By: Rachel
© June 1999

Disclaimer: This is your final warning about the mature content of this story. Gay sex, lesbian sex, and other hardcore content is included and if you are offended by any of the above subject matter, discontinue reading. Do not complain to me after you have read the story because I have given you fair enough warning! Now, with that said, enjoy!

Characters are:

Rachel/Tiger--Joey's girl
Joella/Candy--Justin's girl
Erika/Layn--Chris's girl
Donica/Sugar--Lance's girl
Heidi/Taffy--JC's girl

"Fuck! It's showtime...where are Heidi and Joella?" Rachel screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Probably in the closet getting each other off..." Donica was quick to reply.
"HEIDI AND JOELLA GET OUT HERE NOW!" Slowly the closet door opened and sure enough out of the darkness of the close confines exited Heidi and Joella, giggling and flushed.
"Sorry, Rachel." Heidi winked at her. "Just doing some before show warm-ups to get rid of...well, butterflies."
"Uh huh..sure. Heidi, put your tit back in the bra and get ready. We go on in moments."
The girls got in line and checked out each others appearance in the full length mirrors aligning the walls. They were all wearing black lace thongs and bras, complete with garters, stockings, and stiletto hills. A string of pearls was hung on each girl's neck and their hairstyles were held loosely in an up-do by a pencil, allowing them to easily let their hair fly if need be. The announcer's voice boomed through the microphone and into the loudspeaker.
"ANd now, for our next act...five of the sluttiest, most gorgeous women you will ever see in Sin City. Please give a warm hand to the mistresses of hard core: Tiger, Candy, Layn, Sugar, and Taffy!!!!!!" The girls pranced onto the stage and out into the playing field filled with sweaty old guys and trashy casino addicts looking to get off. The strains of "Touch It" by Monifa blared out of the speakers and the girls started. Each took their place at the five metallic poles waiting for them and began their performance. Touching each others bodies, kissing each other briefly, and then looking out at the mass of guys for approval. Out of the corner of her eye, Rachel saw a thickly built, fine Italian youth sitting at the table by the edge of the stage, slowly sipping on his drink and taking her in with his eyes. Seeing her chance, she walked over to his table and stepped upon it, giving the hottie his own table dance. Slowly she climbed off of the table and into the man's lap, grinding onto him briefly and feeling the luscious package tucked beneath his pants rubbing against her. She softly cooed into his ear.
"After the show, meet me backstage and you'll get your own dance.."
"Only if my friends come..."
"The more the merrier..." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and returned to her place on the stage, finishing the routine and scurrying off with the rest of the girls.
"Hey! Girls....got a little present coming for all of us...should be arriving any time now.."
"Hell yes...if it is anything like the last present you gave us, Rachel, I won't be walking for days." Erika squealed with delight.
"Yeah well this time there is more than just one--" She was interuppted by a knock on the door. "That should be Santa's Elf now..."
Opening the door, her eyes fell upon five of the cutest guys she had probably ever seen. Standing in front was the man she had scoped out in the audience.
"Hi," she greeted them. "I'm Tiger."
"Nice to see you again. I'm Joey and this is Lance, Justin, JC, and Chris." Rachel ushered them inside and quickly closed and locked the door behind them. The girls stood up and stared in awe of the pieces of meat that stood before them, waiting to be devoured. Rachel introduced the guys to them, and not wasting any time, she pushed Joey against the wall and began grinding her pelvis into his. The feeling of his hard cock against her made her flood with desire and she ripped off his shirt, satisfied with the six pack and muscular chest that had been revealed. She moved slowly down and sucked on his lucious brown nipples, causing him to moan out loud. Erika seized the opportunity and walked over to where Chris sat and instantly straddled him.
"Hi, I'm Layn...and I am going to cause you some pain..." She lurched down and bit Chris's neck. He screamed at first but then was overwhelmed with pleasure. Erika felt his penis grow from beneath her and was eager to release it so she could use it as her latest play toy. She quickly unzipped his pants and grabbed his hard cock and began to stroke it. Chris moaned his approval and laid his head back on the chair enjoying the moment. Some of his pre-cum had already squirted out and Erika massaged it into the head of his cock and licked the remaining juices off of her fingers.
"Not too salty and not too sweet...perfect." She bent down and stuck her tongue in Chris's mouth, making him taste what she just had. She jumped off of his lap and fell onto her knees on the floor, wanting desperately to feel his dick inside of her mouth. She took it all in at once and Chris screamed out in pleasure. He moaned as he felt Erika's expert tongue licking up and down the sides of his shaft. He groaned again as her teeth barely scraped the head of his manhood and began a light suction on the tip. She massaged his balls in her right hand and stroked the length of his cock with the other. The pleasure he was recieving was too great and he began thrusting his pelvis up into her face, desperately trying to cum. Pretty soon, he felt himself going over the top and screamed out.
"SSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Erika took all of his cum in her mouth and swallowed, almost cumming with him. She loved giving head and it was one of the things that turned her on the most. Chris jumped out of the chair and pinned her to it, wrapping her legs around his neck and plunging into her confines. He licked away and nibbled her clit, making a scream of intense ecstasy escape from Erika's throat. He stuck his tongue in as far as he could and began a fast pace, lapping all of her juices. Erika grabbed his head and pushed him further into her, enjoying every moment of his tongue inside of her. Pretty soon she was panting for breath as her orgasm came closer and closer.
"Fuck...Chris...come on....keep it up...faster..faster...oh shit...shit...oh damn..oh my god...here it goes...OH god...uh...uh...uh....AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!" She screamed a deafening scream as her orgasm came crashing down.

