Miss Me Bunches

By Tigercent1

Kersti silently cursed the traffic that was causing her to be late. Her time was always limited with him because he traveled so much and now because she'd answered her phone instead of just leaving it ring, she was losing precious minutes with him.

"Move!" she screamed. "Damn it! Why couldn't I just let it ring?"


JC entered his apartment and was greatly disappointed to find it empty. He searched the place anticipating her to be hiding, just waiting to pounce. After a full 10-minutes of this, he flopped on the couch and sighed. JC couldn't imagine where Kersti could be. She knew they only had a couple days together with rehearsals scheduled all the time. He called her apartment, but only Sam was there. She told him that she hadn't seen Kersti, but her bear wasn't there. He thanked her and hung up wondering where Kersti could be. She was never late because she hated to have other people wasting their time because she couldn't get on the ball. He began to worry, but thought he heard something outside his door.


"Damn it!" Kersti said as she dropped her keys. She was hoping to have beaten him, but as soon as she saw the door open, she knew she hadn't.

"Hey, Handsome!" she said and stepped into his open arms. They stood there hugging in the hallway for a little while, then she pulled away just enough to look up at him. "You smell so good," she said with a huge grin, "I could get lost in your smell."

"Guess I'd better hold onto you so you don't lose your way," he laughed. JC took her hand and reached for her bag. She took it from him and he laughed again. He loved her independence; it's what kept him sane with he called from God-only-knows. Kersti had this way of easing his worries over the phone with just the tone of her voice.

"Penny for your thoughts," she said.

"Nickel for your kiss?"

"Nah! Those are free, but only for this really handsome guy I know," she teased.

"Really? Do I know him?" JC asked as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Maybe. I've mentioned him before. He's wonderful and a very gifted musician," she lost her train of thought when JC's kisses reached behind her ear. She moaned slightly with great delight and JC held her closer to his hard body.

"What were you saying?" JC asked before kissing her on the lips. She opened her mouth and allowed his tongue in. It felt so good to be with him and she could tell that he was enjoying being home.

JC hands roamed down her back and cupped her ass. In one swift motion, he separated her legs, lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Kersti ran her fingers through his short brown hair and kissed his lips as he carried her to his bed.

They entered his bedroom and he laid her on the bed. He ran his hands up her body and lifted her shirt. She helped him remove her shirt and then JC removed his. He covered her body with his and began kissing her. JC started at her mouth, moved to her ear, down her neck to her collar-bone. Kersti released a soft moan when JC's kisses moved to her breasts. He made quick work of removing her bra and attacked her breasts with both hands while he licked a trail up her neck and chin to her mouth. Her hands caressed his back and slowly moved down to his waistband. They shifted slightly so JC was now between her legs. Kersti undid JC pants and he moaned when she touched his hard manliness. She smiled and kept massaging him.

JC worked his kisses down to her breasts again and only paused briefly before continuing down to her shorts. He stood, stripped, pulled the remainder of her clothes off, and repositioned himself between her legs. Kersti arched her back and raised her hips in anticipation.

"JC, it's been so long," she purred.

"Just a little longer, Sweets. I don't think you're quite wet enough," he said mischievously.

Kersti started to say something else, but could barely breath let alone speak. JC slithered down her body again, but this time he stopped with his head near her thighs.

"JC? What are you doing?" she asked nervously.

"Something we've never tried, but I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy," he said with a sly grin.

Before she could protest, he licked her most sensitive area and Kersti began to loose her fight on self-control. His tongue was on her clit and her body began moving and bucking around. She was experiencing more pleasure than she could ever imagine without being penetrated. She panted his name and her hands were on his head now. JC laughed at her enjoyment and gently eased his tongue into her. She moaned loudly and he didn't think she'd last much longer. He was right. Within seconds, Kersti had orgasmed. JC licked her a little longer as she caught her breath.

"So, what do you think?" he asked with a grin as he licked his lips and looked at her.

"I think I missed you a lot and don't want to wait much longer," she replied as she touched his manliness with her hands. He moaned this time and shifted his body closer. Kersti lifted her head and found his lips. As they kissed, she guided him into her and was greatly aroused when she felt him so hard inside her. He began to thrust himself in and out of her. JC raised up on his arms in hopes of deepening his thrusts and Kersti arched her back and raised her hips to meet him. He felt so good and it wasn't long before she was near orgasm again.

"JC," she called his name and felt him cum inside her before collapsing onto her. The feeling of his hot, stickiness shooting deep inside her caused Kersti to cum, too.

JC raised his head to look at her. She was smiling at him and holding him close. They kissed again. He withdrew from her and rolled onto his back taking her with him. She laid on her side with one leg draped over one of his and her hand on his chest.

"I missed you bunches," Kersti said as she hugged him.

"I missed you, too, Sweets. I'm gonna close my eyes for a little while," he said as he yawned.

Kersti waited till he was asleep before slipping from the bed. As she dressed, she watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful and happy. She covered him, kissed his heart, and headed out knowing he'd sleep for a couple of hours.

