"Inside Moves"
By: Rachel
© June 1999

Disclaimer: This is your final warning as to the mature content contained in this story. If you are any way offended by masturbation, threesomes, graphic sex, and other hardcore acts, discontinue reading! I am not married to JC Chasez (although I admit I woudln't complain if it were true), and I have no relation to him or to Joey Fatone as anything other than a fan. Do not complain to me for being offended if you read anything past this disclaimer. You have been warned! Now with that side, enjoy yourself!

Chapter One

"Good morning, beautiful." I opened my eyes and looked into the deep blues of my husband of two years, JC Chasez. I greeted him with a kiss.
"Good morning, love."
"You have got to get up..."
"Why's that?"
"We have a pool party today for the guys and their girls. Remember?"
"Yuck," I groaned. "Ok, I will get up, but only under one condition."
"Make love to me."
"When was I ever the one to argue a request like that?"
He smiled at me and kissed me. Slowly it became more fervent with his graceful tongue probing my mouth. He fondled my breast that was naked from the previous night and rubbed the nipple between his finger and forethumb. Knowing that it was definitely one of my hot spots, he moved lower until his mouth took the place of his hand upon my nipple. He circled it at first with his tongue and then started an easy suction on it, causing me to moan loudly.
"JC....oh god..."
I arched my back in pleasure, but JC positioned himself between my legs, pinning me down on the bed. He grabbed my hands and pinned them up against the headboard with his own. By him doing this, I could tell he was in one of the moods I loved: he wanted to fuck.
"Do you know how long it has been since I gave you a good fuck?"
"Too long....remind me..." With that, he spread my legs as far apart as he could with his knees and thrust into me. I was naturally tight, so it hurt just a little and I cried out.
"That's it baby...scream for me..."
"JCCCCCCC...damn....god...fuck me baby...fuck me HARD!"
JC pounded himself into me all the way to the hilt and I could feel his balls slap against my ass at the end of each thrust. I thrust my pelvis in time with his, causing an erotic friction that threatened to send us both soaring over the edge. JC's cock was throbbing inside of me and I found myself thirsting for his cum. Right before he exploded he jerked out of me and positioned himself above my face. He jacked himself off furiously and threw his head back, lost in the ecstasy of what he was feeling. I loved when he sprayed his cum all over me and he knew it.
"Oh baby...oh god...fuck..fuck...fuck..here it comes, here it goes...SHIT!"
The first spray hit me in my mouth and dribbled onto my chin. JC moved lower and lower on my body, covering me with his sweet, milky cum. He made sure to slick my breasts over with his spunk and made a trail to my pubs with other bursts from his beautiful dick. He shook his cock furiously, making sure to get all of it out that he possibly could. He spread the last dribbles of it onto my pussy and massaged it into my pubs. Not wasting any time he placed three fingers in me and fucked me hard with his hand. He felt my muscles contract and pulled out, insistent on me not cumming yet.
"Not yet...I want to taste you..."
He forced his head into my cunt and fervishly licked me to an orgasm, teasing my clit with his tongue and occasionally nibbling on it, and then replacing his tongue inside of me. It didn't take long for me to stumble over the edge and I laid on the bed, writhing in pleasure.
"Now are you ready for that pool party?"

