I'm Not Happy

By Tigercent1



"Your man's callin'," Kristen said.

"Thanks! Hey handsome," Kris said.

"Hi, Babe. There's been a cancellation and I'll be home tonight," he replied.

Kris felt her heart skip. They'd been together over a year and the affect he had still amazed her.

"I land at 7," he continued.

"Any requests for dinner?"

"Surprise me," he whispered, playfully.

"OK, I'll think of something. Do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, Poof will drop me off."

"OK. See ya tonight."



"I love you."

"I love you, too. Be safe," Kris said.

"I will. Bye, Babe," he said.

Everyone says that JC looks out and fathers the others, but Kris knows that he needs someone to watch out for him, too. She sighed and allowed her thoughts to drift.

"Kris? Earth to Kris," Kristen said.


"Welcome back to Earth," she laughed.

Kris smiled and asked what she needed. Kristen totally helped herself to the couch and sighed as some people do.

"OK, what's you dilemma?" Kris asked.

"Chris is coming in tonight and he's seen everything in my nighty selection," she whined.

Kris waited for her to continue, knowing full well what was coming.

"Can I leave for the day? I need something to catch his attention," she said with a sly grin.

Kris laughed and nodded her head. It was already 4 p.m. and it had been 3 dreadful weeks for her. Kristen bounced off the couch and hugged her.

"My vibrator thanks you much and I'll remind Chris to do the same next time we see you!"

Kris gave her a toothy grin and with that Kristen left her office.

"I'll lock the door on my way out. K? See ya Monday, sis."

"1, 2, 3"

"Oh, Kris?" she said.


"I love you," they said in unison.

Kris laughed to herself. It was great seeing her everyday and watching her strive to please her man. Even though Kris'd had doubts about Chris dating her sister, seeing Kristen smile bigger and laugh heartier proved they'd actually been great for each other.

Kris finished her notes and closed the office for the weekend. Her thoughts drifted back to JC as she made a list on the way to the grocery store. Kris completed her shopping and made one more stop.

"Yes," Kris said to herself, "he'll like these."


After driving 15 minutes, singing to the radio, Kris arrived at the house they shared in a great family neighborhood. Kris loved this house and together they'd made it their home. It wasn't small, but not huge either. It was just right for them with enough room for friends and family to visit.

Kris carried the groceries into the kitchen and quickly pressed the play button on their machine. She began putting away her purchases when JC's voice reached her ears.

"Babe, our flights been delayed. I'll be landing at about 8:30," long pause, "can't wait to see you."

The delay didn't bother her that much anymore, but Kris remembered a time when it did.

Kris went about her usual routine and before she knew it, it was nearly 8 p.m. Kris went to the kitchen and started making dinner. She knew better than to cook the rolls and tortelini until he was home, but she had everything else ready.


JC quietly opened and shut the front door. He could already smell the pasta and knew Kris was in the kitchen. He placed his bags in the hallway and made his way to her. JC watched her make dinner and sing along with some of her favorite musicians knowing full well she'd stop if she saw him. He stood in silence while she set the table. As she turned around, she saw him. Kris smiled and walked toward him. JC quickly wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. Kris responded by kissing him harder and he held her tighter. Slowly, they pulled apart both smiling.

"It's great to be home," he said.

"I'm glad your here, too," Kris whispered.

"I especially like your slippers," he laughed.

It took a second, but she remembered she had her ultra-comfy teddy bear slippers on and joined his laughter.

"Why don't you go relax and take a shower while I finish dinner," Kris suggested.

"Join me?" he suggested and began kissing her neck.

No matter how many times he did that, Kris' knees always went weak. There was never any risk of falling though, because he always tightened his hold on her.

"As much as I'd LOVE that...." she started, but was interrupted by his stomach grumbling.

They both laughed and he headed upstairs.

"I left a surprise for you on the bed," Kris said.

He grinned at her and she watched him climb the stairs. JC turned and caught her.

"Still watching my butt, eh?" he teased.

Kris blushed slightly and playfully spanked his butt. JC threw his had back, laughed, and went upstairs.


JC went straight to the bathroom. He shed his clothes and turned the hot water on. The water felt great on his tired body and soon the mirror was all fogged up. His thoughts drifted to Kris. He knew she was "the one" and that she loved him with all of her heart. He loved her so much and, at times on the road, found it nearly impossible to be so far away from her. Kris made him so happy and he knew he wanted to spend his life with her.

Kris wasn't gorgeous or beautiful, but was pretty to him. She was his friend as well as his lover. She was intelligent and at times, absolutely hilarious. His family loved her as hers did him. Kris has this amazing way of figuring people out without saying a whole lot. He loved that way she listened to Poof and the others with their problems. She never forced advise, but gave it lovingly when she was asked.

"Handsome, dinner's ready," Kris said from the bedroom.

"I'll be right down," JC replied.

He finished washing and turned off the water. He dried himself quickly and walked into their bedroom. On the bed was a box with a green bow. JC opened it and chuckled. Inside was a pair of green silk pajamas. He pulled the pants on and grabbed a white beater from his drawer, leaving the silk top on the bed.


JC jogged down the stairs and saw her carrying their plates to the table. He snuck up behind her and placed his hands on her hips, pressing her to his hard body.

"Enjoy your shower?" Kris asked with a smile.

"Yes, but it was lonely." They locked eyes and he continued, "I'll grab the rolls."

They ate dinner and discussed many topics ranging from his recent tour to her work.

As they cleared the table, Kris asked, "Did you not like the shirt?"

"I did, but I thought I'd share," he answered.

