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The Civic Action Free University
"Nation-Building:  Are You Serious ??"
Web Site:
>>>    Some Options for Getting Started    <<<<
Right Away

You Are Cordially Invited to
Visit, Explore, Join, and Participate !!

>> Top <<

Topic-Focused "Civic Action for Your Turf" (CA4YT) Groups

Civic Action Special Interest Groups

Geographic Area-Focused (U-CAN) Groups -- by State,
and by Federal Region


Key National Policy Issues for Civic Action, Community Service, & Development
Some Civic Action Options for
International Impact
Community Action:  National Organizations, The Virtual
CAP, and On-Line Agencies Across the USA
Emergency Preparedness in
Major U.S. Metropolitan Areas
News and Media Center
Some Key Documentary
Films for Understanding
Our Contemporary World
The Civic Action
Free University's
Networking Site
Civic Action's Best:  Blogs,
FaceBook, Ning, TIGWeb, and
Other Networking Pages

Nominate Your Favorites !!
Become an Associated On-Line Campus of The Civic Action Free University
>>>   New !!  <<<
Occupy the U.S.A.
Links Directory:

Click Here
A Special Note for College
and University Students
International and U.S.A. Students'
Civic Action Network E-Mail Groups
Will Americans Allow *These* To Become the
Dominant Patterns for Our Nation's Future ??
Post-Industrial Wasteland              Neo-Fascist Corporatocracy
Complete Site Directory and
Access to All Contents
>> Top <<

>>>    Detailed Site Navigation Links are    <<<
Provided on the Following Panel

>> Top <<
Navigating the System -- Direct Access to
All Civic Action Free University
E-Mail Groups

Site Contents & Instant Access

  1.  Introduction & Orientation
  2.  Special Invitation to International Visitors -- World Educational Civic Action Network
  3.  International Civic Action, Community Service, and Development Film Clip Collection
  4.  News and Media Center
  5.  Topic-Focused "Civic Action for Your Turf" (CA4YT) Groups & Links
  6.  Civic Action Special Interest Groups
  7.  Geographic Area-Focused "Universal Civic Action Network" (U-CAN) Groups
  8.  U.S. Federal Region-Focused "Universal Civic Action Network" (U-CAN) Groups
  9.  National Policy Issues of Significance for Civic Action, Community Service, and Development
10.  Emergency Preparedness -- USA Major Metropolitan Area E-Mail Groups
11.  A Selection of Yahoo!'s Best Civic Action E-Mail Groups
12.  Civic Action On-Line "Chat" Discussions or Seminars
13.  Become an Associated On-Line Campus of The Civic Action Free University
14.  New !!  The Civic Action Free University Networking Site
15.  Community Action:  National Organizations, The Virtual CAP, and On-Line Agencies Across the USA
16.  United Way of America and State United Way Organizations
17.  National Council of Nonprofit Associations and Directory of State Nonprofit Associations
18.  National & State Associations of Counties and County Governmental Agencies
19.  The Civic Action Free University Honor Roll
20.  The Civic Action and Community Service Hall of Fame
21.  The Civic Action Free University Blog
22.  Universal Civic Action Network E-Mail Group
23.  A Special Note for College & University Students
24.  International and U.S.A. Students' Civic Action Network E-Mail Groups
25.  "Viva Civic Action !!" On-Line Music Station
26.  Technical Notes and "Money-Back Guarantee"
27.  Disclaimer Notice
28.  Guest Log
>> Top <<

>> Top <<

Dear Friends --

Thanks very much for visiting The Civic Action Free University !!  Through this site and its associated web pages, you can select from among more than 250 E-Mail Correspondence Groups of several different types:

1.  Topic-Focused "Civic Action for Your Turf" (CA4YT) Groups,

2.  Civic Action Special Interest Groups,

3.  Geographic Area-Focused (U-CAN) Groups -- by State, and by Federal Region,

4.  Key National Policy Issues for Civic Action, Community Service, & Development,

5.  Emergency Preparedness in Major U.S. Metropolitan Areas,

6.  A Selection of Yahoo!'s Best Civic Action E-Mail Groups,

7.  International and U.S.A. Students' Civic Action Network E-Mail Groups.

The "Links" section of each Group will lead you to additional worthwhile Internet resources related to its subject matter.