Chapter Two

"My, oh my, are you looking sexy..."
JC said to me as he saw me standing in the kitchen preparing snacks for the pool party. I was wearing a black two piece bathing suit with a halter top and bottoms that tied at each side. He went over to me and turned me around to face him. He took one of my hands and placed it on his crotch so that I could feel his erection.
"I am so fucking horny today..."
I knew what we wanted and I could feel myself become wet at the thought of the guys seeing us through the open front door. They were going to be there in five minutes and I flooded at the thought of them catching me red-handed with JC's cock in my mouth. I fell to my knees and unzipped his pants, not surprised that there were no underwear beneath. I deepthroated his long, succulent cock at once and he screamed out, grabbing my hair in his hands and pushing my face into his package. I used my tongue to lick his shaft as I sucked him off, and I grabbed his balls, moving them around in my hands.
"I need to feel me inside of you..."
JC looked almost like he was going to beg, so I stood up and he removed my bottoms, raising my legs to his waist so that I could wrap them around him. He entered me forcefully and I screamed out in pleasure. He fucked me fast and hard on the kitchen counter, moving in and out of me in an almost unbearable motion. We were moving so fast that we could hear our combined juices coming together, making wonderful noises. I scratched at JC's neck and bit his earlobe. With each nip of his ear, he pounded into me harder and harder until I was screaming out in an intense orgasm. When my muscles tightened around his cock, he came inside of me, screaming out and fucking me unabashedly.
He continued fucking me until every last drop of his cum had left his balls and gently let me down off of the counter. He zipped up his pants and straigtened up his shirt as I replaced my bikini bottoms to their former positions. Right at that moment, the guys came running up to the porch and let themselves in.
"Hey y'all!" Justin was the first to enter.
"Hi." JC and I could barely manage the word after what we had just experienced. Joey came up to me and hugged me and then hugged JC, noticing a fresh scratch mark on his neck.
"What the hell is that?"
"Oh...uh...the cat clawed me." He smiled at Joey hoping he would buy the excuse.
"Uh, JC...you don't have a cat."
"Meow." I purred at Joey and then winked at JC, walking out of the kitchen and onto the patio.

Chapter Three

I finished setting up everything and jumped into the pool to swim a few laps before the rest of the guys came barrelling through. Besides, I knew that JC would probably entertain them for awhile with some ideas that had stemmed in his mind since the end of the tour two months before, so I had some time to myself. I was about to finish my fifth lap when I ran into a body that had somehow placed itself in the water.
"Joey. Um..Hey." I swam to a shallower part of the pool and stood up.
"Are you cold?"
"What?" I realized that he must have been looking a place that he shouldn't have been looking and saw something perky. Normally it would have pissed me off that he had violated me by looking at my breasts and even commenting on what he saw. But today I found it completely arousing. Maybe it was just because my hormones were on overdrive, but I really enjoyed the feeling I was getting from feeling his eyes bore through me.
"Oh um...yeah actually I am..."
I watched silently as he strolled over to where I was and came inches away from my face. His breath was hot on my skin and I felt weak in the knees.
"Needing anyone to keep you warm?"
"Um..well you are doing a pretty good job at it already.."
The bad thing is that I didn't feel terrible about flirting with one of my husband's best friends. I loved JC with all of my heart, but the way I was wanting Joey was uncontrollable. I decided I would tell JC about it later, but right now I had to act on my emotions. I leaned in and kissed Joey. He didn't even seem shocked that I kissed him and opened my mouth with his tongue. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He guided me to the side of the pool and kissed down my neck and fondled my breasts with his big hands. I could feel myself flooding and I wanted him so bad I could taste him. I looked past his shoulder and saw JC sitting on the couch talking to the rest of the guys, so I knew I was safe for the time being. Joey pushed down my top far enough so that one of my tits popped out. He took the nipple in his mouth and roughly sucked on it sending me headfirst into a wonderful world of oblivious pleasure. He pushed down my bottoms and entered me, fucking me up against the wall of the pool. He grunted softly and when I tried to scream, he kissed me so I would keep quiet. The friction of the water and the grinding of his pelvis into mine made me almost cum harder than I ever had before.
"Cum for me baby...come on....let it go...you know you want this..."
"Oh my God...oh fuck...oh my God...fuck me Joey...please..." I whispered, desperately trying not to get caught.
"Shit...you are so tight....you feel so good...oh my God...I am going to cum..."
He pulled out and replaced himself with his fingers to finish off my orgasm and I wrapped my hand around his cock, jacking him off. He snapped his head back and held his breath, trying not to moan loudly as he came all over my stomach. We both calmed down and he pulled up his shorts and I fixed my bathing suit. He swam away and got out of the pool and took a dive off of the board just as JC and the guys came out.
"CANNONBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chris ran out of the house and plunged into the pool. "YES!!! WOO HOO!!"
I climbed out of the pool and went and sat in JC's lap.
"What's up baby?"
"Nothing much at all..." I grinned at him and kissed him.