JC walked toward her and trapped her against the counter. She looked up at him and they began kissing. It felt so good to have him in her arms and to feel his touch. Slowly he worked his kisses down her face to her neck before stopping. Kris put her arms around his neck and attempted to pull him down for another, but he broke free. JC grinned and took her hand leading her to the stairs.

"What about the dishes?" she persisted.

"Leave them. I'll do them in the morning," he replied.

Her right eyebrow perked up as she knew full well he would not do the dishes, but she let it slide. Kris followed him up the stairs enjoying the view and switching off lights as they went. They entered their room and she was in his arms again. JC closed the door with his foot and backed her to the bed.

JC bent slightly to kiss her neck and began unbuttoning her blouse. His slow, meticulous rhythm was driving Kris nuts. She stepped closer as her shirt fell to the floor and pressed her body against his. She could feel his aroused manliness and kissed him hard. They broke their kisses long enough to shed their clothes. She stood directly in front of him and admired his strong, lean body with her hands. Her hands became idle just below his naval and her eyes traveled up to his. JC gently pushed her to the bed and she scooted up to rest her head on the pillows. He smiled and slowly crawled up the length of her body, kissing it as he went. She moaned softly and wanted him so much. He knew her body well enough to know she wanted to feel him inside her and soon.

He massaged her mouth with his tongue and pushed her legs further apart. Slowly he entered her and it felt better than Kris had remembered. JC worked his kisses down her neck to her breasts. He placed his mouth over one nipple and fondled the other one with his fingers. Kris moaned his name and he pressed harder in her. She grabbed his butt and raised her hips to meet him. He switched breasts and picked up the pace of his thrusts. Kris felt herself losing control and dug her nails into his skin causing him to moan loudly. He moved his kisses back to her mouth and soon they reached their peaks together.

Out of breath, they laid there for a few minutes. JC slowly raised his head and chest to look her in the face.

"You OK?" he asked.

"Yes, you?"

"I'm satisfied!" he grinned and withdrew from her center. Kris rolled and snuggled up to his chest as he laid on his back. She felt his breathing slow and soon he was sleeping.

She quietly climbed out of the bed, pulled on the silk pajama shirt and headed downstairs. Quickly, she checked the locks, did the dishes, and returned to bed. JC stirred slightly and held her tight. Mentally she noted that this was her favorite part of him coming home before dosing off.


Kris woke to JC kissing and caressing her. She smiled with delight and he playfully pinned her. He took his time making love to her and held her close to his chest as they caught their breath.

"Babe?" he started.


"I'm not happy with the way things are..."

She looked at him, hoping he was teasing, but his face was so serious. Kris immediately felt herself freaking out and wasn't going to let JC watch her heart break. They'd never made any promises to one another and she always doubted they'd be together forever. To his dismay, she hopped from the bed, grab some clothes, and went into the bathroom.

"Kris?" he started.

"It's OK. I already know what you're gonna say," she replied holding back the tears that wanted to stream down her face. She grabbed some essential items and threw them in a bag. JC watched her do this as though he didn't understand.

"I'll get the rest of my things after Monday," she said, not looking at him.


Kris took off out of the house and left in her car. She didn't really know where she was headed but wanted to be as far away from JC as possible. It hurt just thinking and allowing his words to echo in her head.

"I'm not happy.....Babe, I love you.....I'm glad I'm home.....I'm not happy."

She pulled into the apartment complex and went inside. She let herself in with her key. She needed to talk her way through this and figure out how to begin her life again.

"Stop!" Kristen squealed.

"Never!" Chris replied as he continued tickling her.

Kris peaked around the corner to the kitchen, hoping they were dressed and the her surprise they were. Kristen saw her and immediately knew something had happened. She broke free of Chris and he started to protest, but saw Kris.

"You look like you ran over your best friend," he joked.

Kris couldn't hold it back anymore and started bawling. She told them what had happened, but Kristen was the only one who understood through Kris' blubbering. Kris cried so hard for so long that she gave herself a headache.

"Why don't you take a long hot shower?" Kristen suggested when Kris had calmed down a little.

"I think I will. Thanks for listening."


Kris stepped into the hot water and just stood there for a few minutes. She began talking the whole situation out to herself. She knew she'd at least have to talk to JC long enough to decide what to do with the house since they were buying it together. She loved the house, but couldn't afford it by herself. She started to cry again, but made herself stop.

"Move on, Kris. That's all that's left to do," she scolded herself.

She dried off and dressed in big comfy clothes. Kris wiped her eyes once more, took a deep breath and headed back to the kitchen. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw JC there. Kristen and Chris quickly excused themselves and Kris wanted to strangle them both.

"Come, have some breakfast," he said as if nothing had happened that morning.

Kris didn't speak for fear she'd start to cry. She took her seat and removed the napkin from her plate. To her surprise, there was a ring box on it. She didn't move, but just kept staring at it.

"Here, let me," JC said.

He hadn't left her side. JC picked up the box, turned her in her chair, and opened the box. Inside was a shimmering diamond ring with their initials on either side of the stone. She wanted to cry again and couldn't speak as she raised her eyes to his.

"I'm not happy with the way things are. I don't like calling you my girlfriend. I want to be more. Will you have me as your husband?" he asked softly.

Kris looked at him and realized how stupid she'd been. She thought he was ending things, but he actually wanted to be her husband.

"Yes," she whispered as she nodded her head. JC pulled her close and she couldn't hold back the tears any longer so she let them flow free. They stood there holding each other tight for what felt like forever. Slowly JC broke away and looked into her eyes.

"Promise to never leave me again?"

"I promise!"

She snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes. Kris finally allowed herself to dream of their future together. "Together!" she thought and smiled as they kissed.