13th Mass Vol Inf Roster

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HENRY M. HADLEY; age, 20; born. East Cambridge, Mass.; moroccodresser; mustered in as priv., Co. E. July 16, '6l; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64.

SAMUEL P. HADLEY, JR.; age, 18; born, East Cambridge, Mass.; morroccodresser; mustered in as priv., Co. E, July 16, '61; mustered out as sergt., Aug. 1, '64; wounded, July 1, '63.

JOHN HAGGERTY; age, 22; born, England; seaman; mustered in as priv., Co. C, July 24, '63; deserted, Aug. 16, '63.

ADNA P. HALL; age, 24; born, Groton, N.H.; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. H, July 16, '6l; killed, Sept. 17, '62.

GEO. W. HALL; age, 21; born, Boston; mariner; mustered in as priv., Co. K, Aug. 18, '62; transferred to 39th Mass., July, '64; taken prisoner, July 1, '63, Gettysburg; mustered out, June 30, '65.

JERE. M. HALL; age, 18; born, Somerville, Mass.; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. C, July 16, '6l; mustered out, March 19, '62; residence. Malden Mass.

JOSEPH HALSTRICK, JR. ; age, 19; born, Boston, Mass.; silversmith; mustered in as priv., Co. C, July 16, '6l; mustered out, March 23, '63; wounded at Manassas, Aug. 30, '62; residence, 65 W. Canton street', Boston.

HENRY A. HAM; age, 28; born, England; porter; mustered in as priv., Co. A, July 27, '63; transferred, July 14, '64, to 39th Inf.

HENRY A. HAM ; age, 26; born, Boston; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. D, July 20, '6l; mustered out, June 9, '62.

ORREN A. HAMBLETT; age, 23; born, Dracut, Mass.; clothing manufacturer; mustered in as priv., Co. C, July 16, '6l; mustered out, June 21;, '62; residence. Mason, N.H.

WILLIAM ALLEN HANSCOM; age, 27; born, Lewiston, Me.; dry-goods dealer; mustered in as priv., Co. D, July 16, '6l; mustered out, March 7, '63; promoted to 1st lieut. in 79th U.S. Colored Troops; died while in the service.

JOHN HANSON; age, 21; born, Canada; seaman; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 27, '63; transferred, April 22, '64, to navy.

THOMAS HANSON; age, 27; born, Prussia; sailor; mustered in as priv., Co. B, July 22, '63; deserted, Nov. 26, '63.

GEORGE HAPPLETON; age, 22; born, England; butcher; mustered in as priv., Co. A, July 23, '63; April 14, '64, transferred to navy.

GEORGE C. HARADEN; age, 18; born, Westboro', Mass.; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. K, July 16, '6l; died, Dec. 22, '6l.

JOHN HARDY; age, 22; born, France; cook; mustered in as priv., Co. D July 18, '63; deserted, Aug. 17, '63.

AUGUSTINE HARLOW; age, 28; mustered in as capt., Co. D, July 16, '6l; resigned, captain, Aug. 3, '63; deceased.

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AUGUSTUS HARPER; age, 23; born, Roxbury, Mass.; farmer; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 16, '61; mustered out, Jan. 16, '63.

JAMES L. HARRIMAN; age, 29; surgeon; mustered in as assistant surgeon, Aug. 1, '62; mustered out, Feb. 3, '63.

FRANK A. HARRINGTON; age, 18; born, Boston, Mass.; mechanic; mustered in as priv Co. K' July 16, 61 mustered out July 20, 64 deceased.

GRANVILLE H. HARRIS; age, 20; born, Lancaster, Mass.; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 16, '61; mustered out, Nov. 26, '62, Trinity General Hospital, Washington, D.C.

HENRY A. HARRIS, age, 21; born, Haverhill, Mass.; printer; mustered in as priv Co. A July 23, 61 mustered out March 7, '63; commissioned as 2d lieut., 82d U.S. Colored Troops, March 7, -63; 1st lieut., Jan 29, 64 capt., Aug., 64; final muster out, Sept. 7, '66; residence, Lawrence, Mass.

JAMES HARRIS; age, 21; born. New York City; moulder; mustered is as priv., Co. D, July 28, '63; deserted, Aug. 17, -63.

JOHN HART; age, 26; born, England; bookbinder; mustered in as priv., Co. B, July 29, '63; deserted, Aug. 20, '63.

