So you want your story on here? Cool. You just need to know a couple of things...
1st- Must be tasteful, none of this 'I married Justin, had 10 children, The End.' Make sure it has depth, a plot, stuff like that. 2nd- it doesnt matter what kind of story you write, novel, short, visual ect... just as long as its good :) 3rd- If you write a novel please have at least 3-4 chapters completed because we dont want to start a story and never finish it. KnowwhatImean? Good. If you have any questions e-mail us at
Now we need the basic stuff...
Who does your story focus on:
Rated: [ex: R, PG-13,]
Then you can put your story in the e-mail, and send it to Please send it as a text document. If you cant thats okay. If we like it we'll write you back and tell you its up on the site.
Peace Love and Chair Dances,
Mandi and Raci