"I love you, JC," she barely whispered.


JC woke and looked at the clock. 6:00 P.M. He took a deep breath and reached for Kersti. She wasn't there, but he found her precious JC bear. He was all green with a tie and wore a pin with JC's picture. He knew she loved the bear and took it whenever she wasn't going to be sleeping in her own bed. JC smiled when he realized that she planned to spend the night with him.

"I'll have to make it a night she'll never forget," he said aloud. His mind schemed as he dressed. JC looked all around the room for his favorite shirt, the one that he'd been wearing when Kersti arrived earlier. He smiled to himself as he realized she'd taken it. To his delight, he realized he could still smell her perfume and that made him long to touch her again.


"Don't stop! Please, don't stop!" Kersti said as she struggled to retrieve her phone from her purse while she juggled her shopping bags.

"Hello?" she answered as she dropped one bag.

"I wanna wake up to you naked one of these days," JC spoke softly.

"Hey, Handsome. Did ya have a good nap?"

"It was lonely, but I was with the woman of my dreams. She had vibrant green eyes and smiled so much," he teased.

"Guess you'll have to tell me all about her when I get there," Kersti smiled and loaded her bags into her car.

"Where are you and when will you get here?" he asked a little impatient.

"Good things come to those who wait. Why do you want me there so bad?" she mocked him a little.

"I wanna touch and taste you before we go to dinner. Do you want to have dinner with the guys?"

"I'd love to see them. I'm leaving now, so I'll see you in about 20 minutes."

"Great! Bye, Sweets."

"Bye! Miss me bunches."


Kersti opened the apartment door and heard the shower running. She put away the perishable food she'd bought and headed into the bathroom. She watched him wash his body through the curtain as she took off her clothes. Slowly, she pulled the curtain back so she could get in. JC's head was under the water and he was singing softly so he never heard her.

Kersti toyed with a few alternatives that she could do to him. Finally she decided and reached for him. JC jumped and then smiled. Quickly his hands were on her waist and his lips were on hers. They kissed for several minutes while their hands roamed each others body. As JC's hands reached her ass, she broke their kisses.

"Sweets," JC started to protest, but stopped when she put her finger to his lips.

Kersti dropped to her knees and kissed the tip of his manliness. As she took a little of him into her mouth, JC moaned and closed his eyes. She licked him like a lollipop and he called her name. Kersti grinned wickedly and began to suck him. She continued to let her tongue roam all over him as she moved her head in and out. JC was greatly enjoying this and thrusted forward causing her to take more of him in. Kersti ignored the gagging reflex and the aching in her jaws. She hoped he was liking her boldness. JC called her name as his warm, stickiness bursted into her mouth. She swallowed every bit of it and licked him until his body stopped trembling.

Kersti raised her head and JC cupped it in his hands. They locked eyes and smiled. He bent and kissed her as she stood. JC washed her hair and her body, especially liking the reaction her nipples gave. After the water had rinsed her clean, he took one in his mouth and the other in his hand. Kersti was moaning and began grinding up against his wet body.

"Sweets, I want you," JC said as he switched his attack on her breasts.

"I'm glad 'cause I want you, too," she said as she turned the water that had turned cold off. Taking his hand, she led him into the bedroom. She turned to kiss him and saw the clock. 7:30 P.M.

"What time are we meeting for dinner?" Kersti asked as she began to lick his chest.

"8 o'clock at NBA City," JC said as he walked her to the bed.

"We'd better get dressed and continue this later."

"But...," he protested and allowed his hands to travel down her back.

"Josh," Kersti said as she stepped out of his grip. He knew she was serious because she called him Josh. He released her, but not before one more breath-taking, tongue-penetrating kiss.

Kersti took some clothes out of her bag and began to dress. JC put his hands on her hips and kissed her shoulder.

"Why don't you wear this with your black skirt?" he said as he showed her an olive green silk shirt. "The color matches your eyes today," and he kissed her ear.

"Thank you, but I didn't get you a present. Guess I'll have to thank you properly later." She kissed him hard. "Jeep or car?" she asked.

"Jeep," he replied.


As they arrived at NBA City, JC placed his hand on Kersti's thigh. She looked into his eyes and smiled.

"What?" she asked.

"Dinner is my treat. No objections and you will order dessert." A swift kiss and they left the Jeep.

He took her hand and held it as they entered the restaurant. Kersti spotted CK and pointed JC in the right direction. She hugged everyone and took her seat next to JC. They all looked happy to be in Orlando. Everyone talked for a few minutes and Kersti could see no evidence of personality changes. CK bounced around in his chair, Justin talked about basketball, Lance talked business, and Joey scoped the babes. Kersti held her question back as long as she could, but finally asked it anyway.

"Where are your ladies?"

"Marissa doesn't want me, she wants Justin," Poof said very sad.

"Nat said she couldn't handle all the traveling and the girls," Justin replied.

"Sarah's not speaking to me and I have no idea why," Joey said without taking his eyes off of a blonde at the bar.

"Jessie's on her way, but you know she's always late," CK said.