SIMON F. HARTFORD; age, 21; born, Lancaster, Mass.; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 16, '61; mustered out as corp., Aug. 1, '64 promoted to corp., July 1, '64; detailed as clerk at headquarters, Oct. 21 63, and served in that capacity the remainder of the term.

GEORGE E. HARTWELL; age, 17; born, Shirley, Mass.; farmer; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 16, '61; mustered out, July 18, '62; deceased.

GEORGE E HARTWELL; age, 38; born. West Boylston, Mass.; carpenter. mustered in as priv., Co. K, Aug. 14, '62; mustered out, Jan. 9, '63; badly wounded at Antietam; residence, Westboro', Mass.

LYMAN HASKELL; age, 23; born, Westboro', Mass.; bootmaker; mustered in as priv., Co. K, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; wounded. May 5, 64; residence, Marlboro', Mass.

SETH G. HASKELL; age, 31; born, Marlboro', Mass.; trader; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; residence, Hudson, Mass.

ABEL B HASTINGS; age, 18; born, Marlboro', Mass.; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, 64; wounded Aug. 30, 62, and taken prisoner at Gettysburg; residence, Marlboro, Mass.

FRANCIS W. HASTINGS; age, 21; born, Marlboro', Mass.; shoemaker mustered in as priv., Co. I, July 16,'61; deserted, Sept. 28, 63

FRANK B. HASTINGS; age, 18; born, Roxbury, Mass.; fanner; mustered in as priv., Co. D, July 20, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, 64; wounded, July 3, 63; residence, in the State of Oregon,

GEORGE H. HASTINGS; age, 19; born, Roxbury, Mass.; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. D, July 22, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; residence, Boston, Mass.

CHARLES HAWKINS ; age, 29; born, Scotland; seaman; mustered in as priv Co. B, July 24, '63; deserted, Nov. 28, '63.

CHARLES HAVES; age, 21; born, Connecticut; gilder; mustered in as priv Co. E, July 25, '63; deserted, Nov. 28, '63.

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EDMUND P. HAYES; age, 18; born, Boston; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. A, Feb. 24, '62; transferred, July 14, '64, to 39th Inf.; died of wounds received while in the 13th Mass.

EPHRAIM HAYES ; age, 44; born, Milton, N.H; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. H, July 16, '61; mustered out, Jan. 20, '63.

HENRY HAYES ; age, 19; born, Farmington, N.H.; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. G, July 16, '61; mustered out. May 24, '62.

SYLVESTER A. HAYES; age, 33; born, Milton, N.H.; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. H, July 16, '61; killed, July 1, '63.

CHARLES E. HAYNES; age, 24; born, Sudbury, Mass.; farmer; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; wounded at Manassas, Aug. 30, '62, at Antietam, Sept. 17, '62, and at Spotsylvania, May, '64; residence, Sudbury, Mass.

LEANDER A. HAYNES; age, 27; born, Sudbury, Mass.; carpenter; mustered in as priv., Co. H, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64.

SAMUEL M. HAYNES; age, 28; born, Wayland, Mass.; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 16, '61; mustered out as Corp., Jan. 6, '63, Philadelphia; promoted to Corp., Aug. 17, '61; enlisted in the 59th Mass., Dec., '63; wounded, Sept. 30, '64; residence, Hudson, Mass.

ALBERT A. HAZELTINE; age, 24; born, Springfield, Mass.; painter; mustered in as priv., Co. D, Aug. 7, '62; died, Nov. 15, '62, of wounds received at Manassas.

GEORGE R. HEALY ; age, 24; born, Weymouth, Mass.; blacksmith; mustered in as priv., Co. C, July 16, '61; died. Dec. 5, '62.

WARREN M. HEALY; age, 22; born, Weymouth, Mass.; carriage trim mustered in as priv., Co. C, July 16, '61; mustered out, Nov. 22, '62.

J. THEODORE HEARD; age, 25; born, Boston; physician; mustered in as asst.-surg., July 16, '61; mustered out as surg., Oct. 25, '65; promoted to surg., U.S. Vols., May 1, '62; brevetted lieut.-col., March 13, '65; May 1, '62, assigned as brig. surg., 1st Brig., 2d Div., 1st A.C. (then Duryea's brigade of McDowell's Corps); Oct. 28, '62, assigned as surg.-in-chief, 2d Div., 1st A.C.; Nov. 10, '62, assigned as medical director of the 1st Corp. Army of the Potomac, commanded by Gen. John V. Reynolds, remaining in that position until the 1st Corps was consolidated with the 5lh Corps under Gen. Warren, March 23, '64; March 25, '64, assigned as surg.-in-chief of artillery reserve. Army of the Potomac; April 30, '64, assigned as medical director, 4th Corps, Army of the Cumberland; promoted to lieut.-col. by act of Congress (dated Feb. 25, '65), March 13, '65; residence, 20 Louisburg square, Boston.

