By: Rachel
© June 1999

Disclaimer: The following story contains strong sexual content intended for mature eyes only. In no way does this story portray the true to life actions of any *NSYNC member involved. This is simply a story that was crafted out of the twisted author's mind for both your and her enjoyment. Do not complain to me if you are offended, simply discontinue reading! Now, go and enjoy yourself immensely!

"Damn, baby...why are you looking so fine?"
Rachel heard a voice whispering into her ear. She usually didn't like talking to strangers, but there was something about this voice that made her hot. Slowly she turned to face the body that housed the voice. "I guess I am here to entertain you..."
She winked at him. She took the moment to look at his body and his features. As she stared into his eyes, she became hypnotized with the way they peered deep into her. The lust and passion-filled desire pouring out of them, turned her on. She wanted to kiss him right there, but she convinced herself against it. He must have read her mind, because he bent down and kissed her hard, sending her tumbling over the edge of blind ecstasy. She lost herself in the kiss, oblivious to any other souls in the club and world. His tongue probed inside of her mouth, and ran against her teeth making her want him more and more each second the kiss continued. It was so intense that she thought she could possibly cum right then. He pulled away, once again seemingly sensing what her mind was saying and took her out to the middle of the dance floor.
"What's your name?" She had to know the name of this wonderful specimen of man.
"Joey....and yours?"
"Nice name."
"Thanks...now let's get back to business."
He took her by the waist and pushed her up against him, taking one of her legs and draping it over one of his. She was exposed only to him and she could feel his hard-on straining from under his pants. She flooded at the thought of having him inside of her. She wanted him so bad that she could taste him. Unconsiously, she started grinding herself into him and he responded by doing the same. Every now and then his cock would stroke her clit for a short moment, causing her to moan in pleasure. She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him in for another kiss. Hands started traveling and before long she found herself stroking him through his pants. He moaned and encouraged her via whispers into her ear.
"God, baby...that feels so good....hmmm...girl.....oh...don't stop..."
She lifted her head a bit and flicked his earlobe with her tongue. Pleased with his reaction, she started a slow suction on his earlobe while gently rubbing his penis through the hard fabric of his jeans. Joey lost himself in the pleasure she was giving him and threw his head back, lost in the ecstasy of the moment. He slowly slid one hand under her dress and was almost shocked to find that there were no underwear blocking his path. He quickly slid two fingers inside of her dripping wet confines and began fucking her with his fingers. It was almost too much for Rachel and she tightened and untightened her muscles around his fingers. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she tried to enjoy the moment but hold herself back from falling over the edge. It would have been possible if Joey hadn't bent down and started sucking on one nipple through the thin cloth of her shirt. This sent her soaring over the edge and she trembled in his hands as her orgasm came crashing down. She screamed out, but no one in the club paid any attention for they hadn't heard due to the max volume of the music blaring through the speakers. Joey fingered her until she stopped trembling, inking out every orgasmic wave contained in her body.
"I want to taste you..."
He seductively whispered into her ear and breathed on her neck almost causing her to shoot full force into another round of orgasm. She only nodded her head and led him to the girl's bathroom. It was made to hold one person at a time. Satisfied that no one else was occupying it, she locked the door and pushed him to the floor. She quickly unzipped his pants and her mouth watered at the sight of his long, thick cock dripping with pre cum. She flicked her tongue at his head, and got wet again at the sound of the loud moan escaping his lips. She took him all into her mouth and started a hard, fast suction, giving the best blow job she had ever given in her life. She took one hand and squeezed his balls. Joey was thrusting his pelvis in the air, trying to get as much of his cock inside of her mouth as he could. His breath started to get ragged and she knew from the way he was pulsating inside of her mouth that he was about to shoot his load. His moans started out softly and soon they got louder and louder. Right before he reached his peak, he pushed her off of him, stopping him from cumming. She looked at him with a confused expression on her face and before she knew it, he had postioned her on his face so he could eat her out. She came once as soon as she felt his tongue working expertly inside of her cunt, lapping up all of her sweet juices that were flowing out. She rocked back and forth on his face until she was about to cum again and noticed that Joey was busy working his cock with one of his hands. She bent over and pushed his hand away, and licked the red swollen head of his beautiful dick. He screamed out from beneath her at the feeling of her wet tongue on his cock and began fervishly licking her to orgasm. The harder he licked her, the harder she sucked him. Finally, with one last lick inside of her and one last suction from her, they both came at the same time, shaking and screaming out in pure ecstasy. After the feeling had subsided, Rachel pulled off of him and turned around looking at him. She kissed him and sucked on his tongue, tasting all of the juices that had flowed from her body. She noticed that he was still hard and felt the overwhelming urge to have him inside of her.
"Fuck me Joey..."
On command, Joey got up off of the floor, and pushed her up against the bathroom wall. He hoisted her legs up around his waists and spread them wide, allowing him easy access. He ripped open her shirt and unclasped the front hook of her bra, setting her breasts free. He bent down and sucked on one nipple and then bit it. Rachel screamed out in pain, but it quickly subsided and turned into pleasure. Joey pulled back and pushed himself inside of her all the way to the hilt and began fucking her hard. Every now and then he would bite one nipple and caress the other, but after a few times, he stopped, lost in the intensity of the feeling he was experiencing. Rachel was being fucked so hard that her head was beating the wall, but she didn't care. She was thirsting after another good orgasm.
"God........yes...Joey....Shit...fuck me...harder...harder...oh yes...there you go....FUCKKKKK Joey......SShhhhiiitttt...."
"You are so tight.....god girl you feel so good....oh shit....oh yes....oh God...I think I am going to cum....oh god..."
"Uh uh uh uh....oh yes oh yes......"
The more she screamed out, the more their orgasm increased. Finally Joey pulled out of her and slammed back into her sending his cum pouring inside of her. The first burst was amazing but was soon followed by a second, third, fourth, and fifth load of cum. With each load, Rachel came again and again, screaming out his name. Gradually, it slowed to a stop and left both of them trembling uncontrollably.
"Damn baby....that was amazing."