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A Selection of Civic Action,
Community Service, and Development Links

AIESEC Finland -- Developing Responsible Leadership in Young People

The Aland Islands Peace Institute -- Carrying out peace work and peace research.

Finland-Seychelles Friendship Society -- Friendship activites between Finland and Seychelles.

Finnish AIDS Council -- Gives psycho-social support to all people living with HIV in Finland, including family members and friends.

Finnish Youth Hostel Association

Friends of the Earth Finland -- Promoting the creation of an democratic and ecologically sustainable society.

Helsinki School of Economics -- Small Business Center and New Business Incubator

KATU -- Citizens' Security Council -- A broad civic forum for conflict prevention and conflict resolution.

The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare -- Working Together in the Best Interests of Children

The Martha Organization -- A home economics extension organization working to promote the quality of life in the home and carrying out cultural and civic education.

Multicultural Association of Helsinki -- Bringing aid to the poor, disabled, and refugees in West Africa

Peacekeeping -- The Finnish Contribution

Red Cross Finland

Salvation Army -- Finland with Estonia

Scouting Links -- Finland

SHALIN-Suomi -- A global network of individuals, associations and institutions working toward equitable, socially responsible, sustainable development.

Tampere Peace Research Institute

UFF Finland -- Operates eight second-hand shops in Finland's largest cities to produce funds for development assistance, and support the dissemination of information about people and living conditions in the Third World.

World Organization of Cultural Exchange -- A European based non-profit organization promoting cultural exchanges worldwide.

World Vision -- Finland

YMCA -- Finland
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