WALTER S. C. HEATH ; age, 29; born, Cornwall, Canada; watchmaker; mustered in as priv., Co. K, Aug. 2, '62; reported deserter, March, '64.

HENRY J. A. HEBARD ; age, 18; born, Norwich, Conn.; engineer; mustered in as priv., Co. A, July 29, '61; transferred as Corp., July 14, '64, to 39th Inf.; wounded, July 1, '63; residence, Alameda, Cal.

ROBERT B. HENDERSON ; age, 26; born, Portsmouth, N.H.; clerk; mustered in as sergt., July 20, '61, mustered out as 1st lieut., Aug. 1, '64; wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62; taken prisoner while in hospital, and paroled by surgeon in charge; promoted to 2d lieut., Jan. 10, '63; to 1st lieut., Aug. 4, '63; acting adjutant of the regiment from April, '63, to March, '64, when he was ordered, on account of wounds, to report at draft rendezvous in Boston Harbor, serving there as asst.-quartermaster until mustered out; residence, 12 Beacon street, Boston.

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WILLIAM HENDERSON; age, 24; born, Ireland; laborer; mustered in as priv., Co. C, July 25, '63; deserted, April 26, '64.

WILLIAM A. HENDERSON; age, 18; born, Boston; plumber; mustered in as priv., Co. E, July 20, '61; deserted, Aug. 23, '61.

WILLIAM HENSCHEL; age, 32; born, Prussia; painter; mustered in as priv., Co. C, Aug. 4, '63; deserted, Nov. 26, '63.

ALBERT E. HENTZ; age, 20; born, Boston; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. A, July 16, '61; mustered out, March 4, '63; wounded, Aug. 30, '62, Manassas; residence, Boston.

MARTIN HICKEY ; age, 22; born, New Brunswick; seaman; mustered in as priv., Co. G, July 24, '63; mustered out, March 19, '64.

DAVID F. HICKS; age, 24; born, Roxbury, Mass.; clerk; mustered in as Corp., Co. B, July 16, '61 promoted to 1st lieut., 2d U.S. Colored Troops, March 7, '63; resigned, Jan. 22, '64; residence, Lawton, Mich.

From: Tim Machado machado-t@lycos.com
To: wa6ipd@nctimes.net
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 3:52 PM

Subject: names of 13th mass. soldiers on wall


I'm an architect in Winchester, VA, working on the recently renovated Court House / Civil War Museum (www.civilwarmuseum.org ). We've discovered on the walls the names of two 13th Mass. Soldiers from Co. B and were wondering if you might know how they could have ended up in Winchester. One is David Hicks, the other is John Waitt. Hicks appears to have been wounded at Antietam but I'm not sure why he would have been brought to Winchester unless he was captured.

Thanks for your help.

Tim Machado

MARTIN HIGGINS; age, 21; born, Ireland; laborer; mustered in as priv., Co. E, Aug. 4, "63; deserted, Oct. 22, '63.

SAMUEL A. HILDRETH ; age, 28; born, Newton, Mass; carpenter; mustered in as priv., Co. D, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; residence, Boston, Mass.

CHARLES HILL; age, 25; born, New York; calker; mustered in as priv., Co. C, July 28, '63; deserted, Sept. 17, '63.

GEO. H. HILL; age, 20; born, Portsmouth, N.H.; clerk; mustered in as priv., July 16, '61; promoted to corp., '63; taken prisoner, May 1, '64, and sent to Andersonville address, 79 Franklin street, Boston.

JOHN M. HILL; age, 32; born, Worcester, Mass.; bootmaker; mustered in as priv., Co. K, Feb. 17, '62; mustered out, 39th Mass., Feb. 20, '65 promoted to Corp., Nov. 1, '63; surrendered warrant to accept detail at headquarters as mounted pioneer; transferred to 39th Mass.; mustered out, Feb. 17, '65; residence. Spencer, Mass.

EDWIN F. HILLMAN; age, 23; born, Livermore, Me.; carpenter; mustered in as priv., Co. B, July 16, '61 mustered out. Dec. 9, '62; deceased.