"Marissa wants me?" Justin asked.

"That's what she said," Poof replied.

"Why? Nevermind! Don't answer that."

"I'm sorry. You will all find the perfect one for you, just keep looking," Kersti said as she patted Poof's hand.

"Too bad JC won't let us clone you," Joey joked.

"Yeah! You'd be perfect," Lance added.

"Smart, athletic, beautiful, AND likes basketball. Can't get much better than that," Justin added.

"What about supportive, independent, friendly, and loving?" Lance asked.

"Don't forget that body! How are the girls?" Joey asked as his eyes traveled down to her chest.

"They are fine and so out of your reach. Put your eyes back into their sockets," Kersti replied sternly. "Besides, you've never seen me in the morning with funky breath and big hair. I can be selfish and needy at times, too. Right, JC?"

"I've never experienced your selfish, needy side and your breath isn't that bad in the morning. But, yes, your hair is huge in the morning," JC replied.

"See? Thanks, I think," she said as she leaned toward him. They kissed quickly.

"My pleasure," he said as he licked his lips.

"Ahem. May I take your order?" the waitress said as she eyed the guys.

"Actually, one member of our party hasn't arrived yet. But you can bring me a root beer," Kersti said.

"Huh?" the waitress said as she shook herself out of a trance with Joey.

"A root beer, please," Kersti repeated.

The guys placed their drink order and after she left, everyone looked at Joey.

"What? I didn't say a word," he said innocently, but the grin on his face suggested otherwise.

"Show me what you did," Justin said.

"Nothing. All I did was wet my lips like this," Joey said and seductively licked his lips as he raised his eyebrows.

"That's all?" Poof asked.

"Didn't do a damn thing for me," Justin said and JC agreed.

"You're not a woman. Kersti, what do you think?" Chris asked.

"Sorry, I'm immune," she replied.

"Why are you immune?" Poof asked.

"I just am," Kersti said as she squeezed JC's knee.

"You're just what?" Jessie asked as she appeared behind Kersti.

"Immune to Joey's lip licking trick. How are you, girl?" Kersti said as they exchanged a hug.

"I'm fine, but I need to taste my man," she answered as she made her way around the table to CK.

"Hey, sweet cheeks," CK said and she licked his lip.

"What sup, sexy?" Jessie said before closing her mouth over CK's exposed tongue.

To everyone's surprise, it was Poof who moaned with delight.

"Living vicariously through Chris' tongue, eh, Lance?" Justin teased.

"Huh? Uh...No! I just saw this really hot babe leaving," Poof said, but the others saw the slight hint of pink in his cheeks.

The waitress returned and delivered their drinks. She left to get Jessie's, but not before falling for Joey's lick trick again. She released a heavy sigh this time.

"Does it work on you, Jessie?" Justin asked. Jessie looked at Joey as he did the trick, but it didn't affect her either.

"Nope, sorry. Guess I'm immune, too," she said, but made the mistake of looking at CK. As he did the lip trick, she nearly mounted him right there.

"Jessie! We are in public," JC reminded her.

"Sorry!," she said and turned her attention back to CK, "I WILL have that later."

"Well, maybe you just need the right chemistry," Poof said as he shrugged. Everyone turned to Kersti and JC. JC licked his lips and Kersti just smiled.

"Guess not," Justin said.

"Actually, it's all about self-control. Just watch," Kersti said before doing the lip trick to JC. His reaction was to grab her leg and shove his tongue in her mouth. When they were through, Kersti shifted in her seat and did the lip trick to Poof. He nearly came unglued, but held onto his self-control. The only visible reaction was a quick shiver all over his body and a deep sigh.

"That's not fair. We all know Lance needs to be laid," Justin said, but quickly found himself fighting for control after looking at each of the girls. Everyone just laughed and then their meal arrived.

"It's all about self-control," Kersti repeated before digging into her dinner.


"I am SO full," Joey said as he sat back in his chair.

"You should be considering you helped Kersti finish hers on top of your steak," Poof said.

"I couldn't help it, it's all just so good," Joey replied.

"Anyone for dessert?" the waitress asked, specifically to Joey.

"None for me, thanks," Kersti replied before getting a look from JC.

"Sweets, you promised," JC said.

"I bought some ice cream earlier and thought maybe I could have a JC sundae when we get back to your apartment," Kersti whispered in JC's ear as her hand slowly moved up his thigh.

"Definitely! But I want one, too."

"A JC sundae?" she breathed into his ear and felt him rise under her hand.

"No, a Sweets sundae," he said before kissing her as they both grinned at their plans for later.

"And for you two?" the waitress asked.

"Nothing, thank you," JC answered.

The waitress left and everyone tried to decide what to do with the rest of the evening. After some discussion, they all agreed to go to a club in order to work off their dinner. They split the check after finishing dessert.

"You didn't even flinch for your wallet. Are you feeling okay?" Poof teased Kersti.

"My man said it was his treat and forbidded me from paying," she replied with a sly grin.

