Key Agencies Conducting Relief
Efforts in Nations Recently Affected by
Tsunamis and Earthquakes

Compiled as a Service of
The Civic Action Free University


The following organizations are accepting donations for relief efforts in nations of Africa and South Asia affected by the tsunamis and earthquakes of 2005.  Please follow the links provided to learn more about specific organizations.  Monetary donations are the best ways to help the millions of survivors, as they can be used to purchase needed supplies and provide aid with the greatest amount of effectiveness.

Action Against Hunger

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International

American Friends Service Committee

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc.

American Jewish World Service

American Red Cross

American Refugee Committee


Association for India's Development

Baptist World Alliance

B'nai B'rith International

Brother's Brother Foundation


Catholic Relief Services

Child Fund International

Christian Reformed World Relief Committee

Church World Service

Concern Worldwide, US

Direct Relief International

Doctors Without Borders

Episcopal Relief and Development

Food for the Hungry, Inc.

Habitat for Humanity International

Heart to Heart International

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

International Medical Corps

International Relief Teams

International Rescue Committee

Latter-Day Saints Humanitarian Services

Lutheran World Relief

MAP International

Medical Teams International, Inc.

Mercy Corps

Operation USA

Oxfam America

Plan USA

Project Concern International

Project HOPE

Salvation Army World Service Organization

Save the Children USA

Stop Hunger Now


World Concern

World Emergency Relief

World Hope International

World Relief

World Vision


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