JAMES M. HILTON ; age, 22; born, Newport, Me.; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. G, July 16, '61 mustered out. Dec. 23, '62.

WILLIAM M. HILTON; age, 23; born, Wiscasset, Me.; painter; mustered in as priv., Co. C, Feb. 13, '62; transferred to 39th Mass., July 15, '64; residence, Medford, Mass.

SAMUEL S. HINCKLEY; age, 19; born, E. Bridgewater, Mass.; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. A, July 16, '61 transferred to V.R.C. as sergt.-major, July 1, '63; residence, San Francisco, Cal.

LLOYD W. HlXON; age, 34; born. Great Falls, N.H.; physician; mustered in as asst. surg., March 21, '63; mustered out as asst. surg., Aug. 1, '64; residence, Newburyport, Mass.

WILLIAM J. HOURS; age, 28; born, Natick, Mass.; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. H, July 16, '61 mustered out, Aug. 1, '64.

ELIAS O. HODGE; age, 23; born, Marlow, N.H.; leather-cutter; mustered in as priv., Co. B, July 16, '61 mustered out as corp., Aug. 1, '64; promoted to corp., April 5, '63; taken prisoner, July I, '63; exchanged, May 1, '64; rejoined regiment, June 6, '64; residence, Detroit, Mich.

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HIRAM G. HODGKINS; age, 24; born, Waterville, Vt.; boot-treer; mustered in as corp., Co. K. July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; detailed in Q.M. Dept. after Aug. 2, '62; residence, Leonie, Nebraska.

EDWARD HOLBROOK; age, 22; mustered in as priv., Co. C, July 16, '61; deserted, July 30, '61.

SILAS P. HOLBOOK ; age, 28; born, Dorchester, Mass.; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. A, July 16, '61 clerk at headquarters, 1st and 5th A.C.; promoted to 2d lieut.-, 45th U.S. Colored Troops, Sept. 6, '64; mustered out as 2d lieut., 45lh U.S. Colored Troops, April 25, '65; residence, Dorchester, Mass.

HENRY A. HOLDEN ; age, 19; born, Quincy, Mass.; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. A, July 16, '61 killed, Aug. 30, '62.

HOLLIS HOLDEN ; age, 44: born, Newfane, Vt.; farmer; mustered in as priv., Co. K, Aug. 11, '62; killed, Sept. 17, '62, at Antietam.

CHARLES E. HOLDER; age, 18; born, Marlboro', Mass.; farmer; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 16, '61 deserted, June 12, '62.

LOUIS P. HOLLANDER; age, 20; born, New York City; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. D, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 2, '62; residence, Somerville. Mass.

ALBERT F. HOLMES ; age, 22; born, Nantucket, Mass.; sailor; mustered in as priv., Co. I, July 16, '61 mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; wounded in the wilderness; deceased.

CHARLES A. HOLMES ; age, 25; born. No. Auburn, Me.; painter; mustered in as priv., Co. G, July 16, '61 mustered out, Feb. 20, '62.

SOLON HOLMES; age, 23; born, Grafton, Vt.; salesman; mustered in as priv., Co. B, July 16, '61 mustered out, June 17, '62; deceased.

CHARLES W. HOLT; age, 25; born, Landgrove, Vt.; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. B, July 28, '61; mustered out, Sept. 22, '62; appointed quartermaster in U.S. service; deceased.

JOHN M. HOLT; age, 25; born, Marlboro', Mass.; musician; mustered in as musician, July 16, '61 mustered out as musician, Sept. 2, 62.

EUGENE J. HOLYOKE. ; age, 19; born, Marlboro', Mass.; farmer; mustered in as priv., Co. I, July 16, '61 mustered out, Nov. 17, '62; deceased.

HENRY A. HOLYOKE; age, 25; born, Marlboro', Mass.: farmer; mustered in as priv., Co. I. July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; detailed in ambulance corps; residence, Marlboro', Mass.

SAMUEL S. HOOD; age, 29; born, Salem, Mass.; leather-dresser; mustered in as priv., Co. G, July 16, '61; mustered out, Nov. 1, '62.

GEORGE H. HORN ; age, 22; horn, Dover, N.H; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. C, July 16, '61 mustered out, March 16, '62.