"Better be careful," Joey broke in. "He may take it out of your hide later."

"Why is everything about sex or food with you. Don't you ever think of anything else?" Jessie teased.

"No, what else is there?" Joey asked.

"Nevermind!" almost everyone said in unison.


The club was jumping when they arrived. Even though there were tons of people waiting outside, they entered the club without even being carded. Joey and Justin headed to the bar and everyone else went to the dance floor with Poof dragging behind.

Once the song ended, they stopped long enough to catch up with Justin and Joey. Joey was busy literally sucking on a woman's neck and Justin was flirting with a girl who looked to be close to his age.

Poof wasn't looking too happy. Kersti and Jessie exchanged a look and both grinned at Poof.

"Handsome, I'll be right back," Kersti said and kissed JC's lips quickly.

"Where are you going?" he asked as he grabbed her arm playfully.

"Just trust me. We're gonna set Poof in motion," she grinned slyly.

Creep by TCL was starting. Jessie and Kersti grabbed Poof's hands and led him to the dance floor.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Poof asked completely surprised.

"We're gonna make sure you're enjoying yourself tonight and help you find a lady," Jessie said.

Jessie turned Poof to make him face Kersti. She forced his knees to bend slightly. Jessie snuggled up to his ass while Kersti pressed against his chest. They began to grind up against him and he ever-so-slowly began to wiggle his hips with theirs. Halfway through the song, he was enjoying it and getting into it.

"What do I do with my hands?" Poof asked with a smile a mile wide.

"Touch her hips like this," JC answered as he came up behind Kersti. She was mashed between the two of them and enjoying it so much, especially feeling how hard JC was up against her ass. Kersti had one hand on Poof's hip and the other around JC's when the song ended.

"That was fun," Poof said happily.

"How do you feel?" CK asked from behind Jessie.

"Honestly? Quite horny. Which lady is going home with me?" he asked as he looked around the crowd.

"I saw a cute southern bell with your name written on her face over there just a second ago," Jessie said as she pointed to the left of the dance floor.

"The blue-eyed, strawberry blonde in the black spaghetti strapped top? Yeah, just what I had in mind. Thank you ladies for greasin' my gears," Poof said and quickly headed off in the direction of the mystery woman.

"One down, now where are the other two?" Kersti said as she looked for Joey and Justin. Both were occupied, Joey with a girl with blue hair and Justin with the same auburn haired girl from earlier.

"We're three for three, so let's go. I'm ready for dessert," JC said into Kersti's ear as he stood behind her and his hand traveled around to her inner thigh. He grinned wickedly as he heard her moan softly and relax her body against his.

"We're heading out. See you later," Kersti said to Jessie and CK. A quick hug and kiss and she led JC out to his Jeep.

"Anxious much?" JC teased with a grin when he started the Jeep.

"At least my hands are under my own control," she giggled at his hand on her thigh.

"What can I say? I'm a hands-on kind of guy," he replied and kissed her hard at the next stoplight. They continued to kiss and touch each other until the car behind them honked. She laughed as he drove away.

He took her hand and kissed it. She grinned at him and almost said "I love you," but didn't because she still couldn't predict his response. She was scared of losing him and it showed on her face.

"Sweets, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"You look so scared. Are you sure?"

She didn't answer him. Instead she took his middle finger and began sucking it. Kersti pushed and pulled it in and out of her mouth, then she licked it like a lollipop.

JC was concentrating on what she was doing to his finger and didn't realize he'd been speeding. Suddenly blue and red lights were flashing behind them.

"License and registration, please," the officer said after JC had stopped the car. Kersti tried not to laugh and JC was not happy.

"Oh my God! You're JC Chasez of NSYNC. Oh my God! I love your music! You are so HOT!" the woman officer squealed as she jumped up and down.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm glad you like our music," JC said politely as she shook his hand.

"I'll be right back," the officer said and left to go check out his information.

"Think she'll request a song?" Kersti teased.

"Maybe, but I'd much rather be home making love to you," JC said and took her hand again. She smiled and placed his hand on her thigh. Ever so slowly she forced it up until he felt her wetness.

"That for me?" JC asked as he stroked her clit through her panties.

"Mmm-hmm. Only for you," she moaned.

"Everything checks out. Just watch your speed next time. Uh, could I have your autograph?" she asked a little shyly.

JC complied, thanked her, and drove home with a huge hard-on. He'd been hard since their shower encounter, but Kersti was making it worse by massaging him as he drove.


As they entered the apartment, their clothes were flying off. JC couldn't wait so he decided to take her on the couch. He gently pushed her down and she sat on the remote control. They both jumped with the CD player started. Kersti started to turn it off, but didn't when she realized which CD was in. "I'll Make Love to You" by Boyz II Men started and she pulled him on top of her. Having all that pent up tension and feeling her so tight around him made JC cum quickly after penetrating her.

"I'm sorry, Sweets," JC apologized.

"It's OK and mostly my fault. I mean, first the shower, then the lip trick, then the car and don't forget the dance floor," she paused and looked at him. "Handsome, it's really okay," she continued and held him close. He shivered slightly and she covered them with the blanket from the back of the couch. JC snuggled down and placed his head on her stomach.


