Grizzly, and
Other Sketches


Ranch Life and the
Hunting Trail


Roosevelt's Ranch Life in
North Dakota


The Wilderness Hunter,
Volume 1


The Wilderness Hunter,
Volume 2


Overseas Adventures, Exploration, and
Military Service


African Game Trails:
An Account of the African
Wanderings of an American


Life-Histories of
African Game Animals


Through the Brazilian


The Rough Riders
Biographies and Autobiography

Life and Work of Theodore Roosevelt

The life of Theodore Roosevelt:  Twenty-Fifth President of the United States

American Boys' Life of Theodore Roosevelt

The Boys' Life of Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt, by
Edmund Lester Pearson


Theodore Roosevelt, by
Lord Charnwood


Theodore Roosevelt:
An Autobiography


Theodore Roosevelt:
An Intimate Biography


Theodore Roosevelt:
His Life and Work


Theodore Roosevelt:
The Boy and the Man


Theodore Roosevelt,
the Citizen


Theodore Roosevelt:
The Logic of His Career


Theodore Roosevelt:
The Man as I Knew Him


Theodore Roosevelt, Patriot and Statesman:
The True Story of an Ideal American

Battling for the Right:  The Life-Story of
Theodore Roosevelt
The Triumphant Life of
Theodore Roosevelt
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Would you like to share your thoughts and comments
about any of the above books  (or additional ones
that should be included) -- and/or their authors,
plots characters, etc. -- with your co-readers
and book lovers ??  If so, try visiting
Kilroy's Fireside Library Forum

You are cordially invited to
join and participate !!


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Theodore Roosevelt's Life and Legacy
Courtesy of
The History Channel

T.R. - 01/22

T.R. - 02/22

T.R. - 03/22

T.R. - 04/22

T.R. - 05/22

T.R. - 06/22

T.R. - 07/22

T.R. - 08/22

T.R. - 09/22

T.R. - 10/22

T.R. - 11/22

T.R. - 12/22

T.R. - 13/22

T.R. - 14/22

T.R. - 15/22

T.R. - 16/22

T.R. - 17/22

T.R. - 18/22
T.R. - 19/22
T.R. - 20/22
T.R. - 21/22
T.R. - 22/22
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Theodore Roosevelt's Life and Legacy
Pertinent YouTube Video Segments


The Progressive Era

The Indomitable
Teddy Roosevelt - 1/3


The Indomitable
Teddy Roosevelt - 2/3


The Indomitable
Teddy Roosevelt - 3/3


Teddy Roosevelt:
The Right Man at the
Right Time


Teddy Roosevelt on
Self-Government by the
American People


Theodore Roosevelt on
Social and Industrial Justice


Theodore Roosevelt:  Progressive
Covenant with the People 1912

Theodore Roosevelt:  Conserving
America's Future
John Muir & Theodore Roosevelt
in Yosemite
Theodore Roosevelt:
Shall We Prepare?
Teddy Roosevelt -- A Tribute
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Commentaries on Theodore Roosevelt
Richard Norton Smith
Scholar in Residence
The Hauenstein Center

Theodore Roosevelt - 1/7

Theodore Roosevelt - 2/7

Theodore Roosevelt - 3/7

Theodore Roosevelt - 4/7

Theodore Roosevelt - 5/7

Theodore Roosevelt - 6/7
Theodore Roosevelt - 7/7
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C-SPAN Video Presentations on the
Life and Legacy of Theodore Roosevelt:
Commentaries by Contemporary Historians
Authors, and Scholars

1912:  Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft and Debs

The Children of
Theodore Roosevelt


Historians on
Theodore Roosevelt


I Rose Like a Rocket:  The Political Education of Theodore Roosevelt

Life Portrait of
Theodore Roosevelt


The Lion's Pride -- Relationship between Theodore Roosevelt and His Four Sons

Praising and Appraising American Heroes

The Presidency of
Theodore Roosevelt


Presidential History Tour:  Theodore Roosevelt

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, and Theodore Rex -- In Depth with author Edmund Morris

The River of Doubt:  Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey

Roosevelt the Explorer:  Theodore Roosevelt's Amazing Adventures As a Naturalist, Conservationist, and Explorer

Roosevelt the Reformer:  Theodore Roosevelt as Civil Service Commissioner, 1889-1895

T.R.:  The Last


Theodore -- Children's book about the early childhood of Theodore Roosevelt, written by Former Okahoma Governor Frank Keating

Theodore Rex

Theodore Roosevelt:
A Life


Theodore Roosevelt:
A Strenuous Life


Theodore Roosevelt:
A Strenuous Life


Theodore Roosevelt:
A Strenuous Life


Theodore Roosevelt:  Across the Generations

Theodore Roosevelt:  Letters from a Young Coal Miner

Theodore Roosevelt's History of the United States

Theodore Roosevelt's Life in the West

Theodore Roosevelt's Vision for 21st Century

Teddy Roosevelt and Benjamin Franklin

Theodore Roosevelt and Conservation

Theodore Roosevelt and His Rough Riders

Theodore Roosevelt and the British Empire

Theodore Roosevelt Biographical Vignette

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Legacy

Theodore Roosevelt Living History Presentation

The Three Roosevelts

U.S. and the
Spanish-American War


The War Lovers

When Trumpets Call:  Theodore Roosevelt after the White House
Young Teddy Roosevelt
Colonel Roosevelt
Writings of
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt's Vision
for the 21st Century
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"In any wild country where the power of the law is little felt or heeded, and where
everyone has to rely upon himself for protection, men soon get to feel that it is in
the highest degree unwise to submit to any wrong without making an immediate
and resolute effort to avenge it upon the wrong-doers, at no matter what
cost of risk or trouble.  To submit tamely and meekly to theft, or to
any other injury, is to invite almost certain repetition of the
offense, in a place where self-reliant hardihood and the
ability to hold one's own under all circumstances
rank as the first of virtues."
Theodore Roosevelt

For a selection of additional quotations from
Theodore Roosevelt's life and work, click
on any of the three links below:


The Civic Action Free University
The Old Scouts
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