CHARLES E,. HORNE. ; age, 21; horn, Farmington, N.H. shoemaker; mustered in as 4th sergt., Co. G. July 16, '61 mustered out as 1st lieut., Sept. 18, '64; promoted, 1st sergt., Jan., '63, to 2d lieut., July 1, '63, and 1st lieut., March, '64: wounded at Gettysburg, July 1, '63, and at Spotsylvania C.H., May 8, '64; at latter place lost right arm; was also taken prisoner and confined in Libby until Sept. 8, '64; residence, Stoneham, Mass.

ROLLINS T. HORTON ; age, 17; born. Clarendon, Vt.; baker; mustered in as priv., Co. A, July 16, '61; mustered out as sergt., Aug. 1, '64.

Correction May 2012 Rollin (no “S”) Timothy Horton – born Clarendon, Vermont, Feb. 23, 1843, Enlisted as a Private at the age of 17 on July 16, 1861; promoted to Full Corporal on Nov. 1, 1862; held as a POW on July 1, 1863 at Gettysburg, PA; promoted to Full Sergeant on May 1, 1864; mustered out of Company A, on August 1, 1864 in Boston, MA. After the war he was a member of GAR Post # 191 (Gettysburg) in Boston, MA In his final years he resided at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in Chelsea, Maine. He is buried at Togus National Cemetery in Togus, Maine, in Section K, Site 3261. See memorial No. 2868065 on Findagrave.com.

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THOMAS HORTON ; age, 23; born, England; sailor; mustered in as priv., Co. A, July 23, '63; deserted. May 5, '64.

JAMES L. HOSMER; age, 21; born, Acton, Mass. clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. B, Aug. 6, '62; dropped from rolls, Oct. 10, '62.

ALBERT R. HOVEY age, 24; born, Portland, Me.; clerk; mustered in as corp., Co. A, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; residence, Lewiston, Me.

CHARLES H. HOVEY; age, 31; born, Boston, Mass.; clerk; mustered in as 1st lieut., Co. D, July 16, '61; promoted to capt., Co. K, Nov. 6, '61; to lieut.-col., April 16, '64; wounded, Sept. 17, '62, in face, at battle of Antietam, while in command of Co. K; wounded at Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, '63, and fell into the enemy's hands while acting as division inspector on General Robinson's staff; recaptured, July 4, '63; wounded at Gettysburg in right thigh near knee; detailed from regiment as brigade inspector on General Taylor's staff, 3d Brigade, 2d Div., 1st Corps, on Jan. 15, '63; on May 7, '63, on the retreat from Chancellorsville, promoted to division inspector on staff of General Robinson, commanding 2d Div., 1st Corps, and served in that capacity till wounded at Gettysburg; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; address, 39 Circuit street, Boston Highlands.

JOHN G. HOVEY ; age, 33; mustered in as 1st lieut., Co. B, July 16, '61; resigned as capt., Jan. 7, '64; promoted to capt., Jan. 31, '62; residence, Philadelphia, Pa.

DAVIS P. HOWARD; age, 20; born, No. Bridgewater, Mass.; brakeman; mustered in as priv., Co. I, July 16, '61; mustered out, Sept. 1, '62; residence, So. Framingham, Mass.

EDWARD J. HOWARD; age, 19; born, Salem, Mass.; artist; mustered in as priv., Co. D, July 16, '61; mustered out, Feb. 25, '64, Washington; residence, Boston, Mass.

HENRY HOWARD; age, 21; born, Damariscotta, Me.; carriage-painter; mustered in as priv., Co. G, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; wounded, July 1, 1863; promoted to Corp., Jan. I, '63.

WILLIAM L. HOWARTH ; age, 20; born, Boston; seaman, mustered in as priv., Co. D., July 27, '61; entered the U.S. Navy, April 29, '63, as master's mate; promoted to ensign, Sept. 17, '64; to master, Oct. 27, '64; was taken prisoner at blowing up of the "Albemarle," and paroled Feb. 24, '65; commissioned as master in the regular service, March 12, '68; resigned April 2, '69; received prize money, $35,887.50.

ALFRED G. HOWE; age, 36; born, Marlboro', Mass.; carpenter; mustered in as sergt., Co. I, July 16, '61; killed, Aug. 30, '62.

CHARLES A. HOWE; age, 24; born, Leominster, Mass.; trader; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 16, '61; mustered out, Feb. 10, '63; wounded at Antietam; residence, Hudson, Mass.

CHARLES E. HOWE; age, 18; born, Gonie, N.H.; blacksmith; mustered in as priv., Co. E, July 28, '61; transferred to Co. I, 19th V.R.C., Dec. 13, '63; mustered out, April 1, '64; residence, Lowell, Mass.