Kersti woke and, without thinking, answered the ringing phone.

"Who's this?" a woman asked.

"Kersti and you are?" Kersti said, trying to focus.

"Karen, JC's mom. I don't believe we've met before. How are you?"

"I'm fine. And you?" Kersti said as she tried to conceal her nervousness. JC spoke of his family often and she knew a lot about them, but was incredibly scared to say the wrong thing.

"Great. Just callin' to hear my son's voice. What did you do to celebrate his return home yesterday?" she asked.

"Actually, we had dinner with Jessie and the guys. Then we worked off some of those calories at a club. It was fun and I'm glad everyone is home safely," Kersti answered.

"Big plans for today?" Mrs. Chasez asked.

"I have a couple of classes and plan to meet Jessie to rollerblade. I think JC has tour rehearsal this afternoon, but I'm not sure. He hasn't posted his schedule," she answered and they both laughed. JC stirred, woke, and immediately kissed the skin on Kersti's stomach. She smiled at him over her breasts.

"Are you going to New York for Thanksgiving?" Mrs. Chasez asked as JC found Kersti's mouth.

"I don't think so. The guys are in the Macy's Parade, right?" Kersti asked as JC kissed his way to one of her ears. She could feel his hard manliness near her.

"Yes and we are all having a huge NSYNC family dinner. I'd love to put a face with your name and now voice," Mrs. Chasez said.

"I'll see what JC says and one of us will let you know," Kersti said.

"I hope you go to New York. I know we are all looking forward to meeting the woman who's captured my son's heart. Is he there? I mean, is he awake yet?" Mrs. Chasez said with a chuckle.

"Just a sec. It was nice speaking to you," Kersti said politely.

"You, too. I really would like to see you in New York."

"Yes, Mrs. Chasez," Kersti replied before handing a confused JC the phone.

"I answered before I remembered where I was. Sorry, Handsome," Kersti whispered. He replied by kissing her so hard he took her breath away.

"Good mornin', Sweets!" he said out of breath. "Hey Mom! How are you? How's Dad? That's good to hear. Heather & Tyler? Really, what's he like? Is it love?" JC asked and then laughed.

"I need to pee," Kersti whispered and went to the bathroom as soon as JC sat up.


Kersti turned the hot water on and stepped into the shower. She washed her hair and body, then just stood there a little while as the water ran down her body. She wondered about Thanksgiving in New York. JC hadn't mentioned it yet, but then again he'd only been home less than 24 hours.

"Penny for your thoughts," JC said as he stood close to her.

"I was thinking about you," Kersti said as she put her arms around his neck.

"What about me?" he asked as he kissed her all over.

"I was thinking that I like waking with you and you look magnificent naked. I was also thinking that we never ate our ice cream last night and I was remembering how good you feel," Kersti said as she began to massage his manliness.

"Really? So was I," JC said as he kissed her nipples. "Have I ever told you how much I enjoy you?" he continued as he tilted her head and kissed her mouth.

"I have an idea, but I don't want to talk about anything except you, me, the water, and here and now," she said as she slowly kissed him all over his chest and abdomen.

JC lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He entered her and their bodies came alive. He pinned her against the wall of the shower and began to thrust into her. It felt so good to them both and they were moaning loudly. JC stopped kissing her all together and focused only on his thrusts. Kersti's back was being slammed against the wall, but she was experiencing so much pleasure that she didn't mind at all. His thrusts became more forceful, but shallower. He picked up the pace a little more and she called his name as she came. He thrusted one last time and came, too.

They dressed. Kersti did her hair as JC shaved. He caught her watching him with a grin on her face.

"What?" he asked.

"You make the cutest faces while you do that."

"Oh, really. Think you can do better?"

"Yes, but I don't have time right now. Can we have dinner tonight, or do you already have other plans?" Kersti as she stepped in front of him.

"I only have plans for dessert," he grinned.

"Let's just stay in and maybe rent a movie or watch a game. Actually, I'd be perfectly content just holding and talking to you, but you decide. I have 3 classes, then I'm meeting Jessie to blade. I can be here around 6, if you want," Kersti said as she cupped his ass in her hands.

"Minnesota's at Orlando tonight. I tried to get tickets, but mid-court 6th row was the best I could do," JC replied.

"That's ok, I'd rather...What? You got tickets to the game? Really?!"

"Yes," he said and kissed her.

"Is one for me?" she asked and kissed him.

"Yes, but I have to share you with Justin. Do you mind?"

"No, as long as he doesn't join us for dessert. I don't think there's enough ice cream for him, too," she joked.

"I don't think I'd like him seeing you naked, then he'd know you ARE perfect."

"Big hair and all?" she asked.

"Especially the big hair!" he laughed.

"I'll see you tonight. Miss me bunches!"

"I already do," he said. One more hard, breath-taking, tongue-penetrating kiss and she left him in the bathroom.

