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More pics of mine..some of which have not been posted on other sites!!!

Here's Kikanoo..Turkey's char!! He just happens to be Kitsume's cousin!! Hmmm..they do look a little alike in some way! :/ His main choice of weapon is not a sword..but instead...a bow and arrow!! He's got soem ahndy techniques with the bow and arrow too!! Quite a champion archer!! This is among my only pic with a background!! It turned out pretty good I think! :)

Demona isn't alone!! She has three loyal bodyguards with her!! Their names are Lestamos (The cheetah), Masamune (The Raccoon), and Quicksilver (The collie). Each fighter has her own choice of weapon!! These weapons are pulled out of their skin!! FREAKY!! 0.0 But nevertheless..when their boss isn't around..they tend to act childish and bicker among one another!! Masamune happens to be the youngest...but it appears the older ones act more immature!! ^_^ I like this pic!! Lotta detail!!

The two comical conmen (ferrets)..Spartacus and Brutus! These two ferrets are thieves who work as partners!! They steal only for their benefit...and it's quite funny when they attempt to do so!! They tend to argue alot with each other.....and their conversations involve funny and wity humor in the them!!! Spartacus (The grey ferret) the smartest and always takes caution when planning his moves!! Brutus (The brown ferret)...rushes into things without hesiatation and is always careless!! A classic duo these two will become!! :D

Another villian of mine..who has temporarily dissappeared!! ARMNIKRON!!!! This vile a large purple beast with long horns!!! He was a champion fighter..until Shen Lo Ken beat him down to size!! Armnikron wanted revenge..and used Coco as his way!! By awakening the sleeping power Coco possesed..she was under his control..and forced her to fight Shen!! But after snapping out of it..she quickly became herself again...and went right for the throat!!! Armnikron was finished..for now!! Another thing about him is..he was a former assassin for the Dark Animal Court!

I think the 'cuteness' bug bit me. >__< I can't beleive some of the stuff I draw sometimes. Weird posessions. :-P Anyways, here's a cute picture of Coco in her PJs. Lying enxt to her is Pura. I figure this is what Coco Bandicoot wears to sleep. note how she looks, half asleep. Looks somewhat weird that way. :-P Oh yeah..Tweety slippers. :-P Well..alotta girls wear those for some reasons. And her flannel PJ bottoms are covered with dogs. Well um..this is jsut how I picture Coco's sleepign wear. Butt hen of coruse, can eb anything right? ;-P

This was done a while back, for a drawing contest for Kiorie. This was my version of Crimson Collie. Actually, it didn't turn out to be the version Kiorie had in mind. :-P But evne so, I was pretty proud of it. I noted how my psoes got a bit better. And Kiorie kidna liekd it too somehwat. ;) Besides, amde it up toh er by giving her the other drawing I amde of Crimson. ;) This one was more of a Xena type than what Kiorie envisioned, but it still kinda looks cool. ^_^

Welp, here's the new and improved Crimson. (Ah..much better. ^_^) And this si the one kiorie liked. ^_^ I finally had a picture of what Crimson Collie looked like, so now it's a much better rendition. :-) And Kiorie liekd it too. YEAH> ^_^ I do my ebst to pelase some of me fans soemtimes. ^_^ So here's what my final version of Crimson Collie looked like. I myself am ahppy with it, and see soem improvement from the last drawing of her. Much better, don't ya think?

Just in time for the holidays. This is a Christmas portrait I drew some time back. It has a few of my friends' Crashcorner chars here, getting ready for the holidays. Decorating the tree is Rexy's gator char, 'Snappy'. Making Christmas cards is Shazi's 'Danni Dingo', and cherie's 'Sarnie'. Note hoe they're enar the family portrait over the fireplace and have the stockings hung by the chimmeny with care. And behind Danni is Kiorie's 'Darwin', holding a present for a certain dingo girl. ;-) Making cookie's is Stormy's 'Sylvia Saluki'; whislt her boyfriend, my char 'Dylan Dingocat', is holding some mistletoe behind his back, hopin' to get his holiday kiss from her.

Outside in the picture, are some of the younger chars of Crashcorner, having fun in the Winter Wonderland. We see, in the background, crashcrazed's chars 'Buzz' the blue roo, and 'Bibly' the brown kangaroo. Both are having a snowball fight, and having fun with it. Building the snowman is Shazi's 'Casey and Yarra'; making a snowbandicoot. ;-) And the aht is being rpesented by Stripe's..'Stripes'. ;-) The little sugar glider presents it on top of the snowman. And below, are my ferret chars, 'Brutus and Spartacus', doing some snowboarding on a small hill.:-) Cool.

This is one of my first fully involved pic; where there are more than one character. It turned out pretty nice, and did have some holiday spirit on it. ;-) Hoplidays are drawing enarer every year, and this pic does remind me of some of the good ones I had. Merry Christmas my friends. :-D