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The Civic Action Free University (TCAFU)
On-Line "Chat" Discussions & Seminars

Each of The Civic Action Free University's E-Mail Groups has its own Chat Room -- and also a very useful calendar for scheduling events -- both of which are available for use by Group Members.

At any given time, we have the capability to host up to 250 simultaneous on-line civic action chat-seminars, covering any topic(s) compatible with the specific TCAFU E-Mail Group(s) being used.

Recommended Procedures: (a) to Request, or (b) to Convene
& Lead Civic Action On-Line "Chat" Discussions or Seminars
If you wish: (a) to request, or (b) to convene & lead an on-line "chat" discussion or seminar concerning any civic action topic --

1.  Post well in advance a brief description of the subject matter (and, if you are convening & leading, the event's date and time), in *at least* the following three locations:

A.  the CA4YT Training & Technical Assistance Exchange Group,

B.  the Universal Civic Action Network E-Mail Correspondence List,

C.  the specific Topic-Focused (CA4YT),  Special Interest Geographic Area-Focused (U-CAN),  or  Student-Focused USA / International  E-Mail Group(s) appropriate for the anticipated subject matter.  If you are convening the event, don't forget to enter the date, time, and subject outline on the calendar which you'll find just below each Group's "Links" section.

2.  Discussion/Seminar Leaders are also encouraged:

A.  to publicize the event on your favorite Internet Correspondence List(s);

B.  to ask persons who plan to participate to respond to you by e-mail, indicating their desire to take part;

C.  to send participants a reminder message the day before it takes place;

D.  to remember that the more effort invested in preparing, organizing, and publicizing the event, the greater the likelihood that it will be well-attended and successful !!

Return to:  The Civic Action Free University
Return to:  The World Educational Civic Action Network
Return to:  The International & U.S.A. Students' Civic Action Network E-Mail Groups
Return to:  The "Universal Civic Action Network" (U-CAN) E-Mail Group
Return to:  The "Viva Civic Action !!" Music Station
E-Mail the Facilitator