"Bye!" Kersti called from the door.

"Bye, Sweets!"


"Guess who I talked to this morning," Kersti said to Jessie as they bladed around the park.

"Sam?" Jessie answered.

"No, Karen Chasez," Kersti replied.

"Why'd you call JC's mom?" Jessie asked.

"I didn't call her. The phone was ringing when I woke and without thinking, I answered it. She seems really nice."

"So, what'd you talk about?" Jessie urged.

"JC and what we did last night."

"Exactly what did you tell her?"

"I told her I met JC at his apartment at 2, fucked him till 3, he slept until 6, returned at 7, gave him head in the shower, went to dinner, lip trick, went clubbing, dry-fucked Poof, left for his apartment, sucked his finger, got stopped for speeding, took him back to his apartment and fucked him on the couch before we fell asleep. Oh yeah! And he ate me for a late lunch," Kersti paused and looked at her friend before continuing, "All I said was that we had dinner with you and the guys then went clubbing."

"Oh, that's good."

"What do you know about Thanksgiving in New York? Mrs. Chasez asked if I was going, but JC hasn't said anything."

"CK invited me last night when we were catching our breath," she grinned. "Have you already made plans?"

"No," Kersti replied.

"Then come to New York," Jessie persisted.

"I think I need an invitation from NSYNC or at least JC before I decide to go. Are you nervous about meeting CK's mom and sisters?" Kersti asked as they arrived at their cars.

"No, I've already met ALL the mothers. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about with Karen or the others. They'll love you just as much as JC does," Jessie reassured her friend.

"What makes you think JC LOVES me? He's never actually said it. All he says is 'I've missed you' or 'I'll miss you.' Actually I do believe he loves me in the sense of caring about me, but he's not IN love with me."

"Kersti, you don't really believe that, do you?" Jessie asked as Kersti got into her car.

"I gotta go. See you later," Kersti said as she started her car.

"Wait! Answer me!" Jessie persisted.

"He's never said or expressed that he's IN love with me, so what else should I think? See ya! Have fun ravishing CK. Miss me bunches," Kersti said before driving off.


"Kersti? That you?" JC called from the bedroom.

"Yes, who else were you expecting? Justin? Since when did you give him a key?" she joked as she stood in the doorway.

"Hey, Sweets."

"Handsome, you look great. Do I have time for a shower?" Kersti asked.

"Now I'm wishing I'd waited," he said as he stepped closer to her.

"Handsome, I'm all sweaty and smelly," she said as she put her hands up to ward him off.

"I just wanna kiss," he said as he pretended to pout and grabbed her waist.

"JC, we did 4 laps around the park. I don't think you should," she protested and attempted to back out of his hands.

"I think I should and you can't resist me," he said as he lowered his head.


JC cut her off by slipping his tongue into her mouth and pulling her close. As he'd just said, she couldn't resist him and began massaging his tongue with hers.

"Mmmm, that was nice," she said as she slowly opened her eyes. "What time do we leave?"

"In 25 minutes, so you'd better go get naked. Can I watch?"


"Guess not. I'll think of you. I won't be long," she headed to the bathroom and JC headed to let Justin in.


Kersti left the bathroom and headed to JC's bedroom in his pajama top because she'd planned to dress there.

"Gotcha! How was your shower?" JC purred in her ear as his hands cupped her breasts.

"Lonely. Where's Bounce?"

"Right here," Justin replied from behind JC. "Aren't you ready YET? I've been here 10 minutes. Damn Woman! Let's go."

"I'll be ready within 10 minutes or I'll buy ALL the snacks at the game. Deal?" Kersti suggested.

"Deal," Justin said and headed back into the living room.

"You have to let go or I'll be out a small fortune," she said as she turned in JC's arms. He ran his hands up the back of her thighs and found a surprise.

"Where are your panties?" JC asked and the phone rang.

"I need to dress and you need to answer that."

Kersti returned 7 minutes later, fully dressed with her hair in a ponytail.

"Ready?" JC asked.

"Yep, with 45 seconds to spare. Guess you're on your own Bounce," she grinned.

"Man! JC, I thought you were on my side. Couldn't you have held onto her a little longer?"

"I'm neutral. Let's go," JC said and headed for the door.

"Not even a hug hello and you beat me. What next?" Bounce said.

"Announcing your seat number and name over the Public Address at the game. Be nice, Bounce," Kersti said. She hugged him quickly and they headed to the game.


They enjoyed the game and were exhausted after the triple over-time. Orlando won which pleased them all and Kevin Garnett had a good game for Minnesota, so Kersti didn't feel to bad to see one of her favorite players lose.

"See ya tomorrow, man. Bye, Kersti," Justin said as he climbed into his M Class.

"Bye, Bounce. Miss me bunches," Kersti said.

"Come on. Let's go to bed," JC said as he headed to the door.

"Actually, I'm gonna head home. You have a big day tomorrow and need to sleep, which you do better without me," Kersti said as she looked for her keys in her purse.

"Sweets, no I don't," JC said as he stepped close to her and began kissing her.