Our mission is twofold:  (1) to help people seriously engaged in constructive, responsible, non-profit civic action programs of all types, who wish to communicate and interact with on-line co-workers & counterparts elsewhere, and (2) to collect and provide links to the best related material available on the Internet, including:

A.  Organizations & Programs
B.  Message Boards
C.  Correspondence Lists
D.  Distance Learning Options
E.  On-Line Discussions or Seminars
F.  Best Practices
G.  Sources of Organization & Program Funding
H.  Other Significant Civic Action Information & Resources

As you are quite likely aware, most "free universities" operate on the basis of participant self-motivation and independent study.  The Civic Action Free University is no exception.  Our intention is to provide extensive opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills essential for answering real-world questions, and for solving real-world problems.  We hope to encourage high levels of knowledge, professionalism, competence, coordination, and effectiveness on the part of all participants.

However, in common with most other free universities, we do not award formal academic credit, professional certifications, or academic degrees.

Through the generosity of our Internet Service Providers, Yahoo! and Lycos/Angelfire, all CA4YT and U-CAN Groups can be accessed below.  Be sure not to miss:  (1) the Special Invitation for International Visitors,  (2) the World Educational Civic Action Network,  and (3) links to nation and territory sites -- in the section that follows.

Your comments & suggestions regarding this effort are cordially invited.  Please take the time to become familiar with the CA4YT and U-CAN Groups that interest you, together with the links which have been collected to date.  (After you follow the steps to join any Group, you'll be able to upload your own "best links" relevant to the Group's subject matter.)  Then, let us know what you think.  A special Professional Peer Review Forum has been created to enable you to communicate your questions, comments, criticisms, rants, or raves directly to the Free University's top management.  The Professional Peer Review Forum can be accessed by clicking on the link immediately below.

>> Top <<

The Civic Action Free University
Professional Peer Review Forum

>> Top <<

Alternatively, feedback may be sent from any of the several "E-Mail the Facilitator" links provided on this page.

Note:  If the web site of your organization or program has been included in one of the Free University's collections of selected links, a reciprocal link on your site -- either to the Free University's home page and/or to the appropriate component E-Mail Group -- is invited and will be appreciated.

Now, click on any of the Groups below that you would like to visit.  Explore, join, participate, and enjoy !!

>> Top <<

A Special Invitation to International Visitors

Additional Civic Action E-Mail Groups for other regions and/or nations can easily be created.  Persons who desire to accomplish this for their own area(s) have the option to set up a Civic Action Group themselves, or may request that one be established as part of the World Educational Civic Action Network.  We'll be pleased to respond to all such requests, which should be directed to the Free University's Facilitator, at:

If you wish to visit the site of a specific nation or territory, click on the appropriate link:

The World -- By Regions
Afghanistan - to - Ecuador
Egypt - to - Macedonia Republic
Madagascar - to - Scotland
Senegal - to - Zimbabwe
One of our long-term objectives is to gradually assemble the best links for each nation's non-profit civic action, community service, and/or development organizations.  If you have web sites to suggest, please e-mail the Facilitator.

>> Top <<

Some Civic Action Options for
International Impact


World Educational Civic Action Network E-Mail Group

International Students' Civic Action Free University Network

International Training and Service Teams' Forum

Military Civic
Action, Provincial Reconstruction, & Peacekeeping Network

>> Top <<

  E-Mail the International Groups Facilitator

International Civic Action,
Community Service, and Development
Film Clip Collection

>> Top <<

One of the World's Most Powerful Sets of Tools for
Combating Violent Extremism of All Types
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- United Nations UDHR Site
>>  LibriVox Audio -- Multilingual Group 1            >>  LibriVox Audio -- Multilingual Group 2
UDHR -- Film Clip Collection

Wally Wombat's Wisdom

(1) Gambia Solar Engineers, and (2) Water Systems in Bolivia

(1) ACCION Microfinance Network, and (2) Oxfam Polar Bears

(1) Heifer Project in Tibet, and (2) Africare Empowering Women

(1) Engineers Without Borders, and (2) Haiti -- Trade Agreement Impacts

(1) ACCION CEO Visits Microfinance Clients, and (2) Oxfam Water Project in Chad Camps

Wonderfully Talented Kids !!

