Supercharge Your Non-Profit
Web Site !!
Become an Associated
On-Line Campus of
The Civic Action Free University

If your organization is a properly established non-profit civic action or community service agency in good standing that operates at local, state, national, and/or international levels -- and/or if *you* have a genuine personal, academic, or professional interest in these topics -- this is a cordial invitation to enhance the impact of your web site by including an Associated On-Line Campus of The Civic Action Free University (TCAFU).

This can easily be accomplished by adding the content shown below to an appropriate section of your web site -- such as its Home Page or its Links Page.  Custom assortments of these links can be created to suit your specific needs, if desired.  Your Webmaster can do this, or you can contact the Free University Facilitator for assistance.

(Name of Your Organization or Web Page)
Associated On-Line Campus
The Civic Action Free University

"Nation-Building:  Are You Serious ??"
>>>    Some Options for Getting Started    <<<<
Right Away
You Are Cordially Invited to
Visit, Explore, Join, and Participate !!

>> Top <<

Topic-Focused "Civic Action for Your Turf" (CA4YT) Groups

Civic Action Special Interest Groups

Geographic Area-Focused (U-CAN) Groups -- by State,
and by Federal Region


Key National Policy Issues for Civic Action, Community Service, & Development
Some Civic Action Options for
International Impact
Community Action:  National Organizations, The Virtual
CAP, and On-Line Agencies Across the USA
Emergency Preparedness in
Major U.S. Metropolitan Areas
News and Media Center
Some Key Documentary
Films for Understanding
Our Contemporary World
The Civic Action
Free University's
Networking Site
Civic Action's Best:  Blogs,
FaceBook, Ning, TIGWeb, and
Other Networking Pages

Nominate Your Favorites !!
Become an Associated On-Line Campus of The Civic Action Free University
A Special Note for College
and University Students
International and U.S.A. Students'
Civic Action Network E-Mail Groups
Will Americans Allow *These* To Become the
Dominant Patterns for Our Nation's Future ??
Post-Industrial Wasteland              Neo-Fascist Corporatocracy
Complete Site Directory and
Access to All Contents
>> Top <<


As your Webmaster will confirm, there are two main ways to modify your web site file, depending on whether it has been:  (a) composed with the aid of an HTML editing program, or  (b) produced with basic HTML code.

Option 1 -- For web sites composed with an HTML editing program:  Simply highlight and copy the headings and Links Panel shown above, and then paste them into the desired location in your own web page's file -- which can then be SAVED and uploaded to the server of your organization's Internet Service Provider.  (Note: Depending on the type and age of your HTML editing software, it may be necessary to go to FILE on your toolbar, and put this page and/or your web page file in the EDIT mode to accomplish the desired copying and pasting.)

Option 2 -- For web sites produced with basic HTML code:  Right-click on any white portion of this page containing contents that you wish to add to your own site, and select "View Page Source" from the drop-down menu that appears.  Highlight and copy the complete HTML code of the desired material.  From the drop-down menu under FILE on your toolbar, put your own page into EDIT mode, paste the desired new code into the appropriate location on your page, and SAVE.  The newly modified page can then be uploaded to the server of your organization's Internet Service Provider.

Return to:  The Civic Action Free University
Return to:  The World Educational Civic Action Network
Return to:  The Free University's International and U.S.A.
Students' Civic Action Network E-Mail Groups

Return to:  The "Universal Civic Action Network" (U-CAN)
E-Mail Group

Return to:  The "Viva Civic Action !!" Music Station
E-Mail the Facilitator