"Ya see! If I go up there, we'll fuck and use the last of your energy. Then you will sleep, but it won't be restful because you are already tired and we haven't fucked yet. I'm going to go home tonight. You need to rest."

"First, what's up with this FUCKING business? Isn't there emotion involved when we're together?" JC asked.

"Yes, so we'll have sex. Point taken," Kersti replied as she watched his face carefully.

"Second, I sleep better when I hold you because I don't worry about you," JC said rather softly.

"There's no need to worry about me. I'm a grown woman. I take care of myself when you're not here and am quite capable of doing it when you are here."

"Yes, I'm very well aware of your independence. That's one of the many things that attract me to you. Third, I leave the day after tomorrow and want to be with you as much as possible. Sweets, I miss you," he said with a generous amount of sadness in his eyes.

"I miss you, too, but you need to rest for tomorrow," she said softly.

"Can I hold you? Is that energy-saving enough?" JC asked as he held both of her hands.

"Yes," she whispered.


They were lying in bed holding one another close and JC's breathing had slowed. Kersti thought he was asleep and allowed herself to whisper her thoughts.

"I didn't realize it would get harder to let you go EACH time. You enjoy your work and I try to be supportive, but it still hurts. It's like all we ever have time for is hello, make love, and good-bye, but you have completely taken over my heart. I'm not sure exactly when, but I fell in love with you," she said softly and allowed a single tear to fall.

"Sweets?" JC started.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" she said and wiped her eyes without looking at him.

"I wasn't asleep yet. Actually, I was thinking about leaving you. It hurts me to hurt you, but I was a member of NSYNC before you..."

"I know and I'll never ask you to give up your music or the guys," she interrupted. "I love them, too. Basically, I was just thinking out loud."

"I know, Sweets," he started. He took a deep breath and continued, "Look at me. Don't cry. I fell in love with you the first time you made me laugh."

"Really?" she asked as she locked eyes with him.

"Absolutely. By the way," he said and began singing 'I'll Make Love to You'.

"JC, you need to rest," she said a little motherly.

"No, I need to make love to the woman I love. 'Girl relax, let's go slow. I ain't got nowhere to go. Just gonna concentrate on you. Girl are you ready? It's gonna be a long night'," he sang. JC made sweet, passionate love to her after finishing one of her most favorite songs. He held her close as they drifted off to sleep.

"Sweets, I love you."

"I love you, too. Sweet dreams," Kersti said with a huge grin as she snuggled closer to HER man.


Kersti woke the next morning at 7. She smiled when she felt JC still holding her tight. She yawned and snuggled closer just enjoying being close to him.

"Penny for your thoughts," JC said.

"Nah! Nickel for your kiss," Kersti said and kissed him. They continued for several minutes and were both out of breath when they finished.

"Sweets?" JC asked as he pinned her and began kissing his way to her ear.

"JC, don't," she only half-protested.

"Will you meet me in New York? I'd like to hear you cheering for me and want to share my hotel room with you," JC said into her ear. The feel of his breath on her was making her very aroused.

"Yes, but I'll be cheering for your sooner than that if you don't stop," Kersti said.

"Really?" JC asked as he pushed her hair up so he had further access to her neck. His other hand was caressing her stomach. Kersti sighed and ran her hands up the sides of his body. He laughed.

"That tickle?" she asked and did it again. JC stopped his attack on her ear and looked at her. Kersti was expecting him to shift his body between her legs, but instead he kissed her to distract her as he lowered his hand down her body.

"Does this tickle?" JC asked as he ran his finger over her clit. There was a slight catch in her breath and a low moan followed.

"No," she answered and licked her lips in anticipation.

"Guess I'll stop then. You want coffee?" JC asked as he got out of the bed and took the sheet with him.

"JC?!" Kersti said as she sat up and hugged her knees.

"You'd rather have juice? I think there's some apple. I'll check."

"Stop!" He did. "Turn around." He did. "Come here. I'm not ready for breakfast and neither are you," she said and gestured to his bulge.

"I'll just take care of that in the shower after a little coffee. Coffee or juice?" he asked.

"Nothing for me, thanks. I'll be sure to leave you some cold water," she said and entered the bathroom. She locked the door and took a shower. As she washed, she felt her own wetness, but used all the self-control she had to pull away. She finished and dressed. Kersti smirked to herself as she gathered her clothes. She knew he had a lot to do today, but would catch up with her later. Her face broke into a huge smile when she thought of what she could do to him tonight.


JC was sitting on a stool at the counter sipping his coffee and reading the sports section. She took his mug and took a sip. Before he could even touch her, Kersti headed out of the kitchen and to the door.

"See ya! Have fun and miss me bunches," she said as she opened the door.

"Bye!," JC grinned as he thought about that night.


JC finished rehearsal and was doing the last interview scheduled with the guys.

"One last question: Are you still single?" the reporter asked. As the others shifted in their seats, JC answered.

"My heart has been stolen. She's great, right guys?" JC asked.

"She's nice, but my Jessie is more CK suited," CK replied.