(1) East Africa Build-a-School, and (2) Shine Mindanao!

(1) Right to Development -- Self Help Is Best, and (2) ACCION Microfinancing -- The Very First Loans

(1) SolarAid -- Power to the People, and (2) Fighting for Development -- Karamoja, Uganda

(1) Pump Aid Brings Clean Water In Africa, and (2) Changing Lives in Peru through Microlending

(1) Right to Development -- Simplifying Poverty Alleviation, and (2) Engineers Without Borders in Tonga

(1) "Appropriate Genius" Award -- Revolutionary Peanut Sheller, and (2) Healing Quest -- Permaculture

(1) Bond -- "Duel" (Women of Awesome Talent !!), and (2) "Feet of Flames" -- Finale

(1) "My Technology !!" -- Innovators in India, and (2) Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies

(1) Joe Holden's "No Dam Needed" Hydro Power Turbine, and (2) Joe Holden's Wind Power Break-Through

(1) The First Rural Women Heroes of Tombouctou, and (2) Oxfam in Albania

(1) Empowering Palestinian Women Entrepreneurs, and (2) Fueling Hope in Darfur, Sudan

"The Barefoot Economist" Explains Tragic Hidden Impacts of Globalization on Poor People in Developing Countries -- Parts 1, 2, and 3, of 6

"The Barefoot Economist" Explains Tragic Hidden Impacts of Globalization on Poor People in Developing Countries -- Parts 4, 5, and 6, of 6

(1) Uncommon Heroes -- Victoria Hale, and (2) Students Use Car Parts For Solar Power

(1) Save the Children, and (2) Water and Sanitation: A Partnership for Change

(1) Uncommon Hero Tackling Poverty in India -- Amitabha Sadangi, and (2) The Lagunitas: Lafayette College Coffee Project

(1) Brick Awards Highlights, and (2) Mothers Without Borders

(1) Solar Cooker Project -- Chad Refugee Camp, and (2) Emergency International Overview

Happy Saint Patrick's Day !!

(1) Habitat for Humanity in the Philippines, and (2) "Box of Delights" -- Introducing Modern Teaching Methods in Pakistan

(1) Ending Poverty, One Family
at a Time, and (2) Oxfam in


(1) NAFTA Comes to Wall Street ?? (Satire), and (2) Grand Theft Congo (Human Catastrophe)

(1) Pro Mujer -- Giving Women Credit, and (2) Right to Development -- Building Networks of the Poor

Former Black Panther Party Members Bring Solar Power to Rural Tanzania -- Parts 1 and 2

(1) A Digital Revolution for the World's Remotest Regions, and (2) Opportunity Fund for Developing Countries

(1) Uganda Rural Development and Training Program, and (2) Community Forestry in Thailand -- A Case of Sharing

Tiger Tanks Versus "Do-Gooder" Civic Action & Community Service Projects

Myanmar Cyclone and China Earthquake Disaster Responses

The Faces of War -- Some Movies Have Given Realistic Portrayals

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- Guarding Against Two Sets of Nullification Threats

United Way's New 2-1-1 Human Services Telephone Information & Referral System

(1) The First Women Barefoot Solar Engineers Of The World, and (2) World Neighbors

How the IMF Underdevelops Africa -- (Six Film Clip Series)

Happy Bastille Day !!

The Faces of War -- Why Irresponsible or Fanatical Individuals and/or Governments Must Never Gain Control of Nuclear Weapons

Mountain Areas -- Minimal Equipment Survival Skills

Responding to a Technical Assistance Inquiry Concerning the Nation of Cameroon

The Corporation -- How Can We Maximize Corporate Impacts that are Positive, Life-Affirming, and Sustainable ??

Human Rights Mini Video Clip Collection -- Outstanding !!

(1) India's Free Lunch for School Children, and (2) A Mini Documentary on Action Against Poverty

(1) Ubeng -- The Heart of Sustainable Development, and (2) New Nglelepen -- Sustainable Development

(1) An Introduction to Bandhan -- Microfinance in India, and (2) Oxfam's CHANGE Initiative -- College Leadership Program

(1) Cal-Earth Eco-Dome Homes, and (2) Eco-Dome -- Low-Cost Houses of Earth

(1) Pedal Power Using a Dual Purpose Bicycle, and (2) Whole Planet Foundation Overview

(1) Natural Alternative Building, and (2) Rural Electrification -- Isofoton

ENRAP -- Knowledge Networking For Asia/Pacific Rural Development: Sharing Knowledge and Building Capacity with Digital Video

(1) Rural Radio in Africa, and (2) Rebuilding Afghanistan -- One Village at a Time

Happy Oktoberfest !!