Chapter Four

Joey and I continued our torrid affair for six months, and kept it completely oblivious to JC, or so I thought. I didn't find out until later that Joey had a talk with JC a couple of months into the affair.


"Hey Joe...come on in." JC opened up the door, allowing him inside.
"Thanks. What's up?"
"Nothing much man, just drinking a beer. You want one?"
"Yeah that'd be nice. Thanks." JC strolled into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge for Joey, and another fresh one for himself. He walked back over to the sofa and handed the cold brewsky to his friend.
"So, where have you been stranger? Still busy with that secret girlfriend of yours?" JC asked, taking a sip from his can.
"Yeah...she keeps me pretty busy." Joey's eyes stared into the TV, thinking about his woman.
"I can tell. She must be really giving you some good piece of ass to have you whipped over her so quickly." JC playfully nudged Joey in the shoulder.
"You can say that again. I'm addicted."
"Cheers to that!" JC raised his can to Joey's and clashed them together. The guys enjoyed another couple of beers before Joey brought up the subject he had originally come to talk to JC about.
"Hey JC...lemme ask you something."
"Alright. Well see, my girlfriend...she thinks she may be interested in me seeing her with another man...like that might get me off or something--"
"Wow. Do you think you would be?"
"Well that's the funny thing...at first I was offended by it, but the more I thought about it, the more I am thinking I would enjoy the hell out of that."
"Well then go do it!"
"Well, let me ask you this. If Rachel wanted you to watch her have sex with another man, would you do it? You guys have a pretty open sex life..."
"Well geez. I have never thought about it," JC said, as a serious look crossed his face. He thought for a few moments and then spoke. "We like keeping flavor in our sex life, so yeah...I think I actually could get into that."
Joey silently sighed a breath of relief. He had been wanting to do this for awhile but didn't want to mess up anything in their marriage by acting on his desires, but now he could and it made him horny as hell. He looked at his watch and knew that Rachel would be there soon and got hot thinking about it.
"Well JC...I have to get going, man. My girl is going to be home and I need to be there to welcome her, if you know what I mean." Joey winked and smiled at his friend.
"Well go have fun. Rachel won't be getting home for several more hours, you lucky bastard."
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder. See ya later, bud."
Joey walked out and got in his car. He had grown hard thinking about Rachel and had to readjust his jeans for the ride home.
"Damn Orlando for being a big city."

