Your Turn

By: Amanda©2000

"Jennifer is such a dork! Look at what she's wearing, can you say ugly." Alicia said to her friends, as Jennifer walked by, just loud enough for her to hear.

Jennifer just kept walking. She desperately wanted to sit at the 'cool' table with all the popular people. Chris Kirkpatrick, Alicia Jones, Miranda Mitchell, and Josh Knowlens. She desperately wanted to be Alicia, Chris' girlfriend. She vowed right then to get them all back. For everything they've done to her, to her friends, to everyone.

That was four years ago. Jennifer was now getting out of college. She couldnt forget what happened her senior year of high school. Hell, all throughout school. She would never get over that. Since then she has changed, ALOT! Yes, she wasnt too pretty in school but that has changed very much. She lost alot of weight. She was what you might call a "late devloper". Now she has men flocking to her. But she would never, could never, forget Chris, his eyes, his hair, his body. Then it happened. One day, she got her revenge.

Jennifer sat at the bar, drinking a Bloody Mary, when someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"Yes?" Jennifer said turning around in her chair slowly.

"Hi, My name is Chris. And you are?" He said sitting down beside her.

She immediately recognized him, she smiled. "My name is Jen."

"Could I buy you a drink?" He asked looking her up and down.

Jen un-crossed and crossed her legs, exposing more of her thigh then her leather skirt already did. When Chris saw this he almost went crazy. She chuckled, "No thanks I have something but thank you for offering."

"No problem. So is there a mister Jen?" Chris asked sipping his drink.


"A boyfriend?"


Chris smiled. "So why are you here alone?"

"Just enjoying my drink." She said holding up her glass.

"Well, thats good."

"Do you wanna get outta here?" Jen asked, standing up.

Chris' mind raced. "Sure."

"My place or yours?" Jen asked getting into her car.

"Mine." Chris said getting into the silver Mustang. The car was very nice. Looked expinsive. Chris gave her directions and they were there in a matter of seconds. Chris watched as she stepped out of the car. He long legs leading up to her small waist leading up to...

"Chris!" Jen said standing on his side of the car. Interrupting his thoughts.

He hurridly open the door and got out and rushed to the entrance of his home. Jen chuckled to herself at his demeanor. "Ladies first." he said stepping out of the way so she could enter.

"Thank you, Chris."

Chris stepped inside, snaked his hands around her waist and kissed her neck softly. 'I could get lost in this.' She thought. 'No! Theres busisness to be done.' She turned around and kissed Chris hard. She could tell by the way he kissed her he was eager. It was also obvious by what she felt as she pushed herself against him. She pulled away. "You ever been tied up?"


"Well theres a first time for everything."

"I guess there is." he said as she licked his bottom lip. She walked into the bathroom and looked into her purse. She pulled out four leather straps. 'I knew I carried these for something.' she laughed to herself. She took off her shirt and shoes leaving her in her bra, underwear and skirt. "Well, well, well, look what we have here." She said as she walked into his bedroom, holding up the leather straps.

Chris laughed nervously. "You just carry those around with you?"

"Yeah," she laughed. "Take off your clothes baby."

Chris smiled as he took off his boxers and got on the bed.

Jen strattled him and tied his hands, and his feet, kissing him along the way. She smiled as she kissed him one last time long and hard. She pulled away breathless and walked back into the bathroom. She put on her shirt and shoes and grabbed her purse. She walked back into Chris' bedroom.

"Where are you going?!?" Chris asked pulling on the straps that held him.

"I'll be back later. Thats all you need to know." She smiled evily and walked out, grabbing the key and locking the door. She returned about three hours later.

Chris heard the door open and immediatley shouted. "Untie me you bitch!!"

"Temper, temper my dear Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick."

"How'd you know my name?"

"Oh God, dont tell me you dont remember!" Chris stared at her blankly. "Remember? Jennifer Allen? Clarion High? Oh, come on. I used to weigh about seventy or eighty pounds more. You and Alicia used to make fun of me all the time."

"Oh my God." It was all falling into place. "" Chris couldnt think straight. "Why?"

"Why? Why? Oh, I know. You were never treated like SHIT all through school were you Chris? No, you were quarterback, prom king, homecoming king. I was treated like total shit by you and your friends all through school Chris. Now its your turn, you get treated like shit." She pulled the small revolver from her purse and pointed it at Chris.

"What the hell are you doing?" Chris said getting scared.

"Im getting my revenge." She said as she looked at him."Look at you, all naked and vulnerable. Just there. Naked." She straddled him. "You know, you're really sexy." she trailed her finger from his neck to his bellybutton. "You know if this were different circumstances I think I'd have to give in to my temptation..." She leaned forward and gently began to kiss his chest and stomach."But since its not, I have to take care of busisness." She said standing up and pointing the gun at him once again.

"Look Jen, you dont have to do this, how long ago was this Jen? Like, four or five years?"

"Its just too bad," she started pacing the room.

"What is?"

"This." she said as she raised the revolver and pulled the trigger.

"Oh my God! What did I do?" She said as reality hit her. She walked to Chris' lifeless body and kissed his forehead. "Im sorry." she sobbed as she raised the revolver to her head, pulled the trigger and fell to the floor.