Free University News & Media Center:  Kilroy's "Sextupleplex" Playbill Update

SAS Wilderness & Hostile Area Survival Skills

Obama Administration -- Political & Policy Issues that Matter

(1) Scouts Fight Bird Flu in Indonesia, and (2) Rebuilding Ugandan Communities Through Sport

(1) "Bee" System Provides Connectivity in Emergencies, and (2) Feeding Children During "Rat Flood" in Bangladesh

Coming Soon --
Watch This Space !!


Reserved for
Additional Film Clips Illustrating the
Work of Outstanding Civic Action,
Community Service, and
Development Organizations


Coming Soon --
Watch This Space !!


Your Mission, If You
Choose to Accept It

(An invitation to discussion
and exchange of views.)


Community Action and Development:  National Organizations, The Virtual Community Action Program, and
On-Line Agencies Across the U.S.A.


A Community Action
Film Festival

>> Top <<

"Civic Action for Your Turf" (CA4YT) E-Mail Groups
(alphabetical order)

>> Top <<

All Topics & Issues

AmeriCorps, VISTA, & Other Volunteers

Appropriate, Innovative, & Sustainable Technologies

Best Practices


Board of Directors

Civic Action Program Reinvention & Renewal

Career Center

Child Care

Citizen Participation

Civil Preparedness & Emergency Response

Clerical & Secretarial


Consumer Action



Continuum of Care

Credit Unions



Cyber-Business Development

Data Collection & Information Management



Drug Abuse Prevention & Rehabilitation



Empowerment Zones & Enterprise Communities



Executive Directors

Ex-Offender Rehabilitation

Faith-Based Community Service

Family Crisis




Food & Nutrition

Grant Planning


Health Promotion

Hobby & Recreational Activities

Homeless Persons' Services & Assistance



Immigrant/Refugee Services & Assistance

Individual Development Accounts

Innovative / Experimental Program Test & Evaluation

International Training
& Service


Job Development & Vocational Training

Legal Services

 Legislation & Policy

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

The Loyal Opposition

Micro-Business & Small Business Incubators

Migrant & Seasonal Farmworkers

Military Civic Action, Provincial Reconstruction, & Peacekeeping

Mobile Civic Action Training Teams

Multi-Culture & Ethnic Affairs

Neighborhood Computer Networking

Safety & Security


Non-Profit Organization Incorporation & Establishment

Offices/Facilities Development & Management

and Outreach


Parental Engagement & Responsible Fatherhood

Patterns of Organizational Leadership & Management

Personnel & Human Resources



Public Information
& Congressional Relations


Public Interest Research Groups

Community Water
& Utilities


Rural Transportation

Self-Reliant Sustainable Lifestyle Practices



Social Services


 State Civic Action Associations

State Community Services Offices

Surplus Equipment Exchange

Technical Assistance Exchange

Unions & Collective Bargaining

U.S.A. Freedom


War Against Poverty Veterans & Retirees

Weatherization &
Home Repair


Weed & Seed


Youth and Teens

Youth Fife/Drum/Bugle Corps

Youth Sports
& Scouting



>> Top <<

E-Mail the CA4YT Groups Facilitator

Civic Action Special Interest E-Mail Groups

>> Top <<

Political Leaders for Civic Action
and Community Service

Business and Corporate Leaders
for Civic Action
Journalists, Commentators, and
Media News Teams for Civic Action

Retirees in Civic Action

Singles in Civic Action

Students in Civic Action
Super Stars, Sports Heroes, and
Celebrities for Civic Action

Veterans in Civic Action

Women in Civic Action

Academicians, Researchers, Policy and Legislative
Specialists for Civic Action and Community Service