**End Flashback**

**Joey's Apartment**

Rachel let herself into the apartment and sat down on the couch, anxiously awaiting Joey's arrival. She had been wanting him all day long and was somewhat disappointed that he wasn't home yet. She waited for a good half hour until she heard the locks turned on the door. She ran to the door and as quick as Joey could open the door and close it, she had pulled his pants down and his cock was already standing at attention waiting for her. She pushed him against the door and forcefully kissed him, ripping off his shirt and crushing her pelvis against him. She grined herself into him and Joey gasped as the feeling washed over him.
"Fuck me, NOW!"
Joey quickly turned and pinned her between the wall and his muscular body. He reached under her skirt and tore off her panties and hoisted her legs upon his hips and thrust into her. Rachel had been waiting so long for that, that she almost came as soon as he made contact. She stiffened her muscles and took a deep breath, controlling herself and pushing herself away from the edge long enough to hold out for him. Joey ripped open her blouse and forced down her bra, making her breasts pop out and viciously bit the nipples. Rachel had never liked pain before, but in the past months, it got her off easily, especially when her tits were the objects being roughly handled. Joey pounded into her, being more violent than usual, but Rachel didn't care. She was feeling too much pleasure to give a damn about what he was doing. She needed an orgasm and needed it then. She pinched Joey's nipples and clawed at them while he thrust his long cock inside of her all the way to the hilt. With each thrust he got faster and faster and her head was being beat into the wall. This was the most volatile sex she had experienced in awhile but she loved it.
"Damn Joe...come on baby...oh God...you feel so good. FUCK me Joey. GOD....come on JOe....faster baby...you can do it...fuck me hard.."
Joey threw his head back in pure ecstasy as he heeded to her commands. Joey felt his balls tighten and knew that he was about to reach his peak and started to pull out, but Rachel stopped him.
"NO...cum inside of me....please....I need to feel it....please baby...." Joey pushed himself back inside of Rachel and bucked inside of her for a few more moments until finally he let go.
"Oh God...oh baby...uh...uh...here it comes...oh shit...oh fuck....AAAGGGGHHH!!!"
He screamed out as he came and his cum coated Rachel's walls. The pressure of him cumming was too much for her and it sent her spiraling down over her edge. They stayed connected pressed up against the wall for several minutes trying to catch their breaths. Finally Joey eased out of her and easily let her down off of her perch on the wall.
"Welcome, home, baby..." Rachel whispered to him.

Chapter Five--The End

"Damn that pelvic thrust!"
Rachel licked her lips as she watched the show. JC had wanted her to go on their last leg of the tour and of course Joey secretly had, so she had went, although not grudgingly. Both JC and Joey were singing "Crazy For You" on the balcony setting of their stage and both of them did their pelvic thrust at the same time, making Rachel wet with desire. She wanted one of them so badly. It didn't matter which one because they both gave her the ultimate in pleasure, she just needed something soon. They show ended shortly thereafter and the guys ran off of the stage. JC grabbed her hand and she ran behind him, finding herself in the guys van. They didn't even bother taking showers because they wanted to get out of there before fans herded around them. They got to the hotel and saw a pissed off Johnny. He told them that someone had goofed and only booked four rooms so someone was going to have to share with JC and Rachel. They had their own room the whole tour, but tonight was going to be different. Joey quickly jumped in and offered to share his room with them. Rachel glared at him but he just smiled and shrugged it off. JC called the shower first and went into the bathroom shutting the door behind him. Rachel stood by one of the beds thinking about her husband's sexy body naked in the shower. She felt the urge to walk in there and shower with him and was about to walk that way when she felt two strong hands grab her waist and hold her back.
"Not so fast, there darlin'..." Joey's husky voice whispered in her ear and made her shiver with delight. "I have some business to take care of with you..."
"But right here, Joey? JC will catch us!" She stood still, waiting for an answer.
"Doesn't that excite you?" Joey grabbed her and pressed her against his groin and she could feel him hard beneath his pants.
"But I don't want JC getting mad..."
"Don't worry he won't. Trust me..."
With that he pushed her onto the bed on her hands and knees. She had on a black halter top dress and Joey pushed it up above her waist and ripped off her black panties, exposing her luscious cunt to him. He licked his lips at the thought of what he was going to do to her. He reached out and began massaging her, making her moan. With his free hand he slipped out of his clothing, standing stark naked behind her. He grabbed her waist and thrust himself into her, causing her to scream with delight.

