By: Rachel

© November 1999

JC Chasez slowly made his way in and out of the throng of people that had gathered inside of the club in the last half hour. Looking around, he smiled cockily as he eyed all of the people dressed in their unique leather outfits, all gathering here for the same reason. Pure pleasure. A tightening in his groin assured him that he was ready for whatever would be thrown at him tonight and he clenched and unclenched his fists looking around the room for someone to play his tricks on. He waited for a group of people to get out of his way and as he was doing so, he felt a pair of hands slowly slide around his small hips and glide down to his crotch, softly stroking him.
"Hey sexy..."
JC licked his lips and closed his eyes briefly, reveling in the sound of the sultry voice behind him. He slowly turned and loved the sight before him. She was clad in a vinyl bodysuit and fishnet tights, her long brown hair in an up-do and spiked heels on her feet. His eyes made a trail from her ankles to her eyes, stopping briefly at her healthy dose of cleavage that he knew was aching to be released. Slowly he leaned in and kissed her, and smiled against her mouth as she moaned.
"You don't waste any time, do you?"
She smiled cockily and grabbed his crotch, causing him to roll his eyes back in his head. He was more than ready.
"This way..."
She took him by the hand and led him to a small room in the back of the S & M club. She closed and locked the door and JC smiled as he noticed the various toys and things lying about. Turning to look at her, he undressed her with his deep blue eyes and felt himself harden more. She walked slowly over to him, swaying her hips and licking her lips lustily. She kissed him eagerly, their tongues dueling and aching for more. JC brought her closer to him, grinding himself into her and feeling the heat escaping from her vinyl-clad crotch. Slowly she pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on top of him, peeling away his tight black shirt and leaving him in his leather pants. She made a trail of kisses down his neck and to his stomach, softly blowing on his navel. She slid further down, nuzzling her head in his crotch and wanting nothing more than to have his hard cock inside of her. She had been eyeing him for a few months now, ever since he had started his regular visits to the club. Tonight she had made sure to look for him and get a hold of him before anyone else could. Reaching into a nightstand by the bed, she pulled out leather straps and pinned his hands to the cast iron headboard, tying him to the railing.
"You're mine tonight."
She smiled at him and licked back down his washboard stomach, anxiously unbuttoning his pants and pulling them off of them. His cock stood at attention and she wasted no time in deepthroating him, causing JC to moan and arch his back. She slid her mouth up and down his shaft, massaging the underside with her tongue and rolling his balls in the palm of her hand. She took a few moments to lick her little finger and after it was well lubricated, she slowly eased it inside of him, quickly finding his prostrate gland and softly stroking it with her fingernail. She returned her mouth to his cock and sucked on it harder, still stroking him. JC screamed out in intense pleasure and bucked on the bed, feeling a powerful orgasm overtaking his body. She licked and sucked harder, wanting to taste all that he had to offer her. All of a sudden his body stiffened and he let out an animalistic moan as she felt his hot, white cream coat her throat. JC calmed down and laid motionless on the bed, awaiting what was to come. She slowly lifted her head from his crotch and slid up his body, brushing herself against his now flaccid cock. She slowly untied him and pulled him up into a sitting position, straddling him and kissing him roughly.
"I've heard you've been a bad, bad boy." JC moaned against her mouth as she continued. "You know what happens to bad boys? They get..." She trailed her hand to his ass and slapped it hard. "Spanked." JC growled at her, feeling his cock rising again. "Get in position."
She ordered him around and JC didn't hesitate to listen. He climbed onto his hands and knees, anxiously awaiting the erotic feel of leather being slapped against his naked ass.
"How bad have you been?"
"Bad..." JC yelped as he felt the first stinging sensation of the whip making contact with his skin.
"I love bad boys..." She slapped his ass again with her whip, smiling as JC squirmed.
"Tell me what you love to do..." She waited for his answer.
"I love to eat pussy." She whipped him again.
"You eat other girls pussy but you haven't eaten mine? I'm offended." JC moaned as he heard the whip crack against his ass three more times. The head of his cock was brushing against his stomach because he was so hard. "You deserve a beating." She cracked her whip in the air and then unabashedly began lashing it on JC's already red buttocks, laughing sexily as he yelped and screamed out in pure pleasure. One, two, ten, twelve...the lashes kept coming and JC could feel his balls tightening. The woman saw his back tighten and smiled.
"Are you gonna jizz on my bed?"
"Yessss..." JC moaned.
"But it's my new bedspread." Whip.
"I don't carrrrreeeee....." JC screamed out and let it go, spraying his cum all over the covers. She continued whipping him until his orgasm subsided and then bent down, placing feather kisses on his bright red butt cheeks.
"Man, you are a bad boy. But I like that." JC just moaned his approval. Spent, he collapsed on the bed. The woman rolled him over and sat on his washboard stomach. JC slowly opened his eyes and looked her over. She was still fully dressed in her vinyl suit.
"I don't even know your name."
"Why do you want to know it?"
"Because I want to remember that you are the only one that can make me cum so hard." He smiled at her and she bent down, tracing his lips with her tongue.
"Jess...hmm...such a sweet name for someone so, I don't know...kinky."
"Very funny. What's your name?"
"And why do you want to know mine?" Jess slid down to his crotch and sat up for a moment, undoing the snaps to the crotch of her bodysuit as she sat down.
"So I can know the name to scream when you fuck me." She began grinding her hot center onto him, causing JC to moan. He placed his hands on her hips to push her down further, but she stopped him.
"I am in control..." She cooed at him and sat up, picking up the leather straps from earlier that had fallen from the floor. She tied his wrists again and reached into the drawer for two more leather straps and a chiffon scarf. She quickly tied his ankles to the bottom of the bed and covered his eyes with the thin sheet of material.
"What are you doing?" JC could only see just enough of her figure to know that she was still in the room.
"Playing." Jess sat beside him on the bed and gingerly traced her fingers up and down his flaccid dick, wanting anxiously to see it rise again. Still stroking she looked in JC's direction and spoke to him.
"I have some rules that you need to follow. If you are a good boy and listen, then you will be handsomely rewarded...I'll submit to you...I know you want nothing more than to fuck me feel my hot pussy squeezing your beautiful cock...." She smiled as she saw his penis start to harden. "And since you love to eat pussy, just maybe I'll sit on your face and grind into it, just so you can taste every ounce of juice inside of me...." His penis was now half-hard. She moved and placed herself right above his penis, softly placing herself on him, just so he could feel her skin against his. She grinded against him for a few moments until she was satisfied with his erection. "But, if you don't obey won't get any of it. Understand?" She smiled as JC nodded his head in anticipation. "Good. First rule, no talking. Second rule, no moaning, no groaning. I like a man who can control himself. And third rule, I am in total control."
Jess stood up and peeled off her bodysuit, leaving her in nothing but her heels, her fishnet leggings and a strapless black bra. Jess sat down on JC's calves, bending over and licking the tip of dick. He squirmed a little, but didn't make a sound. Smiling wickedly, she placed her whole mouth on the head of his cock, sucking hard and swirling her tongue around the edge. JC remained completely still, but his hardening cock let Jess know just how much he was enjoying it. She scooted up further and took his whole cock in her mouth, but still he didn't budge. Moving her mouth up and down his long shaft, she smiled to herself as she noticed his clenched jaw. He was being such a good boy...the least she could do was allow him to eat her out. Letting his wet cock pop out of her mouth, she crawled over him and up to his face, she straddled him. JC could smell her musky scent and his mouth watered at the thought. He still didn't say a thing.
"Eat me, JC. Lick my pussy until it hurts." She sat down on his face and almost lost control and his lips formed an instant suction cup around her clitoris. His long tongue rapidly went in and out of her, allowing her to let moans escape from her throat. Soon she found herself losing all control as she rode his face and encouraged him verbally.
"Oh God, my pussy...oh baby...damn...that's it...oh...make me cum....come it, it.."
Hearing her excited screams made JC even more turned on and he concentrated his full mind on her. He licked harder and faster and lapped up everything as soon as she let any juice flow. Her moans became more frequent and her screams became louder as he continued. The familiar tingling sensation started deep within her and Jess couldn't hold back anymore.
"Oh god...JC...I am going to cum...lick me baby...uh...uh....uh...oh it goes...oh god....AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!" Her body shook in violent tremors as she reached her intense peak.
"Untie me..." JC commanded, and to his surprise, Jess slowly untied the leather straps binding him to the bed. Seeing how spent she was from her powerful orgasm, JC quickly turned over and pinned her beneath him, grabbing the leather straps and tying her wrists to the bed.
"Now it's my turn to be in control."
He kissed her roughly and fondled her breast, unhooking her bra, and smiling as each huge breast popped out. Her big brown nipples were already rock hard and JC bent down and bit the right one, causing Jess to emit an animalistic scream. He pinched and played with the other nipple while roughly chewing and sucking the other one, grinning evilly as Jess moaned louder and louder. After a few minutes, his aching cock couldnt take anymore and he lifted her long legs over his shoulders and thrust into her hard. Jess screamed out and JC began fucking her unabashedly.
"Do you like this you little bitch? Huh? Do you like it when I fuck your brains out?"
Jess smiled wickedly and screamed out at him, loving how he talked to her. His balls were slapping against her ass and her head was banging against the headboard, and their mixed cries of pleasure drowned out any other noise in the club. JC felt her walls start to tighten and slowed down.