Computer Geeks and Webmasters for
Civic Action and Community Service


The Civic Action Free University (TCAFU)
Cyber-Volunteer Corps

>> Top <<
E-Mail the Special Interest Groups Facilitator

Geographic Area-Focused
"Universal Civic Action Network" (U-CAN) E-Mail Groups

>> Top <<

Alabama Civic
Action Net

Alaska Civic
Action Net
Arizona Civic
Action Net
Arkansas Civic
Action Net

California Civic
Action Net

Colorado Civic
Action Net
Connecticut Civic
Action Net
Delaware Civic
Action Net

District of Columbia
Civic Action Net

Florida Civic
Action Net
Georgia Civic
Action Net
Hawaii Civic
Action Net

Idaho Civic
Action Net

Illinois Civic
Action Net
Indiana Civic
Action Net
Iowa Civic
Action Net

Kansas Civic
Action Net

Kentucky Civic
Action Net
Louisiana Civic
Action Net
Maine Civic
Action Net

Maryland Civic
Action Net

Massachusetts Civic
Action Net
Michigan Civic
Action Net
Minnesota Civic
Action Net

Mississippi Civic
Action Net

Missouri Civic
Action Net
Montana Civic
Action Net
Nebraska Civic
Action Net

Nevada Civic
Action Net

New Hampshire Civic
Action Net
New Jersey Civic
Action Net
New Mexico Civic
Action Net

New York Civic
Action Net

North Carolina Civic
Action Net
North Dakota Civic
Action Net
Ohio Civic
Action Net

Oklahoma Civic
Action Net

Oregon Civic
Action Net
Pennsylvania Civic
Action Net
Puerto Rico Civic
Action Net

Rhode Island Civic
Action Net

South Carolina Civic
Action Net
South Dakota Civic
Action Net
Tennessee Civic
Action Net

Texas Civic
Action Net

Utah Civic
Action Net
Vermont Civic
Action Net
Virginia Civic
Action Net

Washington Civic
Action Net

West Virginia Civic
Action Net
Wisconsin Civic
Action Net
Wyoming Civic
Action Net
>> Top <<

  E-Mail the U-CAN Groups Facilitator

U.S. Civic Action Network
E-Mail Groups by
Federal Region

>> Top <<

Region I
Region II Region III Region IV Region V

 Region VI
Region VII Region VIII Region IX Region X
>> Top <<

E-Mail the U-CAN Groups Facilitator

Time Zones:

Pacific ...... Mountain ...... Central ...... Eastern

Micronesia ...... Samoa ...... Hawaii - Aleutian ...... Alaska

Puerto Rico - Virgin Islands ...... Greenwich - UTC

Bill's Clocks for the US & Canada - Summer Time

Bill's Clocks for the US & Canada - Winter Time

World Time Zones Map (24 Hour Format)

World Time Server -- Any Time, Anywhere

>> Top <<


A Selection of Yahoo!'s Best Civic Action,
Community Service and Development E-Mail Groups
Across the U.S.A. and Around the World

You're cordially invited to visit and explore a
selection of Yahoo!'s best Civic Action, Community Service
and Development E-Mail Groups across the U.S.A.
and around the world by clicking here.

>> Top <<


Civic Action On-Line "Chat" Discussions or Seminars

Are You Interested in: (a) Requesting, or (b) Convening & Leading
Civic Action On-Line "Chat" Discussions or Seminars ??  Some
simple recommended procedures for doing so can be accessed
by clicking here.

>> Top <<

Become an Associated On-Line Campus of
The Civic Action Free University

For complete information, click here.

>> Top <<

Community Action and Development:
National Organizations,
The Virtual Community Action Program, and
On-Line Agencies Across the U.S.A.

>> Top <<

American Civic Action, Community Service and Development Policy Council

A Colsolidated Forum to Assist Policy-Making Boards of Directors of the National
Community Action Program's Trade, Professional, and Legislative Organizations in
Achieving Unity, Coordination, Mutual Support, "Critical Mass," and Appropriate
Distribution of Authority and Responsibility for Success in All Key Categories of
The Council Anticipates the Establishment of Operational &
Oversight Committees Covering Many or All of the Following
Programmatic and Administrative Topics

Community Action
Program Boards of
Directors' E-Mail Group
Community Action Partnership
National Association for State Community Services Programs
National Community Action Foundation

>>>    NEW !!    <<<
A Community Action
Film and Media Festival
Click Here


>>>    NEW !!    <<<
Some Civic Action Options for
International Impact
Click Here


