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This here is my third archive. This houses some apst work of mine Still some fo the old stuff, but a bit changed. I decided tracing some of my chars was a better thing to do. I outlined em in black ink. and I have yet to improve.

This here is a minor, but cute, addition to my character profiles. Her name is Sheila Vixen, a fun and sassy girl who has a nsoe for adventure and fun. Sheila wears a braclet, which was given to her by her grandmother. Now, it amy seem strange..but this braclet allows her to remain the same age, forever. O.O In fact...she's sixteen, and she'll stay like that. :-P Strange I know, but at least she's full of fun. she also ahs eyes on Shen's long lsot brother, Fei Wu Ken. And Fei Wu doesn't know she's gonna be sixteen for the rest of ehr life. poor sap. >_<

Shen does have family members, and this is one of them. His name is Fei Wu Ken, and he is Shen's long lost brother. A long time ago, poor Shen thought his brother was gone forever. But miraculously, he came back. Yay. ^_^ And the two are happy to see each other. In fact, Fei Wu also ahd his eyes on the fair and high decibel Sheila vixen. Although he is unaware that she's sixteen for the rest of her life. :p Now, Fei Wu does posess great power, much like his brother, and the twoa re almsot evenly matched. But Fei Wu's over confidence could lead him to trouble. soemtimes he doesn';t know when to accept his defeat, but like all Kens, he enver quits. ;)

Yet another dark presence lurks in Kitsume's bloodline. It is her powerful and highyl evil grandfather, Lord Demonarc. Lord Demoanrc is an evil man, who is absed on filling the world with evil and chaos. Demona wished for his dreams to coem true. Here, in one of my first attempted drawn scenes ever, we see Demona raise that demon amongst demons, Lord Demonarc. As you can see, another old drawing. Demoanrc is actually a bit taller. ;-P But his presence is more than there, and he has plenty of evil to offer. He has become ready to make sure the world bows before him. But not if his other granddaughter, Kitsume, can help it.

Here are some of Demonarc's henchmen that formed his cult. On the left is a grim reaper of soem sort with a wolf skull called, 'The Death Lord'. He is the feaster of souls, and uses his pwoers to collect and devour souls for his liking. That scythe he carries is also a nasty tool as well. On the right is the soul hunter, Dissiphorous. Dissiphorous carries a wicked looking blade with him, which can cut through just about anything. His main hobby, as his title might add, is hunting down souls and collecting them. Not only a favorite past tiem for one as evil as him, but also, adds to his pwoer and skill as the ebst swordsman of Demoanrc's cult.

Demonarc also some pretty lethal femme fatales to add to his gang of unearthly minions. Among them are these three nasty ladies. To the far right is Gabrielle. She is a fallen angel who decided to join the forces of evil. (Her black wing sindicate that.) She amy have a soft voice, but her power and magic makes her a strong fighter. Int he center is the Succubus, a female bandicoot with the power to seduce even the strognest of men. no man can resist ehr charms, and no man has yet to live to resist them again. and to the far left is Delilah. Half of her face was taken away due to her past disobedience. But she si now back, and dabbles with powerful spells in sorcery. She is also ane xpert scientist, performing bizzarre operations and making elthal creations.

Here is Stormy''s beautiful char, Sylvia Saluki. ^_~ Here she is, sitting on a rock, and giving off her friendly smile. ;-) Sylvia is a really smart and friendly girl. She's really a cute char too. ^_~ In the background's her favorite car, a Dodge viper. (It's a real cool car too. ;-)) Sylvia's also dressed in her nice apparel, and wearing that cool headband. Sylvia is created by my girlfriend, Stormy. AKA Twister. She really is a great story writer and artist. This picture here I drew of her char, shows how I really like her. :-) I lvoe ya Stormy. ;-) And Sylvia is one cool gal. :D

This here is Syvlia Saluki's boyfriend, and future husband, Dylan Dingocat. Now um, this pic is WAY old, and Dylan kind alooks scraggy and goofy here. :-P But I gotta show some of my past work to indicate how I improved somewhat. Anywaysa, Dylan loved Sylvia at first sight, even though Sylvia kinda felt on edge with this guy around. :-P Dylan kinda was a loser at first when it came to love; but alter..his feelings became clearer, his attitude more positive, and in the end...the bloke was able to win over the girl of his dreams in the end. :) Dylan will do anything for his love Sylvia. He loves her so, and shows it very greatyl. Guess Dylan turned out to be a good guy after all. ^_^

Crown me fool. ^_^ I decided to do soemthing radical fro a change. What would Shen ahve looked like as a kid? The answer is plain right here. Here is Shen what he looked like as a small boy. Not how he sits, jsut like a kid. :) Believe it or not, he's scheduled to be in a fic of mine. It's where Shen from the past, meets Shen in the future. This is around when Shen has his daughter, Sharon. Sharon is embarassed to see ehr dad as a kid, even tho's she thinks he's kinda cute. Note the red band on Shen's waist. This indicates his ranking he ahd as a kid. I'll bet Shen's really embarassed looking back at his youth. Oh well..least the ladies like him this way. ;)

Now this is the first tiem I attemtped to draw Danni anime style. This si another old pic, and in some instances, Danni Dingo looks both cute and bizarre this way. o.O Read the chart, and see how the moods not only fit the description, but her personality as well. This is what Danni would probably look like in my fics. :-P Scary ain't it? ;) Well there are happy ones, sad one, and surprised ones. You can enver tell which face this girl will wear. Now that my skills are a bit brushed up, she coudl look better now than she does here. But this is Danni, in her anime glory. (Or so it seems.)

I'm still the king of fools. ^_~ And this jsut proves it. As looney as soem of my picturees are, this one can prove to be one of my luniest. IT's Sylvia, catching poor Dylan at a VERY wrong time. Dylan's chjanging, and then..BOOM!! She comes right in to see the guy with his pants down..literally. The poor guy's just standing there embarassed as ever. Sylvia is equally as embarassed. She quickly goes abck out, but Dylan can't help but feel a bit bashful..especially with those goofy boxers of his. ;) Oh well, at least the two will be marrie doen day, then it's no biggie. ;)

What happened to Dylan also happedn to Lestamos. Apparently, er straps weren't on tight enough. so poor LEstamos suffered great humiliation from her peers, Masamune and Quickilsver. You gotta feel sorry for ehr despite how evil she is. ;-) Well, another old pic, and Lestamos is not happy. Note how ehr tail poofs out. :-P I decided it would look funny that way. Like the Dylan pic, it's a bit of humor tossed in with humiliation. Poor LEstatmos. But can't blame her friends for laughing at her. :-P