"Civic Action for Your Turf" (CA4YT)
Links  Page  01
Some Resources for Professional Orientation of
Civic Action Team Members

A Special Note:
Support for the Men and
Women of Our Armed Forces and
Peacekeepers Overseas

Here's an E-Mail Group you can join if you'd like to post messages of encouragement and support, virtual greeting cards, or holiday best wishes for our overseas Military Personnel and Peacekeepers:

Military Personnel and Peacekeepers'
Worldwide Holiday Greetings

This Group is in operation throughout the year -- available for your use on every holiday occasion and anytime in-between.

Other web sites providing information about a wide range of services and support for overseas Military Personnel include the following:

The U.S.O. Wish Book
Operation Shoebox
Any Soldier -- and/or -- Any Marine
The Soldier's Family
Give 2 the Troops
Equipped to Survive's Care Package Suggestions

If you utilize any of the above sites, it would be helpful to receive feedback on how well they performed.  Also, if you know of other organizations that offer similar or additional services of high quality, please drop a note to the Facilitator, so they can be recommended for addition to the directory.

The "Peacekeepers' Hometown Fiesta"
Music Station

With the availability of iPods and similar equipment, members of deployed units are likely to have just about as much music of every type that they want.

For those who might enjoy on-line music tracks, however, is cordially invited to visit:

The Peacekeepers' Hometown Fiesta

Please pass the word to anyone else you think might utilize these sites appropriately.  Also, if you're in touch with military service men or women, please be sure they're informed, and encourage them to share the news with their overseas buddies.


A.  Financial Support for Your Program and Its Activities --
      Sources of Funding & Grantspersonship Information

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance -- (Note great search capability !!)

Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs)

Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs)

Enterprise MoneyNet

Federal Funding Sources for Rural Areas Database

Finding the Funds You Need: A Guide For Grantseekers --
Pennsylvania State University

Foundation Center -- Gateway to Philanthropy on the World Wide Web

Foundation Center's Foundation Finder

Funding Resources -- USDA Rural Information Center

Fundraising & Grant Writing -- Society for Nonprofit Organizations

Fundsnet Services

Grant-Making Foundations -- Yahoo! Directory



Grants & Related Resources -- Michigan State University

Grants Information Collection -- University of Wisconsin at Madison

The Grantsmanship Center

The Microfinance Gateway

Nonprofit Charitable Organizations -- Information about Grant Proposals

Philanthropy and Grants -- Google

Philanthropy and Grants -- Open Directory

Progressive Foundations Database
B.  General Resources for Community Development

Directory of On-Line State Community Action Agency Associations

The Virtual Community Action Program -- Provides an In-Depth Look at
Successful Programs and Projects Developed by Community Action Agencies
Around the United States.

National Service Resource Center -- Corporation for National and Community Service

Community & Economic Development Toolbox -- Cornell Community and Rural
Development Institute

Community Tool Box, University of Kansas -- Provides over 6,000 pages of practical
skill-building information on over 250 different topics pertaining to community health
and development.  Topic sections include step-by-step instruction, examples, check-lists,
and related resources.

Community Building Resource Exchange -- Aspen Institute

Capaciteria -- Extensive Collections of Peer-Rated Nonprofit Capacity Resources

PovertyNet -- The World Bank Group -- Essential Information and from an
International Perspective.

Community Development Society

Idealist.org "Action Without Borders" -- Nonprofit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Change Communications -- Community Development Links

PRAXIS -- Resources for Social and Economic Development

Mickey's Place in the Sun -- Community Resources

Free Management Library -- The Management Assistance Program
for Nonprofits

Comm-Org -- Training & Technical Assistance for Community

Rural Information Resources -- USDA Rural Information Center,
National Agricultural Library

Rural Assistance Center -- Information Guides, by Topic -- Office of Rural
Health Policy, DHHS Health Resources and Services Administration

Community Planning and Development Library -- US Department of
Housing and Urban Development

USA Gov -- Your First Click to US Government Information &

US Consumer Gateway: Home Page

Neighborhoods Online: National

C.  Resources for Community Economic Development

Entrepreneurship -- A World of Resources for Entrepreneurs

EnterWeb -- The Enterprise Development Website

SBA's National Network of Small Business Development Centers

My CDC -- Courtesy of the National Congress for
Community Economic Development

Virtual Small Business Incubator -- Courtesy of CAP Services, Inc.,
Stevens Point, Wisconsin

D.  Search Engines -- Directories of Special Interest
for Civic Action & Community Service


U.S. Metropolitan Area Emergency
Preparedness E-Mail Groups

(On The Same Page)

The Old Scouts'
On-Line Shopping Mall

America's Best Source for
Essential Equipment and Supplies *

* (Note:  Contents may take  
   a few moments to load.)  


Return to:  The Civic Action Free University

Return to:  The Students in Civic Action and Community Service E-Mail Group

Return to:  The Free University's International and U.S.A. Students' Network
E-Mail Groups

Return to: The World Educational Civic Action Network

Return to:  The Free University's Logo Posters Page

Return to:  "Universal Civic Action Network" (U-CAN) E-Mail Group

E-Mail the Facilitator

Always Prepared -- Join the Old Scouts !!

E-Mail Group             Association             Library