Hearing Erika's scream almost sent Joella over the edge as Justin fucked her against the sink. He plunged his long, hard dick inside of her faster and faster with each grunt and groan and as Erika came, he thrust deep inside of her. Joella braced herself against the wall and tried to hold on, because she wasn't ready to come yet. Justin bent down and began sucking on her nipples, all of the while keeping his pace inside of her cunt. Feeling aggressive, he pushed her off of the counter and made her face the sink, spreading her legs and entering her once again from behind. The friction of his balls slapping against her ass was almost too much and Joella through her head back, moaning and groaning in time with each thrust. Her moans and screams encouraged Justin and with each one he seemed to go deeper and harder than before. He used one hand on her waist to hold her steady and then reached around her torso to fondle her breasts. He pinched and flicked and carressed her nipples, making her cry out in pleasure.
"FUCK ME JUSTIN!!!! Fuck me hard!!!"
Donica almost had too much and strolled to wear Joella was leaning against the sink. She hopped onto the sink in front of Joella and postioned herself in front of her friend's breasts. She moved Justin's hand away from them and began flicking her tongue on them and gently nibbling on them, intent on making her friend cum. Joella couldn't handle it anymore and bucked against Justin and screamed out in pure ecstasy as she came.
"FFUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!!! Uh...uh...GOOOOODDDDDD....oh god...I am cumming......" Justin kept up his pace and didn't stop, sending her into another orgasm. "FUCKKKKK...I"M CUMMING AGAIN!!!!"
The orgasm washed over her body and left her shaking and sweating. She slowly stood up and let Donica fall to her knees to suck Justin's cock. She took it her mouth and tasted Joella's juices mixed with his precum and sighed with desire. It wasn't long before she had a good pace going. Joella wanted to repay Donica for the pleasure she had helped her achieve and spread her legs apart. She slid two fingers into her confines and began fingering her mercilessly. Donica moaned with Justin's dick lodged deep inside of her mouth and thrusted against Joella's fingers. Joella had never really been with a girl before, but her hormones were going wild tonight and she needed to be with a woman desperately. She knelt between Donica's legs and began furiously eating her out. She placed a finger on Donica's clit and massaged it roughly while eating her friend out. Pretty soon, Donica could feel her orgasm coming and fervishly sucked on Justin's dick, desperately wanting to taste his cum. Justin threw his head back in delight, relishing in the feeling of her mouth around his head. He pushed her head into his crotch, almost choking her, but knowing that Donica was too lost in her own pleasure to care. Joella rubbed harder and faster on Donica's clit and soon it sent her friend soaring over her own edge.
"EAT ME, JO!!!!!!!!!! FUCKKKKKKK...." Joella lapped at her friend's juices and loved every minute of her new entry into lesbian sex. When Donica came, Justin's cock popped out of her mouth, but he was already too far past his limit. She reached out and licked the red, swollen head of his cock and he grunted, sending his spunk flying all over her face. Donica returned her mouth to his dripping cock and sucked him dry, delighting in the taste of his cum.
Both JC and Lance watched and enjoyed the scene unfolding between everyone in the room and pretty soon found themselves stroking their own cocks in time with the noises escaping from various mouths. JC stood about 6 feet away from Lance and was lost in his own pleasure world, as was Lance. Lance got into his act of self pleasure and swung his head back, enjoying the feelings washing over him. He heard a voice talking to him and snapped his head back, opening his eyes to face the figure.
"Need any help with that?" JC stood in front of him with a lustful look in his eyes. Lance slowly nodded his head and JC fell to the floor sucking Lance's cock. They had never been together before...none of the guys had. But the emotions and sexual sparks flying in the air, caused things to happen that had never happened before, and probably wouldn't happen again. JC let his first intuition overtake him and did what his mind told him, too, thoroughly enjoying giving Lance a blow job. Heidi noticed the guys and strolled over to them.
"Step over...let the professional do the work." She positioned herself between the guys and took one cock in each hand, taking turns giving each of them head. While she was giving the other a blow job, she stroked the other cock. JC and Lance moaned loudly, rolling their eyes back in their heads, enjoying every minute of the experience. Pretty soon, Heidi resorted to jacking them both off at the same time, and before long cum was spewing out of each dick onto her face and into her hair. She took as much as she could from each dick, but still became a sticky mess of white goo. She loved every minute of it and smiled at the satiated men to her side.
The rest of the night resulted in a massive orgy and continued into the early morning hours until the ten exhausted bodies gave out. They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, carrying with themselves the memory of the best sex that any of them ever could of had.