Community Action Program and Administrative Specialists' Forum

A Resource to Assist Community Action's Highly Skilled and Dedicated Rank-and-File
Workers with Identifying Common Interests, Networking, and Attaining Appropriate
Levels of Participation and Influence upon Policy-Making and Strategy Development


National Symposium on Poverty and Economic Security E-Mail Group

A Forum to Enable Maximum Feasible Citizen Participation in Reviewing, Adopting,
and Implementing the Full Range of Worthwhile Options and Innovations Arising
from the National Symposium on Poverty and Economic Security Initiative

Community Services Block Grant Act
Content and Reauthorization
E-Mail Group

Crawford, Texas Community and Economic
Development E-Mail Group

(A Template Available for Replication
by Any Community)


The Virtual Community Action Program

Extensive Web Site Providing an In-Depth Look at Successful Programs and Projects Developed by Community Action Agencies Around the
United States


The Community Action Assistant Newsletter

Disseminates the Latest Findings from Research and Statistics, Highlights from New Reports, News about Community Action and Related Initiatives, Funding Opportunities, and More


Directory of State Community Action Agency Associations
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
District of Columbia
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Action Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
New Hampshire
Community Action
Agency Links
New Jersey
Community Action
Agency Links
New Mexico
Community Action
Agency Links
New York
Community Action
Agency Links
North Carolina
Community Action
Agency Links
North Dakota
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Puerto Rico
Community Action
Agency Links
Rhode Island
Community Action
Agency Links
South Carolina
Community Action
Agency Links
South Dakota
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
West Virginia
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
Community Action
Agency Links
>> Top <<

E-Mail the Facilitator

United Way of America and
State United Way Organizations

>> Top <<

United Way of America



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



District of Columbia
United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



New Hampshire
United Way



New Jersey
United Way



New Mexico
United Way



New York
United Way



North Carolina
United Way



North Dakota
United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



Puerto Rico
United Way



Rhode Island
United Way



South Carolina
United Way



South Dakota
United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



United Way



West Virginia
United Way



United Way



United Way


>> Top <<

E-Mail the Facilitator

National Council of Nonprofit Associations and
Directory of State Nonprofit Associations