JC thought he heard a scream but convinced himself that he was just hearing flashbacks from the show a couple of hours before. He closed his eyes and let the hot water wash over his body, relaxing him. His memory flashed back to the conversation he and Joey had awhile back. He couldn't get it out of his mind. The thought of Rachel fucking another guy completely turned him on, but he didn't ever want to tell her, because she might get offended. After all, she was married to him. He opened his eyes and looked down, not surprised to see that he had a hard on. He took the shaft in his hand and stroked it softly, letting a small moan escape his lips. He had jacked off hundreds of times it seemed like, thinking of some guy fucking his wife. He absolutely loved the idea and wanted so bad to have it happen. He was about to jack himself off again, but stopped, knowing that he could just go outside and fuck his wife when Joey went to sleep. He finished washing himself and turned off the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist and took another to towel dry his hair. He listened as he thought he heard sounds coming from the bedroom. Slowly voices came clear and he swore he heard Joey having sex with his wife. "It can't be...I have to be imagining this..." He pressed his ear to the door and listened intently. The sounds didn't go away and he heard his wife moaning with pleasure as his best friend fucked her. He felt guilty because he should have been pissed, but that was the last thing he was. He absolutely loved what he was hearing. He waited for a few more minutes and then decided to go in and take part in the fun. He slowly opened up the door and walked out seeing both Rachel and Joey's eyes closed in extreme ecstasy. Rachel was on one of the beds on her hands and knees and Joey was on his knees behind her, viciously fucking her doggystyle. Rachel was swinging her hair everywhere and begging Joey to fuck her harder and faster. JC walked over to where she was and stood in front of her. He removed his towel and smirked. Rachel felt someone else in the room and opened up her eyes, seeing her naked husband in front of her wearing nothing but a beautiful hard dick.
She screamed out in surprise and Joey opened his eyes to see his friend standing there. Undeterred, he continued fucking Rachel. JC put a finger to his mouth and climbed on the bed on his knees in front of his wife, pressing the head of his swollen cock to her mouth.
"Suck me."
He commanded her and she obeyed him, taking in his dick into her hot mouth. He moaned at the feeling of it and almost lost his breath when she began a hard suction on the tip, licking it slightly with her tongue. He looked at Joey and both of them smiled, loving every minute of what they were doing. JC felt a dominatrix urge overcome him and a desire to be rough with her. He grabbed her hair and forced himself all the way down her throat. Every now and then Rachel absolutely loved being played rough with, and tonight was one of those nights. He took control of the motions of her head and pushed it back and forth, so that her mouth was moving vertically on his dick. He moaned loudly, loving what he was feeling. Joey was still pounding into her and the motions caused by his force only made the blow job Rachel was giving JC ten times better. Rachel was being overwhelmed by every feeling going through her body and had already came a couple of times, but she was still waiting on the big one. As Joey and JC's pace increased, so did her pleasure.
"Oh baby.....fuck Joey....suck me....oooooh God...how do you like this, baby? Do you like it? OH yes...." Joey felt his balls tighten and moaned out loud.
"Oh fuck...I am CUMMING!!!!!!!!!"
He thrust deep inside of Rachel and let himself go. He fucked her even harder, enjoying the feelings ripping through his body. Rachel felt Joey cum and it was what she needed to achieve her peak and screamed with JC's cock in her mouth. She threw her head back and let go of JC's dick and screamed again, collapsing onto the bed, sweaty and shaking. JC immediately began jacking himself off and after a couple of long, hard strokes, his cum began to bubble out of the head of his cock. He shifted his penis so that the cum would fall all over Rachel's back and he drew a line until he could sputter no more. Rachel loved when JC licked his cum and gave it to her in a kiss. He was about to, when Joey stopped him. Joey stooped down and expertly licked all of the white goo off of Rachel's back and then walked over to JC, kissing him hard. JC sucked the cum out of Joey's mouth and swallowed it. They kissed for a few more moments before pulling away and grinning at each other.
