Can You Help ??


The Civic Action Free University -- http://www.tcafu.net -- cordially welcomes participation by all students who have a genuine interest in any aspect of constructive civic action, community service, and/or development.

To view the range of subjects we cover, see our Topic-Focused E-Mail Groups.

Check out the "Students in Civic Action and Community Service" Group -- and/or its Links section -- for resources you may find useful.

For opportunities to participate and contacts in your State or local area, visit the Free University's International and U.S.A. Students' Civic Action Network E-Mail Groups.

Would you be willing to help inform others on your campus who might like to learn about the Free University ??

Here's a brief sample message (or, use any other version you like better) that you could:

A.  Post on your school's message boards or e-mail groups,


B.  Send to your campus newspaper,


C.  Alert the news or feature commentators of your campus radio station:

The Civic Action Free University

Message text:
For those who may be interested, you're cordially invited to check out The Civic Action Free University:


Explore, join, participate, and enjoy !!
Please help to get the message out !!

Some Additional Ways Students
(and Other Interested Folks)
Can Participate in -- and/or Help to Develop --
The Civic Action Free University

New !!

Civic Action Free University Logo Posters

Two different color combinations (click on the first poster
to see the second -- use your back arrow to return)

Print and post them at appropriate locations in your college,
dormitories, cafeteria, etc.  These graphics may also be useful
as hand-outs at conferences, seminars, or training events.


1.  Review the Free University's Topic-Focused E-Mail Groups to identify the ones that interest you.  Then, follow the simple procedure for joining them.

2.  Ask yourself:

a.  "How can I find the most useful resources on the Web, so they can be:  (1) posted to my favorite Groups, and/or (2) added to their "Links" sections ??

b.  "How can I help make these Groups "treasure houses" of useful material that will provide World Class knowledge & information about the topics in question to Civic Action Program Team Members ??"

3.  Internet Correspondence Lists ("listservs") covering topics similar to the Free University E-Mail Groups can be found by going to the database at Topica.com, and entering appropriate search terms.  You can use this method to identify active Correspondence Lists, and then post instructions for accessing them to the Free University Groups concerned -- and/or include Correspondence List web site addresses in the Groups' "Links" sections.

4.  Use your favorite Search Engine(s) to find web sites of relevant:

a.  organizations, programs,
b.  sources of expertise, and/or
c.  sources of funding.
Of particular interest are:
d.  distance learning options, and
e.  on-line discussions or seminars.
Review the links that have already been collected for your target Groups, and add any pertinent new ones you've discovered.

If you have questions or suggestions, or if you need additional information, please drop me a note.

Thanks for your interest and your assistance !!


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Return to:  The Civic Action Free University

Return to:  The Students in Civic Action and Community Service E-Mail Group

Return to:  The Free University's International and U.S.A. Students' Network
E-Mail Groups

Return to: The World Educational Civic Action Network

Return to:  The Free University's Logo Posters Page

Return to:  "Universal Civic Action Network" (U-CAN) E-Mail Group

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