"You thought you were going to get to cum didn't you? You were wrong..." JC pulled all of the way out and Jess whimpered.


"No, I get to have my way with you..." He took her legs off of his shoulders and turned her over on her stomach, making her get in position on her hands and knees. He dipped his cock inside of her a couple of quick strokes and then brought it out, instantly plunging inside of her other hole. She screamed out in an odd mix of pleasure and pain, and JC grabbed her hair, pulling her head back as he thrusted into her.
"You like this don't you?" He panted in exasperation and grinned as she slowly moaned. Her ass was tight and JC's balls began to tighten. "Do you like it when people cum in your ass?" She growled at him and JC fucked her even harder. "Good." JC threw his head back and allowed himself to get totally lost in the ecstasy of the moment. He felt his cum rush from his balls to the head of his cock and explode violently inside of her and screamed out, completely emptying himself. Slowly he pulled out and collapsed on top of her, panting for breath. Neither of them said anything for several minutes, and JC slowly got up from the bed and pulled on his pants.

"When will you be back?" Jess slowly lifted her head up and looked at him, waiting for an answer. JC bent over on the bed and spread apart her legs, licking a trail from her inner thigh to her center, giving it a soft lap before standing up again.

"Soon." He picked up his shirt and pulled it on as he slipped on his shoes and walked out the door.