"Time for Round Two."
Joey grinned at JC and he nodded his head in approval. Rachel slowly sat up on the bed and was almost surprised to see that both JC and Joey still had their erections. JC fell on top of her and moved her legs wide. He draped her legs over his hips and buried himself inside of her to the hilt.
"OH God baby....oh JC...."
"How bad do you want it?" He loved teasing her.
"Bad...." Rachel moaned through gritted teeth.
"That's not good enough..." JC said as he pulled out of her a little. "Tell me how bad you want me to fuck your brains out."
"Oh GOD JC...please baby...fuck me until I can't walk anymore...please baby..." JC considered it for a minute and then pulled himself out halfway.
"Come on baby...you can do better than that..."
"No need to yell, baby..." He pulled himself out all the way to the head.
Rachel screamed out at him and thrusted her pelvis forward, making JC slip inside of her wet confines again. JC didn't waste any time and began fucking her hard and fast. He didn't care if he hurt her because he knew that eventually he would get off on it, and she would, too.
"Owww..JC...you're hurting me..." Rachel whimpered.
"You wanted..this...baby....you...wanted...me...to...fuck...you...so... now...I...am...scream...for...me...baby....SCREAM!" JC grunted.
"JC...OH GOD baby...you feel so good...oh damn...oh BABY!! Fuck me!!"
Joey stood watching the couple fuck and finally couldn't take anymore. He lifted Rachel off of her back and told JC to keep fucking her. JC didn't argue and continued to fuck his wife madly. Every time JC thrusted out, Joey quickly stuck a finger in, getting it wet. When his fingers were wet enough he slowly put a finger in Rachel's ass, getting it loose for what he wanted to do. Rachel sighed with desire. She hadn't ever liked it anal until Joey broke it into her. Joey loosened her up as much as he wanted and then took more wetness from Rachel's dripping pussy to lubricate his cock. It glistened with her juices on it and wasting no time, he plunged into her with one move. It didn't even hurt Rachel, and she screamed out, filled to the brim with two cocks in her body. Joey used his pelvis to thrust into her and soon got in time with JC's rhythm.
"Oh..damn..baby...you are..so...fuckin...tight..."
Joey moaned into her hair, feeling waves of ecstay washing over him. They were in such close quarters that all three of them would touch momentarily ever so often. JC would groan every time he felt his balls rub against Joey's and Joey would do the same. Pretty soon he coudln't take it anymore and JC used one hand and reached around Rachel and grabbed Joey's balls. He had never had homosexual tendecies, but this experience was bringing out a whole new side of him. He stroked Joey's balls and Joey moaned loudly, loving what JC was doing. Joey reached around and began rubbing JC's lush brown nipples causing JC to grunt.
"Oh damn...Joey...oh God that feels so good..." Pretty soon all three of them were moaning and groaning and moving closer and closer to their climaxes. Rachel was the first to go.
"OHHHHHH FUCUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!! Shit...I am cumming...fuck me...fuck me...FUCK ME!!!! AAAGGGGHHH!!!"
She shook violently as an orgasm captured her body. Hearing Rachel scream made both Joey and JC cum and they bucked inside of her body, filling her holes with their cum. They screamed out in pure ecstasy and held on for dear life riding out the orgasm.
"OHHHHH....FUCK....DDDDDAAAAAMMMMNNNNN!" JC threw his head back and rolled his eyes back in his head, spewing his spunk everywhere.
"OH GOD....I AM CUMMING....SHIT...oh fuck oh fuck...AAAGGGGHHH!!!"
Joey grunted and screamed and his balls boiled and let loose his load. He coated Rachel's insides again and again as orgasm after orgasm washed over him. Finally he was all tapped out and collaped backwards on the bed, still inside of Rachel.
"Damn that was amazing." Joey sighed. All JC and Rachel could do was nod. "So, JC, how'd ya like that?"
"Oh God..I loved it." he grinned. "So when did you start makin' moves on my woman?"
"A long time ago, my man. After all, that's what girlfriends are for." Joey flashed a smile at JC and loved his reaction.
"You shit! So that's who this chic was the whole time?"
"Well I'll be damned."
"JC, honey...are you mad?" Rachel looked up at him with a sense of fear in her eyes.
"Maybe I should be, but I'm not..."
"You aren't?" Rachel looked up at him again, puzzled.
"Hell no. Just makes sex a whole hell of a lot better now." JC laughed at Joey and they gave each other a high five before collapsing on the bed again and falling asleep.