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A Man

I am a Man
We meet
I hold you
Caress your cheek
Look into your eyes
There I see Truth
There can be no Lies

I am a Man
I kiss your lips
Touch you tenderly
You quiver
You tremble

I am a Man
I Teach You Love
I heal your Heart
I touch your soul
Then, You know me.

I am a Man
On the day of judgment
Duty and Honor shall Prevail
I will stand before My Maker
And be accountable
Even for the actions
Of each of you, My Loves

I am a Man
All of the Loves of my Life,
Shall join me
At the end of time
And together
We Shall Step Into Eternity

Now Playing
I'LL Go On Loving You
Compressed mpeg-3 wav

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Since January 31, 2000

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