"The rest of us are still single, but dating," Poof answered.

The reporter looked a little shocked at JC's and CK's answers. They politely thanked her for her time and left.

"Jessie will probably kill me, but I think I'll enjoy it," CK said once they were in the limo.

"How will Kersti react?" Poof asked.

"I have no idea," JC replied.

They chatted about their up-coming tour for the rest of the ride.


Kersti was touching up her light make-up when the doorbell rang. She slowly opened the door to reveal JC gorgeously dressed in a gray suit. He looked so good and the blue shirt accentuated his eyes magnificently.

"Hi, Handsome," Kersti said.

"Wow! You look .....lovely," JC said as he stepped in, never taking his eyes off of her. "Can I take you to dinner?"

"I could eat. Actually, I've already made arrangements for us and you are dressed perfectly," she grinned.

Kersti looked at JC and playfully did Joey's lip trick. Immediately, JC took her in his arms and kissed her sweetly. She stood on her tip-toes and deepened the kiss.

"How was your day?" she asked.

"Good, but I told a reporter that I have a girlfriend. Are you okay with that?" JC asked as he watched her face carefully.

"Girlfriend? Is this the woman you were dreaming of the other day?" she teased.

"Yes, but she's real and I'm holding her in my arms," JC said very seriously.

"If your comfortable telling people about us, then I'm glad. I love you and I want the world to know."

"I love you, too," JC said and bent to kiss her. They continued for a few minutes and both smiled.

"We need to go. Do you mind driving?" she asked, but didn't wait for his reply. She took his hand and led him to the door.

"Sweets, you should wear your hair down more often. It looks great."


JC followed Kersti's navigation and they arrived at their location. She took his hand and led him to a gazebo lit with white lights with a table for two in the center. They took their seats and a waiter appeared to serve their meal. They ate salad, lamb in a delicious mint sauce, and chocolate mousse for dessert.

"JC, I need to tell you something," Kersti started.

"OK, what is it?" JC asked and watched her as he sipped his coffee.

"I want babies. Several babies and I want them with you," Kersti said quickly and waited for his reaction. He just smiled his wonderful smile, revealing nothing. "What do you think?"

"I think I love you even more. I hope they have your determination and eyes," JC said softly and leaned forward.

"Really? Well, I hope they have your smile, charisma, and musical gift."

"When should we start?" JC asked after they'd shared a few kisses.

"How about tonight?" Kersti said playfully.

"We could fly to Las Vegas, get married and start our family on the way home," JC proposed. Kersti was a little shocked, but they both knew what they wanted. Neither were huge risk takers, but this wasn't a risk to them.

"OK. Who should we take with us to be witnesses?" Kersti asked as they headed back to the Jeep holding hands excitedly.

"Jessie and CK. You call and I'll drive."

JC started the Jeep and Kersti dialed the phone. She told Jessie their plan and smiled when they agreed.

"OK, we're on the way to pick you up now. See ya in a few."

They kissed at the stoplight.

"I love you," JC said as he started into the intersection once the light turned green.

"I love you, too."

There was a loud honk and then a bone-crushing crash. JC's head hit the window several times and he felt immediate pain in his right arm. It was snapped in half and his knee hurt, too.

He looked over to see Kersti. She was bleeding heavily from her head and was suspended in mid-air by her seat-belt. He realized they'd flipped over and remained upside down. JC called her name, but she didn't respond.

The paramedics arrived and began working on them. They pulled JC from the Jeep after strapping him to a back board and headed to the ambulance.

"Kersti! What about Kersti!? Is she okay? She's coming with us, right?" JC asked as the ambulance drove away.

"They're working on her. Just relax. They'll bring her to the same hospital," one paramedic replied.


CK and Jessie met the other members of NSYNC at the emergency room. Sam, Kersti's roommate, arrived first and called Kersti's parents to tell them. Justin's Mom and Joey's parents soon joined them and informed the others that the Chasez's were on their way from Bowie. They all waited and prayed for news on JC and Kersti.


"No! She can't be! No! We're going to Vegas to get married. We're gonna have a big family," JC cried as he heard the news.

"Sweetheart, she's gone. I'm so sorry," Karen Chasez said as she attempted to console her son as he cried in her arms.


"JC? We need to be going," Poof said as he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. JC nodded his head and Poof left him alone.

JC stood quietly for another 10 minutes. He bent and kissed her headstone. He ran his fingers over the words and read them aloud:

"Daughter, Friend, Lover, and Precious Sweets. Forever in our hearts. Miss you bunches."

JC allowed one more tear to fall, then stood and headed to the bus.

"We don't have to do this. We can retire," CK said softly to JC.

"No, she'd want us to continue. Besides, Kersti will be watching over us as we go. How's Jessie?"

"She's settled inside and loving being pregnant. We'd like to name her Kersti, if you don't mind and we'd also like you to be her God-father," CK said.

"I'd like that," JC replied and held the famous JC bear as the bus pulled away. "Miss you bunches," he whispered as they exited the cemetery.