CRANSTON HOWE; age, 19; born, Shrewsbury, Mass.; farmer; mustered in as priv., Co. I, July 16, '61; mustered out, Feb. 4, '63; wounded, Aug. 30, '62, Manassas; residence, Natick, Mass.

JACOB A. HOWE: age, 31; born, Boston; clerk; mustered in as sergt., Co. A, July 16, '61; mustered out as capt., Aug. 1, '64; promotions: com. sergt., June I, '62; 2d lieut., July 23, '62; 1st lieut., Jan. 10, '63; capt., Aug. 4, '63; residence. Maiden, Mass.

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JOHN H. HOWE; age, 23; born, Berlin, Mass.; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 16, '61; mustered out, July 18, '62; reenlisted, Co. I, 5th Mass. (100 days); residence. Linden, Orange Co., Kan.

J. R. HOWE; age, 18; born. Orange, Mass.; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. B, July 29, '62; mustered out, Feb. 9, '63. RUFUS HOWE; age, 20; born, Boylston, Mass.; farmer; mustered in as priv., Co. I, July 16, '61; mustered out, Feb. 14, '63; wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, '62; deceased.

STEPHEN A. HOWE; age, 19; mustered in as musician, July 16, '61; mustered out as musician, Sept. 1, '62.

W. H. H. HOWE; age, 20; born, Orange, Mass.; carpenter; mustered in as priv., Co. B, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; detailed at head- quarters in commissary department; residence, Felton Hall, Cambridge, Mass.

WILLIAM G. HOWE; age, 25; musician; mustered in as member of band, July 16, '61; mustered out as member of band, Sept. 1, '62.

WILLIAM P. HOWE; age, 19; born, Stowe, Mass.; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. F., July 16, '61; mustered out, March 14, '63; wounded at Antietam; residence, Stoneham, Mass.

CHARLES C. HOWLAND; age, 27, born, Westport, Mass.; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. B, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 20, '62; appointed 2d lieut., 38th Mass.; afterwards capt. in same regiment; residence, 650 Shawmut avenue, Boston.

DIXI C. HOYT ; age, 27; born, Northfield, N.H.; physician; mustered in as priv., Co. K, July 16, '61; never left the State; in 1864 appointed asst.- surgeon, 2d Mass. H.A.; died in '64.

WILLIAM HUDSON; age, 25; born, Ireland; laborer; mustered in as priv., Co. A, July 27, '63; transferred to navy, April 18, '64.

JOHN HUGHES ; age, 29; born, Ireland; laborer; mustered in as priv., Co. D, July 28, '63; mustered out, Jan. 17, '64.

ORRA H. HUMPHREY ; age, 22; born, Hingham, Mass.; paper-hanger; mustered in as priv., Co. D, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; residence, Cambridge, Mass.

WALTER HUMPHREYS; age, 20; born, Dorchester, Mass.; farmer; mustered in as priv., Co. A, Aug. 7, '62; died of wounds received June 2, '64.

IRVING S. HUNT; age, 25; born, Charlestown, Mass.; leather-dealer; mustered in as priv., Co. B, July 16, '61; mustered out, Nov. 4, '62; residence, 26 Coenties Slip, New York.

J. EDWIN HUNT; age, 22; born, Boston; clerk mustered in as priv., Co. C, Aug. 7, '62; mustered out, Jan. 19, '63; detailed as clerk at Convalescent Camp, Alexandria, Va.; address, City Hal!, Boston.

SAMUEL E. HUNT, JR. ; age, 21; born, Marlboro', Mass.; farmer; mustered in as priv., Co. F, July 16, '61; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64; detailed to ambulance train soon after battle of Antietam; residence, Marlboro', Mass.

SAMUEL P. HUNT; age, 19; born, Boston; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. C, July 16, '61; mustered out, July 15, '64; detailed as librarian, Campbell Hospital, Washington, D.C.

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JOHN L. HUNTOON ; age, 25; born, London, N. H carriage-painter; mustered in as priv., Co. C, Aug. 6, '62; mustered out, March 25, '63.

GEORGE S. HUTCHINGS ; age, 26; born, Salem, Mass.; carpenter; mustered in as priv., Co. E, July 16, '61; mustered out, Feb. 28, '63; address, 23 Irvington street, Boston.

GEORGE W. HYDE ; age, 20; born, Boston; clerk; mustered in as priv., Co. A, Aug. 7, '62; mustered out, Aug. 1, '64.

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