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Love's Sad Moments

As Depression decends
Emotions Well Up

Then The Feelings Come

Wishes and Hopes
Dreams Dismayed

Washed upon the shore
like the sand from the sea

Lives of People
dashed against the rocks
by waves and the tide

Stark Realities
from which you cannot hide.

Fear dictates
Fear is the Rule

How much life
is not experienced?
Lost forever
moments that cannot be regained
because of timid hesitation

portraits not painted
poems not said
trips not taken
Love Making un-fulfilled

So worried about Tomorrow
that there cannot be a Today

Stuck in a no-where past
living a life that's in the grave.

The thought of not Having your love
Does this to me.
Then you call
The Love I Hear

The Darkness lifts
Joy floods in

Life Blooms Anew

  © November 19, 2000 by Robert Michael Beamer  

Don Mclean - And I Love You So.wav
Compressed mpeg-3 encoded wav

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