>> Top <<

National Council of Nonprofit Associations

The Nonprofit Resource Center of Alabama

Alaska Nonprofit Organizations

Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits

Arkansas Coalition for Excellence

California Association of Nonprofits

Colorado Association of Nonprofit Organizations

Connecticut Association of Nonprofits

Delaware Association of Nonprofit Agencies

District of Columbia Center for Nonprofit Advancement

Florida Association of Nonprofit Organizations

Georgia Center for Nonprofits

Hawaii Community Services Council

Idaho Nonprofit Development Center

Illinois Nonprofit Organizations

Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network

Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center

Kansas Nonprofit Organizations

Kentucky Nonprofit Organizations

Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations

Maine Association of Nonprofits

Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations

Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers

Michigan League for Human Services

Minnesota Council of Nonprofits

Mississippi Center for Nonprofits

Missouri Nonprofit Organizations

Montana Nonprofit Association

Nebraska -- Nonprofit Association of the Midlands

Nevada Nonprofit Organizations

New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits

New Jersey -- Center for Non-Profit Corporations

New Mexico Association of Nonprofit Organizations

Council of Community Services of New York State

North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

North Dakota Association of Nonprofit Organizations

 Ohio Association of Nonprofit Organizations

Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits

 Oregon Nonprofit Organizations

Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations

Puerto Rico Nonprofit Organization Links

Rhode Island Nonprofit Organizations

South Carolina Association of Nonprofit Organizations

South Dakota Nonprofit Organizations

Tennessee Nonprofit Organizations

Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations

Utah Nonprofits Association

Vermont Nonprofit Organizations

Virginia Network of Nonprofit Organizations

Washington -- Northwest Nonprofit Resources

West Virginia Nonprofit Organizations

Wisconsin Nonprofit Organizations

Wyoming Nonprofit Organizations
>> Top <<

E-Mail the Facilitator

National Association of Counties and
County Governmental Agencies

>> Top <<

National Association of Counties

Association of County Commissions of Alabama

Alaska Municipal League

Arizona Association of Counties

Association of Arkansas Counties

California State Association of Counties

Colorado Counties, Incorporated

Connecticut Counties

Delaware Association of Counties

District of Columbia Government & Agencies

Florida Association of Counties

Association County Commissioners of Georgia

Hawaii State Association of Counties

Idaho Association of Counties

United Counties Council of Illinois

Association of Indiana Counties

Iowa State Association of Counties

Kansas Association of Counties

Kentucky Association of Counties

Police Jury Association of Louisiana

Maine County Commissioners Association

Maryland Association of Counties

Massachusetts Counties

Michigan Association of Counties

Association of Minnesota Counties

Mississippi Association of Supervisors

Missouri Association of Counties

Montana Association of Counties

Nebraska Association of County Officials

Nevada Association of Counties

New Hampshire Association of Counties

New Jersey Association of Counties

New Mexico Association of Counties

New York State Association of Counties

North Carolina Association of County Commissioners

North Dakota Association of Counties

County Commissioners Association of Ohio

Association of County Commissioners of Oklahoma

Association of Oregon Counties

County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania

Puerto Rico Government and Agencies

Rhode Island Counties

South Carolina Association of Counties

South Dakota Association of County Commissioners

Tennessee County Services Association

Texas Association of Counties

Utah Association of Counties

Vermont Counties

Virginia Association of Counties

Washington State Association of Counties

West Virginia Association of Counties

Wisconsin Counties Association

Wyoming County Commissioners Association
>> Top <<

E-Mail the Facilitator

Honor Roll Membership

By Joining and Actively Participating in
CA4YT and U-CAN Groups
You'll be Eligible for Membership in:

The Civic Action Free University Honor Roll

>> Top <<

Hall of Fame Membership

The Hall of Fame provides a forum for international
recognition and commendation of non-profit Civic
Action and Community Service Organization Project
Teams, Administrative Staff, Managers, Board Members,
Volunteers, and/or Service Area Residents who --
in one way or another -- make significant worthwhile
contributions to the success of efforts: (a) to combat
the causes and conditions of poverty, (b) to develop,
and/or (c) to revitalize their communities.  Membership
is achieved through nomination by the organizations
and/or communities in which the Nominees serve:

The Civic Action and Community Service Hall of Fame

>> Top <<

The Civic Action
Free University Blog

Click here to visit, explore, and participate in:
The Civic Action Free University Blog

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Universal Civic Action Network  ("U-CAN")
E-Mail Correspondence Group

Topic- Focused CA4YT and Geographic-Focused U-CAN
Groups are Supported by the "Universal Civic Action
Network" E-Mail Group, to Which You are
Cordially Invited to Subscribe (Free), by Clicking Below
and Following the Instructions Provided:

Universal Civic Action Network E-Mail Group

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A Special Note for College
& University Students

Click Here to Pick It Up

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"Viva Civic Action !!"
On-Line Music Station
Featuring Selections by the Civic Action
Free University's Members Worldwide

Viva Civic Action !!

To designate music for inclusion in "Viva Civic Action's" playlist,
simply visit, explore the musical categories, choose
your favorite numbers, copy full identifying information with regard
to the category, band, and song or melody, provide your comments
or dedication (80 characters maximum), and e-mail that information
to:, for the prompt addition of your selections.


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Two *simple* technical notes:

1.  If you elect to join more than one CA4YT and/or U-CAN Group, Yahoo! makes it easy for you to check them all at the same time for recent message traffic.  Its not necessary to go to each Group individually. Just follow the prompts to include "Groups" on your "My Yahoo!" page.  Then, all Groups you've joined, together with any newly posted items, will be presented each time you visit "My Yahoo!"

2.  Any of the Groups and other links shown above can be bookmarked without difficulty.

Our "Money Back Guarantee"

Our "Money Back Guarantee" is as follows:  If you like what you see, please tell others.  If you don't -- or if you run into any problems -- please E-Mail your "HEGF" (i.e., Humble E-Groups Facilitator) at any of the addresses provided above, so an appropriate remedy can be found.

Thanks again for visiting, and for your time and attention.  Best wishes for your success and fulfillment in Civic Action !!

Dave Matthews

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Anyone who desires additional information about
The Civic Action Free University, and/or the resources
provided on its web pages is invited to read
the Disclaimer Notice, accessible by clicking here.
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